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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Been playing back when it was only act 1. It's amazing. Of course I loved titan quest and this was made by many of the same devs. I knew it was going to rock before I even bought it.

If you like Diablo2, sacred series 1 and 2, Titan quest, torchlight, poe, you will love this game. If you only like diablo3 , probably not.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@MirkoS77: She had tweets saying such things that the age of consent should be lowered and that people with child porn shouldn't be prosecuted. She also was being investigated by a child advacacy group. But apparently that isn't why she was fired. She admitted as such, she was moonlighting as a cam girl, from what I read.

Do you really blame nintendo from firing someone who was their pr person doing that? They have a family freindly image to maintain. I would of canned her too if I were nintendo.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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No they're not.. The girl defended pedophilia, and was using nintendo products on her midnight job as a ameutar cam porno person (from what I read). She really isn't the type of person nintendo should have as a pr person.

Gamers are not shit!!! unless you are calling yourself that? These SJW's, many millenials on college campuses and most of the game press and mainstream media (and anyone who is still on neogaf who hasn't been banned by the commie mods) that defend or call out things to be "progressive" are horrible though...

Can't stand the bullshit, wish it was the 80s, 90s or 2000s when things weren't so serious, and you could joke around...and gamers all stuck together to fight jack thompson, now some bow down to their queen anita (uggh don't even get me started), while they emasculate themselves, and act like everything is evil and they should all be marxist.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@speak_low: I don't buy it. None of this crap was talked about for the last 3 decades... it has only been since 2013-14 that this shit started being talked about, about when the time the sjws started popping out left and right. It was also about that time that places like neogaf started banning anyone who didn't agree with their insane communist anti-western dogma. Then you start seeing it pop up in universities all accross the country.

Why are all these people offended by things that were always ok and never a problem before. Why does what a character wears or look like even matter. Let the artist decide. What you are describing with the gears 3 beta is a gameplay thing not aesthetics. Which is what betas were always about in the past, not art..

Sorry I just don't like tyranny of the minority... It creates anger animosity and resentment.... Is this just a generational thing? Gen X mentality vs millenials (as a member of gen x, I don't know of anyone in real life who fits into this outrage culture.

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@kozio: @kozioAgreed,.... and now you have a new video from neogafs and sjws Queen Anita and I bet they are all discussing it at that degenerate forum.... So expect more outrage.. It saddens me that that place indoctrinates impressionable youth , along with the politically correct MTV (uggh what happened to the world in the last two years!!!! )

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#6  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Pariah- said:
@Nightflash28 said:


And if they make gameplay / balance changes according to alternatives they already had in mind, whose specter is then pressuring them into submission? And again: do you understand the concept of feedback and why developers hold betas, or are you just happy to hate?

Betas are for testing functionality. Not measuring appropriate levels of social justice.

Gameplay and balance changes are neither here nor there since they have nothing to do with a pose offending reactionaries.

Exactly, betas are for mechanics, and gameplay and netcode, stat balancing, this would never of happend back in the day... i get the feeling that neogaf has crawled into the thread.

Where did all this social justice collectivist bull crap come from anyway? It's a bad bad bad ideology!!!! There should be just "Justice" based on laws... end of story..

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@dxmcat said:


Violence, A-OK. Anything sexual? QQ.

No that's next...just wait. Femfreq and Mcintosh already mirrored Jack Thompson regarding Doom4 .... and jornos were taking their side... I don't get it, feels like bizzaro world. Where did all these freaks come frome? Are all colleges now dens of indoctrination? I haven't gone in over 15 years and it wasn't like that back then.

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#8  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@DocSanchez said:

@mems_1224: why? When people are changing our games why shouldnt we call them out for it? How can it be equally dumb if the first offence is dumb?

Exactly! If we don't fight back who will. Next thing you know there will be no shooters either... because "guns are offensive to the politically correct".... Hell some of the Feminists were calling out doom for this. We fault and won over Jack Thompson regarding censorship... but the devs and espeically hipster game jornalists want to bow down and kiss the feet of all these special snowflake whining sjws... Time for devs, jornos who actually love gaming and fans to grow some balls and call bullshit for what it is!

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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@mems_1224 said:

People mad about an unattractive flat butt in a video game are fucking stupid and people outraged at the outrage are equally dumb.

Don't care about the unatractive ass.. Care about stupid sjws and cultural marxist fools who want to censor art. Also care that too many people in the last two years overuse and scream to the rafters that "everything is sexist, racist, and mysoginistic...blah blah blah... " also can't stand "progressive stack' bullshit, or anything to do with the poisonous super communist left wing ideology.... Its just wrong.

The world needs a reset back to the 1990s and stat! (Hell I'd settle for mid 2000's or hell anytime when people weren't trying to silence and censor people or art because of "muh feels" ...ughh.

You know before 2014, I didn't even know that misogyny was even a word .... my wife didn't either until i told her... stupid bullcrap that gets made up in crazy Vietnam war protesting professors' college classes who hate America....

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@silversix_ said:

i can't even tell if that's a dude or female posing that butt. Good thing it was removed.

haha..... that is true....