@PSP107 said:
Damn how long ago was these events? Getting stab 3 times and then getting hit with a bat should leave some lifetime scars.
You pointed out that blacks were motivated by them hating whites but can you explain what the Puerto Ricans did to stabbed you 3x.
What were you doing in those neighborhoods?
What was the aftermath of those events?
When I was 17 (it was 1997) I was coming home with a friend from South Street, Philly , and to get home I decided to take a short cut - 5th street, probably a stupid thing to do at 12:00am. Next thing you know three guys started driving beside my car and said to pull over that they were cops. I said no way and kept driving. They followed and I sped up, running red lights etc... They persisted. I made a stupid decision and tried loosing them in a side street (should of stayed on the main road, 5th street).
Next thing you know they rammed my car and I hit a parked car, we hit the wind shield and were temporarily stunned. My face was all bloody. Then a guy was on both sides of the car, one busted through the window and un-latched the door. and said: "Give us all your money, or he gets it" -- Meaning me. I wasn't even out of the car yet. My friend gave him everything he had. And searched my pockets too as I had a 6" bowie knife held to me. Then they said where is the rest. And we said there wasn't anything else. Then Bam -. 3 stabs to the chest. One in the gut, one in the left breast (came 1/8" from my heart) and then one to the side. Luckily someone called the police and they scattered. I was rushed to the hospital in a black woman's cop car, no ambulance to temple hospital, and spent a few days there before ambulanced closer to my hometown.
Afterwards and 3 months on percoet I was pissed off, and bitter. But got over it and moved on.
The next incident happened 10 years later. I had a girlfriend who was hooked on pills and couldn't get any. She went to the Kennsington area to find some. I found out and quickly drove to make sure she was ok, (after that I broke up with her, but for many reasons). I got there and was walking down the main street (kennsington Ave, near Tiago and Allegheny, talk about a war zone looking place. A car was on fire on the side of the road and no one flinched. It reminded me of Gotham city. )
I parked my car and walked the street. and passed a 7-11, and next thing you know some black guy hit me in the back of the head with a bat and I fell to the ground. While the other 2 kicked me with their boots. All the while saying things about my race that I don't want to repeat.
Ironically, a black woman called for help, and a black kid helped me find my bearings and my glasses. I was damn thankful for that.
Whats messed up is that the paramedics and cops were not phazed, like this is a normal everyday occurrence. Hell they wanted to take me to the hospital 4 miles deeper into the area. I refused and drove myself home. No way was I going to leave my car on that street and have to walk back to it (or pay an insane rate for a taxi, and I didn't have money on me).
Yeah I avoid Philadelphia like the plague, I do have some hatred, not for any race, but for people who randomly pick people off the street and rob or hurt them. I have a number of black friends and they think that is messed up too. I live in a town that is pretty diverse but we all get along, but in that city (of brotherly love lol) it's like a warzone.
I have three prominent scars on my chest from the wounds and staples and 2 on my head, one on my eyebrow. Luckily the ones on my head are hidden by hair and my eyebrow one I actually like.
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