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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Ghost120x said:

Some may laugh but I think SFV will flop. Three reasons:

1. Capcom and Sony are hungry for money so they will try to suck every bit of $$ they can with micro transactions. (See: SF4 and Uncharted 3) This will hurt scores as reviewers are trying to act like they are for the gamer now.

2. Traditionalist fans may not prefer the new mechanics because they help "noobs." Many purists didn't like alpha and just want a good balanced SF and nothing new. They just want it to be like Madden and come out every year with no changes.

3. The recent Sony Curse. All the big games they have bet on have been flops imo. Games like Destiny, Asscreed and Watchdogs have been flops and under Sony finger tips.

While I won't argue about Street Fighter, I never liked the series (except the PSP alpha 3 game as it was loaded with characters and modes), I will call bull on your point 3.

- What Sony curse? Destiny sold gangbusters and is one of the most played games since release. millions of fans are anxiously awaiting the new content.

-Assassins Creed - Black flag was marketing deal for PS4 during launch and it was wonderful, and was 1080p on ps4, and got universal praise. ASScreed Unity was fronted by Microsoft. It was broken on release with such issues as frame drops on the ps4 (ironic since it was fronted by ms this time). One of the only games to have better fps on bone How could you forget the infamous "AC Unity xbone bundle" that had to get a $100 price drop and 2 free games to sell. Sony didn't touch AC last year. This year they are, and it looks like AC is back on track to being good again. (seems like every other AC game is great).

- Watchdogs was mediocre but it was a launch game and like dead rising 3, killzone and ryse was bought for the promise.. it was underwhelming but not a failure at all.

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@ladyblue: Haven't seen you on these boards for a while. Where'd you go? Oh and how are you doing colored text . There is no color picker when posting and no way to do html/css on posts (that i see).

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#3 Midnightshade29
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Didn't even know it existed. Can't blame for that. Hell I would of picked that up a few years ago... to bad my wii controller is busted, and my kids lost the other when they were younger..... Looks fun.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Thanks for the info. Didn't even know this was announced (or godzilla and god of war remaster either). Unfortunatly my game budget is set for the rest of the year... the one downside of having a family. :( Gotta save cash for MGS5, Fallout 4, Just cause 3, Battlefront, Ac Snydicate, Disgaea 5, Persona 5, Until Dawn, and probably something I am forgetting. Oh and just got DMC4 special ed, witcher 3 and batman, plus bloodborne and farcry4 to still finish.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@Mozelleple112 said:
@Ant_17 said:

Ah , another PC master race thread attacking a console game.

I like Total War Shogun , but i hate 40k so on that note , game is a pass for me

Islam is WAY too low on that chart. Should be closer to Apple IMO.

I was thinking the same thing.

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@mesome713 said:

I think Nintendo could do it, they are smart with their business tactics. If anyone can build a powerful affordable console it would be Nintendo, look at the Gamecube, how they pull that off still to this day amazes me.

The Nintendo/Sony deal went south cause Sony took full control of the rights on the platform, they snuck it into the deal that Nintendo signed. So if Nintendo had made the system Sony would have had all the rights. Nintendo got mad from this shady deal and decided to make their own and get Phillips to make the CD. Sony is evil and Nintendo would like nothing more the to put them in the ground. With the help of Samsung, Nintendo can achieve this, Samsung helped with the Wii :) :)

But they didnt help with the Wii U, Samsung, why have forsaken us? Please help us destroy Sony, we need yall in the console race. Nintendo kicked Sony out of Japan, now its Samsungs turn to kick them out the game. Samsung will reap all the rewards, and Nintendo will finally get the revenge they deserve.

Game On.

You sound bitter and mad.... and totally full of false information....lol. The nintendo playstation was to have both cartridge and Cd rom based tech, Sony would get cuts from cd games and nintendo from carts... it was to be a 50/50 split.... and in the contract... how is that evil.. It was more greedy (or evil as you say) for nintendo to agree and sign on to something then double cross Sony at a trade show with partnering with phillips. Sony already worked on much of the tech. They were betrayed and that's how kutaragi got permission to make the PS1 and enter the games market... The rest is history.

Why do you take this so personally? It's like you feel hatred for Sony, it's in everyone of your threads...

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@SolidTy said:
@magicalclick said:

I like TR2013, especially it was free on GwG so soon. XD.

Was TR 2013 released for free so soon?

I do have multiple copies of TR, although I'm not a huge fan, here's the dates of the game.

  1. Tomb Raider launched March 2013.
  2. PS+ TR released in March 2014 (for a month).
  3. GWG TR released in March 2015 (for 15 days) this year, a full year after the PS+ freebie.

The GWG TR release earlier this year 2015 seemed pretty late tbh. Maybe it seemed early if you aren't a PS+ subscriber? I have both subs so the late releases of GWG multiplats stand out more.

I am assuming you are talking about the original, but it's worth noting that the PS4 definitive edition was on sale for $15 most of this year (it may still be?) I know i picked it up then.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@GoldenElementXL said:

Why is it that DLC always equals squeezing money out of people and not expanding on the experience? I bet the 16 bit - 32 bit era versions of us would have loved the idea.

What is good for DLC:

DLC is alright in concept and was great when it was actual Expansions, remember the boxed copy additions you bought for pc games. Or actual bukly single player content like the fallout 3 expansions, elder scrolls shivering isles, or stuff like the last of us expansion dlc.

For multplayer - its good for things like burnout paradise that added a whole island and other features to the game, many free.

- killzone shadowfall giving every dlc map to the game for free and only charging for different new game modes that weren't in the previous games.

What is bad for DLC:

1. $15-20 map packs of 3 maps. Back in the day the base mp games used to have 20-40 maps, remember unreal tournament , quake 3 and battlefield 2? Now you are lucky to get 6-8 maps and then milked for dlc that fragments the install base. Maps shouldn't be that expensive, as they don't have scripting and actual story, hell great maps were a staple on quake , unreal and battlefield 2, to the degree of 1000s of maps and modes were released by modders for free.

2. Costume and doo dads.. -- Horse armor for $5, or costumes for all the characters in a game. STuff that used to be part of the game is now being partitioned off for sale. It used to be an unlock.

3. Stuff like gain extra weapons, and experience... why personally I think they aren't needed, in a single player game if someone wants to spend the money who cares as long as they don't make games need this stuff to progress (looking at you stupid phone games). But that is the problem, in the mobile market all games (excpet rare ones that come from pc roots) have this free or cheap to pay model where you can unlock stuff or gems to play more. Your gameplay is locked or requires tons of grinding to get anywhere. There is never a buy all purchase for a reaosnable price (if there is it's $100+ ) and they just want to milk you for all your worth.

4. Taking out game modes that used to be included in the base game. This is a bad trend and needs to stop. If a feature was in the previous game the sequel should have it too...don't take shit out and release for dlc money later... it's bullshit.

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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts



Only game that came out broke to me was AC unity, which I got as a gift and traded in. Everything else has been fine. With the last three AAA games being glorious:


Witcher 3

Batman AK

And indies like Axiom Verge, Cities Skylines, also being phenomenal.

Then there are pc exclusives like Galactic Civilizations 3... many late nights with just one more turn.

Will be doing this til I am dead... 36 now and been gaming since the Atari 2600 / apple iie , no plan to ever stop!

--- I do hate mobile gaming and Iap though...that shit has to stop.

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#10  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


It's my GOTY and amazing peice of work. Whats with your negative threads and comments. You seem mad and depressed... what gives... bought yourself an xbone... well I can understand then. Not to late to get a refund.