@danusty It's an outstanding deal. You get TWO games (each priced at $59) and a $49 pro controller. The only thing this deal is missing is a customized skin on the console itself.
I read all this yesterday else where. It's interesting how GameSpot puts bigger emphasis on the bad than the good.
The good is: The Wii U is selling.
The bad is: It's not selling as much as Nintendo had hoped, resulting in slashed forcasts.
But for all you trolls out there trying to sound Nintendo's death-bell, know this: Nintendo did report $160 million in net income for the past nine months, which is certainly better than the $530 million loss posted by the company over the same period the previous year.
All three consoles are now offering things that I want (which is GREAT). None of them are quite a quantum leap from eachother and they're all hovering around the same kind of GPU specs, so regardless who your favorite company is, we're all getting something good!
I think this will be one of the best ever generations for console gaming in a long time if developers can stop going bankrupt all over the place.
@queuing_for_PS4 With the exception of manual installs (which I am totally FINE with), you're wrong. Period. P-E-R-I-O-D.
Dated launch titles? You mean like CoD Black Ops 2? Or AC 3? Tell me when those games launched again for the other systems. And what about Arkham City? Yeah, that one is older, but it's completely superior to the other two versions (as is CoD).
Online experiences? Don't even TRY to tell me that PSN or XBL is anywhere NEAR as good as Miiverse, cuz it isn't. I'm on all three and I can personally vouch for this one. You're bashing on it now, but when Microsoft and Sony copy this format (and trust me, they will) I'm willing to bet you're going to be here going on and on how much you LOVE IT for one of the other two consoles. So shut up.
As for the manual installs, I'm fine with them. I'm also fine with the extra 6 seconds of loading time for the systems OS (yawn). Obviously you don't own the system or you would know all this about it already.
I'll say this for you though: You're awfully good at hurling Fail-Bombs. Now go take a REAL Trolling class kid.
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