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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

What happened.. Why are certain gamers trying to dismiss whole genres as if they don't exist.

Every time a list of new jrpgs are listed or a game like until dawn (an adventure game) .. They get met with the usual scorne of "they're all crap".

Variety in games lineups should be praised. People have different tastes. PlayStation was deeply rooted in RPGS in the PS1 and PS2 era. PS3 era not so much...til end gen. This influx of different style games niche or not should be celebrated, not dismissed.. Or is all you people want is steroid space shooter number 931?

I will admit, I don't like halo, gears or fable, but I won't deny their existence, I won't deny that there are people that love them... Why are jrpgs and adventure games being treated like they don't exist. Whenever list wars is mentioned, a whole vocal crowd of bro gamres will wave off the genre and say nasty things or racist comments.. It's bullshit.



Why do i even need to make this statement in 2015? Are certain segments so obsessed with halo and gears that anything else doesn't exist to them?

People pulled the same thing with INDIES last year. The ps4 got tons of them and the bone not so much...all of a sudden "Indies are trash. Indies don't exist, blah blah blah... " What age group are these people as they sure act juvenile.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Phazevariance said:
@Legend002 said:

Xbox Onne:

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider good
  • Halo 5 good
  • Gears of Wars Ultimate Edition remaster
  • Forza Motosport 6 good
  • Rare Replay meh
  • Fable Legends meh

PlayStation 4:

  • The Order 1866 meh
  • Bloodborne good
  • Uncharted Collection remaster
  • Persona 5 meh
  • God of War 3 Remastered remaster
  • Godzilla meh
  • Tales of Zestiria meh
  • Disgaea 5 meh
  • Dragon Quest Heroes meh
  • J-Star Victory + meh
  • Onechanbara Z2: Chaos meh
  • Deception IV meh

Based on above, ps4 has one good exclusive, a few remasgered games, and a bunch of crap. X1 has 3 good games, one remaster, and some crap. 3 > 1 so X1 will win.

I don't like Halo series, I don't like Gears, or play Racers, and fable is moba..... Well that leaves me a 2 games.. .Tomb Raider which I will get in a few months on ps4 or pc and well rare games that I don't care about. (played wizards and warriors and such on NES... can play them now anytime i want...which makes it pointless).

So the whole list is gone on the xbone side. This is what lemmings are doing to ps genres...The proof is in this thread and others.

I am sorry you can' t just dimiss games or genres because you only like manly man space shooters. It doesn't work that way. I won't dismiss halo or gears as games, even though I thought they were mediocre boring crap games when I had them on pc... But they are still games and they still count.

Bottom line ps4 has more games, more variety and releases all year long, not just x-mas ( Adults buy games all year long).

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


I brought the same thread and the same list you did a few weeks ago and lems bashed it then too.... by moving goal posts and taking out the entire Adventure, and Jrpg genres...

Hell there were people in thread acting like Until Dawn and the slew of Jrpgs don't even exist.. Madness.

Playstation is and will always be deeply rooted in RPGS. Its the way it's been since ps1. PS1 achieved record dominance because of rpgs. To discount them is silly. I will buy so many jrpgs and until dawn... I guess my purchases don't count for anything huh?


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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
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Since when was Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Suikoden, Persona, etc... from anime? They were born from western ideas... products in the 80s Wizardry (which ironically still exists in japan but not in the states as it died in the 90s here) , and Ultima... Japanese gamers and programers loved these games and copied their ideas but added more fleshed out stories. Hence Dragon Quest was born....then final fantasy.

Those two offered something different than what was in the PC space for rpgs..... and fans of rpgs of the time usually loved both styles. I know I do myself. Now if you are referring to the recent phenomenon of "MOE" with scantly clad underage girls, well.. I will agree on that. I don't buy, support or like those style games. but mainstay jrpgs that were started in the in the mid ot late 80s or 90s don't have them and weren't from anime. Only more recent ones were. I wish more rpgs or 90s style were back and it's why I am so excited for FF7 remake, Star Ocean 5, and Disgaea 5 Persona 5, and even tales of zestria (even though the tales and persona does have a cartoon look its still not moe, and Disgaea has strategy in a quirky humor and love those games and strategy).

I think the problem is you can't lump all jrpgs together, they are different and ones created by different people at different times reflect that.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@ReadingRainbow4 said:

Hell yes, give me more. Japanese developer support is always welcome. Unless you're neptunia, then **** right off.

@nyadc said:
@charizard1605 said:
@nyadc said:

Last I checked I'm not Japanese and I'm not some anime weirdo so I don't really give a shit, have at it.

It's funny, cause so many of the games (and consoles!) you hype are not American, and in fact, Japanese.

Yeah, but the things I like are not some weird Hiroshima/Nagasaki radiation side effect perversion.

That's a rather disgusting comment, but then again not something unexpected of you.

What else can you expect from someone with a Master Chief shrine in their bedroom (pics shown on this very forum)... Nothing against that game, but I really can't stand people who spout racist bullshit... and who dismiss who genres because their console of choice doesn't have em. Funny how last gen some of these same people were proclaiming all sorts of praises for the two jrpg exclusives on xbox (lost odyssey and the bad one blue dragon)... even some liked tales due to vesperia but now they don't count...

Goal post shifting nonsense. All games count, no matter what some of you or I may think of them... even halo, even jrpgs, even if it sucks... it goes on the list....

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@me2002 said:


Disgaea 5 (PS4 exclusive)

Dragon Quest Heroes (PS exclusive)

Persona 5 (PS exclusive)

Tales of Zestiria


2016 and beyond

Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (PS exclusive)

Final Fantasy VII: Remake (Timed PS4 exclusive)

Final Fantasy XV

Kingdom Hearts III

Project Setsuna

NieR 2 (PS4 exclusive)

Star Ocean 5 (PS exclusive)

Tales of Berseria (PS exclusive)

Ys 8 (PS exclusive)

World of Final Fantasy

Level 5 JRPG

Awesome ... I have pointed this out before... and will be buying most of these games :)

but look at all the lemmings and hermits crying "Weeaboo" games...racist pricks... what the hell. Oh right to them this genre doesn't exist.. only genre with big green men or big overly bulky steroid injected men with speakers on their chest armor are exist and for real gamers... gtfo!

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@-God-: not buying the game now... hype deflated preorder cancelled... screw them. We have enough actuon shooters screw u bethesda..

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@jg4xchamp said:

Remasters don't actually bother me, because I can skip them.

It's the lack of interesting exclusives that aren't Bloodborne for this machine from it's launch in 2013 to I'm guessing something actually good in 2016 that is ridiculous. Guilty Gear I could have gotten on my PS3, Resogun is cool, it's not buying a console cool, Infamous sucks, Killzone was average at best, and Little Big Planet 3 is likeable if you like level editors, but the actual playing it part sucks because that series has always had bad mechanics.

2 years= 1 exclusive worth a damn, and apologist excuse is "duh the WiiU and Xbox One suck"...because apparently all the consoles suck is a defense for this.

Next year when this system actually starts getting things like a The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, like a Horizon, that Dreams game I can see being a bit more favorable to the system, as is? Yoshida's department is slacking.

1st party games (or any big budget game) takes time to make. It seems like people like you would rather them rush a game to market than you can complain about it being crap.. Things take time. Just because you didn't like some of the games doesn't mean everyone did. I can say the same thing you just did about all the xbone exclusives (halo, forza, sunset overrdrive) doesn't mean I am right, as I am sure other people like them. Just like there are people who like infamous, drive club, killzone etc..

What you think is "worth a damn" is subjective. Most people in the real world don't care what is exclusive or first party, as most people don't own multiple consoles.

Even going with the "Exclusive" narrative... Sony still has a lot of exclusives for 2015

The OrderBloodborne
MLB the show
Samurai Warriors 4-2
Until Dawn
Dragon Quest Heroes
Persona 5
Disgaea 5
Tales of Zestria
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Tearaway Unfolded
Uncharted Collection
Gow3 remaster

(yes you can play uncharted games on ps3 and mlb the show..but really who cares, and no one with a ps4 will be buying to play them on ps3)

That's a lot of games and I left out indies like axiom verge and rocket league etc.. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean shit. Other people have opinions too.. Like I said I can say halo, gears, forza is all crap... I and I am right for myself, but others like them so it can't be taken at face value.
How is it that Halo 5, Froza 6, and Gears hd can be said to be a bigger lineup than all i listed. It's not and everything is subjective.

For me being able to get dying light, bloodborn, Dragon quest heroes, persona 5, witcher 3, disgaea 5, FFx remake, ff type 0, Tropico 5, Batman, MGS5, Fallout 4, Battlefront 3, Uncharted collection, Until dawn, Divinity original sin redone, Tales of zestria, everyones gone to rapture, Samuari warriors 4-2, new hitman, just cause 3, ac syndicate, etc... is a huge list of games for 2015 and will kill my wallet.

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@nutcrackr: nope

Of course how could they, the disbanded all their past pc devs in the 360 gen. Makers of my fav games.

Ensemble, Aces, Fasa, and freelancer team.

No new Age of empires, rise of nations, freelancer, mech warrior, you know pc exclusives that the Bill Gates era ms made.

Instead you get a ftp console port and a gears 1 port for an HD version , when the pc had this in 2007.

Ms did jack shit for pc gamers.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@TrappedInABox91 said:

MS so far. At least they have stuff coming out this year. Sony's was fun to watch, but it was all flash in the pan. A lot of multiplats, no release dates ect.

I've waiting to see what Nintendo has tomorrow.

Sony has a lot coming out for the rest of the year and they already released 3 exclusives compard to Microsoft having no exclusives until August. First half of 2015 barren.

We already know about until dawn, Dragon Quest heroes, Nathan drake collection. And 3rd party exclusives like persona 5, disgea 5, star ocean 5, samurai warriors 4-2 , are all Japanese games and wouldn't of been as well received at e3 anyway (just look t the comments dismissing these games as nonexistent. and bashing ff7, ec) Release dates for these known games will come, most likely by parris game show or sooner.

Also I would rather have exclusives release throughout he year then all bundled in the holiday, when some of he biggest multiplats hit. Why crowd the time frame. Holidays only really matter if you are little kid that only gets games as gifts. Adults buy games all year round.

Plus Gears remake, Halo 5, and forza were all known about. Xbox originals remake on xbone not that big of deal this far into the gen (at launch sure)

Sony listened and catered to the fans of playstation... Games that we have been wanting for years finally got announced and gameplay shown of new games and exiting games like uncharted look amazing. As much as people around here will complain about the COD map packs ... its a big deal. It was a big deal when MS had them.