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#1  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Desmonic: While i have no problem with same sex marriage... butt sex is not normal and gross...no matter if gay or straight. it's an exit and should stay as such...

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts
@richietickles said:
@Midnightshade29 said:
@JimB said:

@Aljosa23: What ever the intent it has had the reverse affect. Heath care costs have risen more than expected and there are still 30,000,000 people with out health insurance. Good intent bad law.

Exactly, I have a family of 4... only the kids have insurance because of chip. Our total yearly income is under $50k .... barely enough to survive in these days of inflation with payrates never changing.

The cheapest insurance I could get on Obamacare was $500 with a $12,000 deductable for me and my wife. That's insane, and we would have to cut out electricity and some food to even think about paying that extra bill. Let alone the fact that we couldn't save money and if something happens we will be screwed, like needing a new car....

This law sucks and only helps the unemployed and people at poverty level. I couldn't afford insurcane before and can't now.... nothing has changed but I will be penalized for it.

Steps that need to be taken but the chrony capitalists won't let it as they are in bed with special intrest insurance cos.:

1. Limited Tort insurance - like car insurance that prevents outrageous medical lawsuits. with limited tort car insurance you can only sue for medical expenses thats it. This would bring down rates dramatically

2. Regulating hospitals and dr.s and pharmacetuical companys from charging insane rates. There is no reason a aspirin at a Hospital cost $100 or a 1 night stay in a room $2000.

Other options - make it so everyone pays a small tax no matter what. Give everyone governement healthcare but still offer private for the people that want it... you have to pay the small tax anyway. With everyone paying the price would go down. With the government in control of it, and made not for profit there would be no need for point 1 and 2.

Pipe dream and people like me will continue to suffer. Only the rich or super poor will be helped....goodbye middle class.

Government healthcare is available, it's called Medicaid.

Only to disabled and unemployed or wellfare reciepeints... not to working familys. It cost way to much to live a decent life.. with kids. Middle class == screwed. Again only rich and poor benefit.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@JimB said:

@Aljosa23: What ever the intent it has had the reverse affect. Heath care costs have risen more than expected and there are still 30,000,000 people with out health insurance. Good intent bad law.

Exactly, I have a family of 4... only the kids have insurance because of chip. Our total yearly income is under $50k .... barely enough to survive in these days of inflation with payrates never changing.

The cheapest insurance I could get on Obamacare was $500 with a $12,000 deductable for me and my wife. That's insane, and we would have to cut out electricity and some food to even think about paying that extra bill. Let alone the fact that we couldn't save money and if something happens we will be screwed, like needing a new car....

This law sucks and only helps the unemployed and people at poverty level. I couldn't afford insurcane before and can't now.... nothing has changed but I will be penalized for it.

Steps that need to be taken but the chrony capitalists won't let it as they are in bed with special intrest insurance cos.:

1. Limited Tort insurance - like car insurance that prevents outrageous medical lawsuits. with limited tort car insurance you can only sue for medical expenses thats it. This would bring down rates dramatically

2. Regulating hospitals and dr.s and pharmacetuical companys from charging insane rates. There is no reason a aspirin at a Hospital cost $100 or a 1 night stay in a room $2000.

Other options - make it so everyone pays a small tax no matter what. Give everyone governement healthcare but still offer private for the people that want it... you have to pay the small tax anyway. With everyone paying the price would go down. With the government in control of it, and made not for profit there would be no need for point 1 and 2.

Pipe dream and people like me will continue to suffer. Only the rich or super poor will be helped....goodbye middle class.

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@lostrib said:
@playharderfool said:

the PS3 sales make me butthurt

Tales of Graces f Knight Edition – $16.50

Tales of Xillia – $9.00

Tales of Xillia 2 – $14.00

why can't sony just have all PS3 PSN titles available on the PS4 store :(

If only the PS4 had backwards compatibility...

Or I don't know .... don't sell your consoles. I still have all mine, and a backlog of 40+ games on PS3 and tons on PS2, PS1, and I won't even get to retro consoles.... but I save it all and don't trade in old games. Love having a colleciton that I can play at anytime. Do the same with handhelds and PC.

Only console I have "trade in" was the wii -because I bought it when i was drunk after playing at a friends house, Worse impulse buy ever. It's fun lasted a few weeks and neglected for months.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@commonfate said:

Fate/Extra and Tales of Hearts R are terrible.


Hearts R is great.. don't know what you are smoking. Like it much better than Xillia.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@lostrib: Way to read into something that was not implied. My whole beef is with SJWs in general. The post you commented on was in regard to pedophiles and bestiality. Two things which are wrong and i could see some sjws calling them "prosecuted" and "needing help". Some things are just wrong, some more than others. As I tend to see them make a big deal about everything , ultra political correctness/ cultural Marxism.

While I don't agree with same sex mating, I don't hold it against people, and still respect them as individuals and on equal footing. I just don't want to know about their sexuality or have it displayed around like its the norm. It's not and its really against the laws of nature. Just my opinion and I shouldn't be labeled for thinking that way.

Like I said I have no dislike for people of that sexualtiy and have an aunt on my wife's side of the family. She is a great person and I respect her and her partner. Now I don't agree with the concept, and don't think it should be spread around like its the norm, but if that is who you are and you are a good person, so be it, none of my business what they do under the covers. Does that make me "a bigot?" I don't think so., but it does to most sjws to the point where discussion can't even be had.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and my beef is with the suppressing of speech and opposing viewpoints. Something that happens on neogaf all the time, where you are left with a hive mind/hug box of circle jerks...in other the word the same post over and over again just agreeing with each other with no actual conversation or discussion.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@DocSanchez: common sjw - neogaf reply to anything with an opposing view.

"Anyone who disagree s with liberal sjws are mysoginistic bigots and need to be banned"

Why are leftists so afraid of discussion and want to label all the time. I'm not saying anything against homosexuals or the like, just want both sides to be heard and not labeld.

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#9 Midnightshade29
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I own every PlayStation system and they have never let me down. Its the influx of 3rd party support and Jrpgs that have been the most compelling reasons along with 1st party titles that are more aimed at an older gamer. I outgrew Mario when I was a kif in the 80s, and halo has always been a poor mans quake or tribes game to me.

I also own a 3ds(and vita), and a Wii last gen so am not against getting other consoles.

As for PC gaming, I have been doing it since the 80s with a apple iic and then a 4 color CGA IBM PC.

And still love my PC gaming, I just don't buy console ports on it anymore. Gen 6 I did as those systems were so far removed from the greatness that was PC in the late 90s to 2007.

I don't have brand loyalty but I am against all that MS stands for with console. The whole purging of all PC devs really did it for me, I loved age of empires, freelancer, black and white, and mech warrior... All those teams destroyed or dispersed to make 360 games. Top that with pushing pay to play online on PC. The only reason I am OK with Sony doing paywall mp is due to plus offering so much and its cheaper than live.

Xbox original I thought was a great console but I owned everything on PC, then they killed it 4 years after release and killed the studios... I've been against ms ever since (after gates left). Hell if Sega still made consoles I may even have one of theirs, it would all depend on jrpg support and good 3rd party and games comparable to the last of us. If you can't provide that, I get it know PS consoles will have it.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Storm_Marine said:

Last gen, Naughty Dog made:

Uncharted: Metacritic 88

Uncharted 2: Metacritic 96

Uncharted 3: Metacritic 92

The Last of Us: Metacritic 95

Last gen, Remedy made:

Alan Wake: Metacritic 83

Death Rally: Metacritic 62


And that's a wrap.