Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Douevenlift_bro said:
@Pedro said:
@Douevenlift_bro said:

Yeah, remeber when Sony did that with the PS2 and lost badly? lol cows....

Oh wait

Exactly because this is still the PS2 era....

Oh wait.

Games matter and they always will. Regardless of the gen

What new games does scorpio have ? Oh thats right its almost 2 years away. Prep your butts till then

Whats hypocritical is the lems get all pissy when games are displayed 1 year or more before release but they are fine and start bragging and shitposting over a console that is 2 years away, one that isn't even a new gen hardware and won't really matter for people still on a 1080p set (as said by mr. xbox himself).

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@pelvist said:
@NFJSupreme said:

@pelvist: more games to play on pc. Any issues that arise at first with the platform will be ironed out because Microsoft knows how to handle software. What are the negatives?

Lets forget everything Microsoft have done in the past that is detrimental to PC gaming, killing off PC centric studios and their franchises. Now they want to sell you some XBOX ports on a "universal" platform with their own store where its the only place you can buy and play their games. Games they will be holding to ransom for anyone on the fence about the store which they undoubtedly have planned for a subscription system when they have enough content that their new younger generation/ex console gamers will be happy to pay for - Games with no mod support to make DLC more appealing. Microsoft do not care about PC gamers they want to line their own pockets at the PC gamers expense by using people like you who are easily suckered in with a few over-hyped XBOX games.

A few years from now, Microsoft will have made a mockery of everything that PC gaming stands for with their second attempt at GFWL.

Yep... won't affect me, I don't play any of their games. Last MS games I played were Age of Empires 3, Rise of nations and freelancer, over 15 years ago. They don't make games like that anymore. I play mostly top down rpgs , civ, space sims, and paradox strategy games on pc...which I get on steam.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Messiahbolical- said:

That's cool and all, but I'm happy with my regular PS4. The graphics are plenty good enough. As long as I get the games shown at E3, I'll stay satisfied. I don't even have a 4KTV and I don't see the need when 1080p looks so good still.

That must be why 720p/900pbox owners are so excited for the new console, they need the hardware upgrade more.

Yep this.. I have a wife and two kids and a dog. I don't have the money for that. Who has the money for a new tv, a new $500+ console and new games coming out? Only basement living, trust fund kids or the mega rich can afford that in this economy.

Lets also not forget that the PS4 gets all the Japanese game support. Looking forward to star ocean 5 in two weeks!

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@dynamitecop said:

Does she also need to be a minority and transgender?

I'm getting so absurdly sick of this PC culture, this garbage is getting out of control, everyone feels so entitled to tell everyone what they need to do or the way things need to be instead of just being normal and focusing on their own lives.

They don't need a reason, because frankly it's nobody's fucking business what they do with their game or why they do it.

Ghost Busters is sure looking brilliant...

Right on... I am getting sick of it too. I watch a whole forum (cough neogaf) turn into a cesspit of craziness and anyone who disagrees gets banned and dog piled. It's insane. This stuff started with that Anita character and her so called ex who along with verge and others are now taking up Jack Thompsons stance because of Orlando (which had nothing to do with video games ).

Sorry to go off on a rant but I am so tired of this sjw bullcrap. I am glad there are still normal people on gaming forums here as sometimes it seems the whole world online has gone insane. Identity politics and critical theory are poison and they poison the young..

Bottom line leave our games, tv, books, movies etc.. alone... Make new ones if you want different characters, most of us hold value in the existing and don't want them to change for the loud vocal minority. I have no problem with games with female characters and never had, I don't think any gamer has. We all love laura croft and Samus and I can't wait to play Horizon Zero Dawn (although I did boycott mirrors edge because I refuse to buy a game that the devs get direction from sarkeisan).

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@foxhound_fox: Exactly .... leave link alone. He is a character. If the feminist and sjw troops over at gaf want one female characters so bad there are number of good new ips that have them. Characters that are established need not change. Why do people want to change things that are already established? I don't get it, all it will do is breed resentment.

I have no problem with female characters but don't touch existing ones.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@micmill: Great theory, i was thinking something similar, with the snowy climate and all. Cant wait to find out. Also like the switch in perspective.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@zeeshanhaider: How is it a bad story? History had people in different regions who worshipped different pantheons, its myth and legend. Dont know why you are getting butt hurt about. Know some history, poeple were tribal and still are in many places in the world. No one said mythological gods have borders but they were worshiped by set tribes.

Also where did the border thing come from, I didnt get that from his idea? Nations are supposed to have borders, smaller areas are easier to govern and people in different areas have different traditions and different economies and problems. This is life, not some utopian pie in the sky marxist bullcrap that causes tyranny.

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#8  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Guy_Brohski: most of the people buying for multiplats and cod etc.. are doing so because thats where their friends play. Also price. Most people wont go buying a new 4k tv, most people will buy the cheapest system with the most games. This isnt a new gen not many people besides rich or people in their parents basement will.be buying either system especially if they already own a bone or ps4. Then thers is the fact that both og models will be cheaper too.. wherw most people who dont have a system yet will buy. Why, because if they dont have this gens conaole yet its probably because they cant afford it, otherwise they would own one by now.

Ps4neo and scorpio will be for a loud, rich, minority. Hell many people in the US are underemployed or laid off.. there not going to waste mobey on a $500 console and $600+ tv combo ( if you dont have 4ktv there is no point anyway)

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#9 Midnightshade29
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Does it really matter at this point? This isnt ew gen tech. I predict many arent even going to be buying these unless you live in your parents basement, are single with no life, or super rich.

The prospect of buying a whole new console in the same gen for a few fps and a resolution bump for a television i dont own would be well moronic.

If this was a new gen i could see the power difference mean something. But most console owners dont go in for power, they go in for price. Look at the ps4 launch, that $100 difference was everyrhing. If xbone was $400 at launch and ps4 was $500, this gen would be reversed (and if ms didnt screw over gamers with drm announcments and kinnect)

Then you also have to take into account the people already invested in ps4, more than double the bone. These people arent going to drop all their downloaded games and friends list for a bone ver2 with a few more pixels on the same gen. It would be like snes people shelling out for a genesis with 32x combo...it just is not going to happen besides a small minority of loud rich lemmings.


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#10  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@resevl4rlz: Thats my thought as well. Why would anyone waste their money on an expensive 4k tv when most already have 1080p tvs at large sizes. I know as a father of two kids, a tv like that would never be ok in our budget, let alone another console. Unless you live in your parents basement, dont have a wife/gf/kids, then i cant see many shelling out for a $1000+ tv and $600+ console (scorpio or neo).

Hell i will stick with my ps4, Gaming pc, 3ds and vita until a true next gen machine is out ala PS5... The ps4/xbone are stiol only a bit over 2 years old.