@WilliamRLBaker: Tons of wrestlers came out and talked about his use of the "N" word. Come on now.
I still don't think he is racist though. Hogan spent a lot of his time with rappers like birdman and lil wayne so it's not surprising that one person would say the N word.
He didn't say the word with an "a" at the end, he said it with "er" fam, there is a massive difference between how those words are used. Hogan's been a habitual liar his entire life, half his family are like grade A scumbags who were already planning a reality show for their son Nick after he would be out of prison because of the **** up he had with that car accident a few years ago, never mind how generally shady the wrestling business is in general, of which Hogan is a pretty prime player.
If he's not full on racist, he's a diet racist. He even says the words "i'm a little racist"
I grew up a Hulkamaniac, but come on people, the man's character defects aren't exactly subtle or hidden these days.
People aren't allowed to make mistakes or say things in the privacy of their homes? Since 2012 this blame and shame crap is seriously getting annoying. Words are just words. He didn't need to get fired for it, it wasn't said on live tv. He even had a number of black friends sticking up for him.
Now if he said what he said on a live show or something or killed someone, burglarized a house, or started a riot, yeah then I could see the problem.
This pc sjw-neogaf "I need a safe space/trigger warning" bullcrap needs to stop. You say "diet racism" but what about the army of Sjw people hating on all white straight men out there, everyday in the mainstream media, universities and in indoctrination centers called "gender studies" classes, openly at that, and on live tv? Anti-free speech "progressive stack, whiteness-studies and so forth" insanity needs to end.
That isn't even getting into the whole thing on Gawker being illegal scumbags.
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