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#1 Midnightshade29
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When you see that behavior in animals, it's usually not for the reasons you think. It's to display dominance or ownership. As someone who frequents the dog park daily and volunteers at rescues... I see it all the time. Hell most of the time their genitals aren't even touching or extended.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@-God- said:

Please keep this out of video games. It is not natural. What next, pedophilia and beastiality in games?

You know those gaffers and sjws would love that... "got to include everybody".... :(

Why is sexuality even part of games that don't need it. A lot of these games make it feel shoehorned in. Unless the story revolves around specific characters having relationships... there is no point. I hated it in every Dragon Age game, as it felt so forced.

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


I could care less about this. What sucks is that its divided into different games ala pokemon / starcraft 2... ewww...

I am happy that this type of discussions is tolerated on System Wars. If this was GAF you would get banned if you borught up any opinion or belief that doesn't toe the ultra leftist sjw extremist rhetoric agenda....

It's sickening how those people on that site can't even stand to have an actual discussion and people are too afraid to say anything differnet. Most posts that are controversial become a hive mind of repeating the same thing over and over again. They are the anti proponate of free speech.

Which makes it refreshing that here we can actually have a discussion... Props for free speech and not censoring .. can't stand censoring and agenda pushing forums.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
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Not getting my hopes up. Every year I hope good stuff comes from TGS and 9x out of 10 it either sucks or its great games .... THAT DON'T COME OUT OVER HERE... so I care not.. (ok I do care but it sucks...localize that shit!! I wanted Phantasy Star On vita, Valkyria chronicles 3 and God Eater etc... and damn SEGA wouldn't even bother. Hell at this point I could go for subtitles)

If TGS actually delivers I will be surprised. Don't know what has you all believing this year will be any different.

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@freedomfreak said:

@Shewgenja: What's Sony been doing since Bloodborne? And what have they lined up? Proper exclusives. Hell, last year they ended with lack-of-content-club.

Funniest thing I see people whine about when it comes to these consoles' lineup. They both fail to consistently deliver exclusives throughout the year. It's not just Microsoft. It's not just Sony.

So, please. Stop being such a drama queen.

First of all whats up with the avy. I hope you lost a bet or something, that anti-games person speaks ill of every game and never praises the games that actually do have women as leads (and there have been a bunch but you will never hear that from her.. ) and has a boyfriend who is worse than jack thompson...

Secondly.... PS4 has a lot of games for 2015... don't be like the lemmos who say genre x,y, and z don't exist because it doesn't suit my xbox agenda..

2015 ps4:

The Order


MLB The Show

Persona 5

Disgea 5

Dragon Quest Heroes

Tomorrow Children


Everybody's gone to rapture

Uncharted Collection

Until Dawn

Samurai Warriors 4-2

Jpop stars (or something like that)

Possibly no mans sky

Seems like a lot to me... plus you have the multiplats. How many games can one person buy in the fall? I have kids and a wife to buy for. My gaming purchases get done more in the Spring and Summer. I have to get fallout 4, Just cause 3, Battlefront, MGS5, Batman, (and a few I am forgetting)., to go along with Dragon QuestH, Tomorrow Children, Rime, Everyones gone to rapture, Persona 5, Disgaea 5, Until Dawn, Samuari warriors 4-2, Uncharted col.

Don't have time for more games in the fall. Just because sony doesn't have an overrated halo doesn't mean the other games don't count. All games count! Lemmos just don't want to admit it.

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#6  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Shewgenja said:
@freedomfreak said:

You will really show them. Fight the good fight.

Well, let's look at it another way. If MS or any console maker, for that matter, think it's okay to have a blackout on games for the greater part of a year, they should be called out for it. You know who's in the wrong here? So much so that they are doing their own fanbase a disservice? People proclaiming an entire year as a victory for the XBone even though they haven't had a major exclusive well into June or even July.

It's a painfully bad narrative, and it ends now.

xboners are unemployed children... they can only get their games for x-mas what do you expect :P

They way they act this must be true, or they would be really upset that there wasn't anything for them for 3/4 of the year. (Multiplats do count though so there is that, to bad they seem to think those don't count on ps4 for some reason).

I also find it hysterical how they ignore whole genres of games coming out to ps4... (which has more fall 2015 exclusives than xb1) ... yet they will either ignore or say "those games suck" like there opinion matters and no one elses does... Its messed up.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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Well the difference is three-fold.

1. Tomb Raider has always been on playstation. The fans were upset and rightly so imo. (it would be like if Mass Effect or Gears was announced Playstation exclusive lemmings would riot, even thought the game is a mult-plat now)

2. It was announced multiplatform originally weeks before e3 and then at the conference ms pulls crap like that.

3. It wasn't made clear if it was timed or not at first. MS was being deliberately vague.

Final Fantasy VII is synonymous with playstation. Playstation fans have been begging for this for years. Sony helped published the original ff7 in the north america.

And finally Lemmings hate JRPGS or FF7.... REad any thread about them in system wars and you will see semi-racists comments "weeaboo crap...blah blah blah".... SO guess what they don't deserve the greatness.

Some even go as far as to say the whole genre doesn't exist or count as games.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@ni6htmare01: nothing wrong with having multiple Consoles hooked up. My gaming setup is in my man cave, I have a ps4, ps3, hooked up to a 60" tv and a hook up retro cobsoles when I want to play them. I am not getting rid of my collection of games so it's a moot point for me.

Would it be nice to have on the ps4, sure, is it necessary no, will it jappen, no because of the nightmare called cell. I'd rather have devs work on new tech for new games and remaster old gems with better graphics and features.

Now ps1 and ps2 on ps4, I would want that alot, and to be able to buy ps2 games on psn for ps4.

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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@sHaDyCuBe321 said:

@nyadc: I teach 4th graders and honestly you couldn't be more far off base in this regards. Kids these days LOVE Star Wars.

And how are 4th graders on halo. I have a feeling that series has lost it's luster to kids (at least my son never hears about it, of course we don't own xbox consoles) .

Star wars is massive for kids, they had the animated series and Toys R us is loaded with figures , toys, tie-ins etc... More than when I was a kid in late 70s and early 80s.. .that is saying a lot as it was big back then.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@nyadc said:
@cainetao11 said:
@nyadc said:
@Salt_The_Fries said:

PlayStation maniacal fanatics will be buying this game like crazy and people will buy PS4s for this game regardless.

I doubt it heavily and I really don't think this game is going to do THAT great. This isn't the late 90's and early 00's, Star Wars isn't popular anymore, kids these days don't even know what it is, they didn't grow up with it.

You are aware the new Star Wars movie hits not long after the game, right. Many are anticipating it.

The generation that is growing up with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the target demographic of 13-15 year olds, the largest group to likely get them, has no relevant reference of Star Wars in their lives. The last Star Wars movie was over a decade ago and that was the final film in the new horrible trilogy, Star Wars just isn't relevant to these kids, they don't care about it. A new one coming out is anticipated by us late 20's+ users, we grew up with Han Solo and Darth Vader, we grew up when Star Wars was iconic and still a global phenomenon, that just isn't present reality anymore.

Funny where were you lemmings when Star Wars Kinnect released and sold to millions of kids.. One of the worst franchise games to grace existance... but you guys praised it. Something tells me you are salty this game is releasing near halo and may steal it's thunder.

Kids and adults love star wars. Parents who grew up with it in the 80s (llke me) get their kids involved. It becomes generation gap spanning. It's a good thing, and millions are hyped...well besides bitter people on this thread.

oh yeah the average gamer age is 35!