Some may laugh but I think SFV will flop. Three reasons:
1. Capcom and Sony are hungry for money so they will try to suck every bit of $$ they can with micro transactions. (See: SF4 and Uncharted 3) This will hurt scores as reviewers are trying to act like they are for the gamer now.
2. Traditionalist fans may not prefer the new mechanics because they help "noobs." Many purists didn't like alpha and just want a good balanced SF and nothing new. They just want it to be like Madden and come out every year with no changes.
3. The recent Sony Curse. All the big games they have bet on have been flops imo. Games like Destiny, Asscreed and Watchdogs have been flops and under Sony finger tips.
While I won't argue about Street Fighter, I never liked the series (except the PSP alpha 3 game as it was loaded with characters and modes), I will call bull on your point 3.
- What Sony curse? Destiny sold gangbusters and is one of the most played games since release. millions of fans are anxiously awaiting the new content.
-Assassins Creed - Black flag was marketing deal for PS4 during launch and it was wonderful, and was 1080p on ps4, and got universal praise. ASScreed Unity was fronted by Microsoft. It was broken on release with such issues as frame drops on the ps4 (ironic since it was fronted by ms this time). One of the only games to have better fps on bone How could you forget the infamous "AC Unity xbone bundle" that had to get a $100 price drop and 2 free games to sell. Sony didn't touch AC last year. This year they are, and it looks like AC is back on track to being good again. (seems like every other AC game is great).
- Watchdogs was mediocre but it was a launch game and like dead rising 3, killzone and ryse was bought for the promise.. it was underwhelming but not a failure at all.
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