@freedomfreak said:
@Shewgenja: What's Sony been doing since Bloodborne? And what have they lined up? Proper exclusives. Hell, last year they ended with lack-of-content-club.
Funniest thing I see people whine about when it comes to these consoles' lineup. They both fail to consistently deliver exclusives throughout the year. It's not just Microsoft. It's not just Sony.
So, please. Stop being such a drama queen.
First of all whats up with the avy. I hope you lost a bet or something, that anti-games person speaks ill of every game and never praises the games that actually do have women as leads (and there have been a bunch but you will never hear that from her.. ) and has a boyfriend who is worse than jack thompson...
Secondly.... PS4 has a lot of games for 2015... don't be like the lemmos who say genre x,y, and z don't exist because it doesn't suit my xbox agenda..
2015 ps4:
The Order
MLB The Show
Persona 5
Disgea 5
Dragon Quest Heroes
Tomorrow Children
Everybody's gone to rapture
Uncharted Collection
Until Dawn
Samurai Warriors 4-2
Jpop stars (or something like that)
Possibly no mans sky
Seems like a lot to me... plus you have the multiplats. How many games can one person buy in the fall? I have kids and a wife to buy for. My gaming purchases get done more in the Spring and Summer. I have to get fallout 4, Just cause 3, Battlefront, MGS5, Batman, (and a few I am forgetting)., to go along with Dragon QuestH, Tomorrow Children, Rime, Everyones gone to rapture, Persona 5, Disgaea 5, Until Dawn, Samuari warriors 4-2, Uncharted col.
Don't have time for more games in the fall. Just because sony doesn't have an overrated halo doesn't mean the other games don't count. All games count! Lemmos just don't want to admit it.
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