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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@jg4xchamp said:
@da_illest101 said:
@GoldenElementXL said:

@WilliamRLBaker: Tons of wrestlers came out and talked about his use of the "N" word. Come on now.

I still don't think he is racist though. Hogan spent a lot of his time with rappers like birdman and lil wayne so it's not surprising that one person would say the N word.

He didn't say the word with an "a" at the end, he said it with "er" fam, there is a massive difference between how those words are used. Hogan's been a habitual liar his entire life, half his family are like grade A scumbags who were already planning a reality show for their son Nick after he would be out of prison because of the **** up he had with that car accident a few years ago, never mind how generally shady the wrestling business is in general, of which Hogan is a pretty prime player.

If he's not full on racist, he's a diet racist. He even says the words "i'm a little racist"

I grew up a Hulkamaniac, but come on people, the man's character defects aren't exactly subtle or hidden these days.

People aren't allowed to make mistakes or say things in the privacy of their homes? Since 2012 this blame and shame crap is seriously getting annoying. Words are just words. He didn't need to get fired for it, it wasn't said on live tv. He even had a number of black friends sticking up for him.

Now if he said what he said on a live show or something or killed someone, burglarized a house, or started a riot, yeah then I could see the problem.

This pc sjw-neogaf "I need a safe space/trigger warning" bullcrap needs to stop. You say "diet racism" but what about the army of Sjw people hating on all white straight men out there, everyday in the mainstream media, universities and in indoctrination centers called "gender studies" classes, openly at that, and on live tv? Anti-free speech "progressive stack, whiteness-studies and so forth" insanity needs to end.

That isn't even getting into the whole thing on Gawker being illegal scumbags.

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Great news.... One down 100 to go, now get rid of Buzzfeed, huffpost, salon, and all the other crap-blog-bs lying bs ideology pushing click-bait out there.

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@princessgomez92: yeah it is, don't know why so many on here are bashing the game. Probably the same type who only play multiplayer shooters and not rpgs... although fallout 4 is not much of an rpg it is a great rpg-fps mix.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@SolidTy: haha.. lol that response. Make console gaming great again SolidTy 2016!

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@casharmy: American company that makes everything in china and probably has its tech support in india... so you are basically supporting already rich people who along with google, facebook and twitter support EU censorship and who used to endorse US spying on its citizens... so if that is someones reason for supporting the bone then know you aret not supporting many Americans compared to any other console company.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@loe12k: hmmph...neogaf, most sane people and devs have been banned from that virtue signalling echo chamber radical ideologically biased web forum.

Why would people buy a console thats not next gen when they already own one. Most people besides the super rich dont own a tv over 1080p anyway, that and if you are that fps obsessed the pc is a better bet.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@mems_1224: let me guess you know nothing about professional businesses. I work for a bank who is still on win7 and will be for a long time. 60% of our software is made in house, We even have to use older versions of java for certain apps hosted by other companies. Upgrading all this stuff takes time, money and if its not broke dont fix it.

Hell Nasa and US nuclear silos still use Intel 8088 pcs using cobol language on 8" floppies and its a good thing they do, imahine that shit on buggy software connected to the net so aome script kiddie could hack it.

Plus there are tons of games made before 2005 that i play on pc. I wont upgrade until i know thief, baldurs gate and dues ex works without problem...

So think of thay before you try to be one of those lemmings who say "but its the current year"... ughh.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@hybrenated: Because I am working in front of a computer all day with my career. The last thing I want to do when I get home is sit at my desk. If I do it's to play PC exclusive rpgs, space sims or turn based strategy. Any controller game I will buy for my ps4. As I can sit on my gaming recliner or couch and be comfortable.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@jg4xchamp said:

It's Kojima, I have faith that he'll put his own spin on a lot of things. At face value a lot of Metal Gear Solid V's gameplay has similarities to most open world games, right down to Far Cry's scanning and marking thing. But then you actually play that game, and realize it provides so many more options than any one of these other open world games even pretends to come close to. That and he usually comes up with an enjoyable set of game mechanics, if he's going to choke on something, it'll be the scenario designs or something.

My bigger worry is if he goes back to bombarding me with his cutscenes, because he's a shit writer, he always has been. Metal Gear Solid 3 being good, is like a fluke. A product of self-aware camp that overcomes Kojima's Kojima bullshit.

Some people (myself) love the cut scenes ... just because you don't doesn't mean they aren't loved. I thought every MGS was great with the mix of stealth action and actual story. I felt MGS5 was missing this and it also lacked the comm talking that all other mgs games had. MGS4 had the best cut scenes followed up by MGS3.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Can't upset the "progressive" games media and neogaf's "saint anita", you know there would be complaints of "muh mysogony, muh objectification etc..."... even though in the real world tons of women have large rears and chests... Not saying that is why her bum was shrunk, but it wouldnt surprise me. I dont get why they feel all female game characters have to fit a particular mold.

Anyway, i havent even seen Chloe yet, hell I am still at the prison, as i picked this up at midnight and have been on midea blackout from this and dark souls3. I will say that not watching games media videos has made games so much better on first playthrough. I likr the surprise.

So far uc4 is amazing! Ps4 is quickly starting to.match ps3 in terms of great games library..

Do wr have lems on suicide watch?