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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@babyjoker1221 said:

While Sony would like you to believe that there is some huge graphical disparity between the XB1, and the PS4... The reality is that there isn't. Side by side comparisons look pretty much the same.

Once you figure that out, it's a pretty easy decision to make. The XB1 literally does everything else better than the PS4. Cows will cry about Halo, and Forza, but the truth is that the PS4 has nothing that competes with those two games. Driveclub offers no customization, few cars, even fewer tracks, and a joke of multiplayer. Killzone was supposed to compete with Halo, but we all know how that turned out.

Games like Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the blind Forest, Titanfall, and Ryse aren't on the PS4. All of those are quality games. Some people would prefer to play those over Infamous SS, Bloodborne, and The Order.

The XB1 also has lots of good games coming up as well with Forza 6, Tomb Raider, Gears of War, Recore, and Rare Replay coming up, along with Sea of Thieves, Scalebound, and Quantum Break. The PS4 has Uncharted 4 coming out next year, but most of it's other big games are coming out in 2017.

Aside from all that, the XB1 easily has the upper hand. XB1's controller is widely regarded as being superior to the DS4. Voice chat clarity is far better on XB1, Apps such as Twitch, and Skype work perfectly, and if you're into sports then the XB1 is a no brainer.

Cows will mention how most multiplats run better on PS4. It's their bread and butter at the moment. The fact is, is that again... There is really no noticeable difference between the two visually. Games that often look better on PS4, often run better on the XB1. The only real difference on multiplats is for games like COD, Battlefield, Fifa, Madden, or pretty much any other multiplayer game. All those will perform better on the XB1, as XBL is far better, and stable than PSN. Why would someone play COD or Battlefield on PS4 with all that downtime.

In top of all that, the XB1 is cheaper than the PS4, making it an even better financial investment.

Most of your views here are complete OPINION. I can do that too. Lets see here:

I personally prefer the symmetrical analog on Dual Shock. As being a human being, my thumbs are the same spots on both hands. I hate having to use that crapy dpad bad stick placement 360 controller on my pc ( hence why I avoid controller pc games and stick to strategy and isometric rpgs on it).

Those games, forza , and fable don't interest me. Tomb Raider, Gears 1, Ori, titanfall and ryse don't interest me either and if they did .... they are all on the pc (although I don't play controller games on it, but if it was compelling enough i would, but those games aren't compelling to me in the slightest).

As an RPG connoisseur and mega fan... PS4/PC combo can't be beat. I get Tales games, Disgaea games, FF games, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest Heroes, Neir 2, Bloodborne, Dark souls, fallout 4, witcher 3, dragon age, and whatever else comes out...

- Japanse game support. You don't see quirky jp games coming to the x1. Games like Samurai Warriors 4, S4-ii, Yakuza 5, Shenmue3, Streetfighter 5 etc...

- Other niche titles... Tropico 5 (no longer a 360 series), Hellblade, Guilty Gear Xrd, Blaz-blu, etc.. I love niche games.

Better multiplats at higher res. You may not think it's a big deal but it can jarring at lower resolution sometimes. I remeber when AC: Blackflag launched and it was 900p before a patch, the 1080p ps4 patch came out a few days later and made the game so beautiful. It eliminated the blur and jaggies. Now some ps4 games do run 900p but the ones that do are usually running at 720p on the bone.... ala last gen resolution. To me that is unacceptable. No game on ps4 runs last gen 720p.

Better indies and more - Rogue legacy, Counter spy, Geometry wars 3, Apatheon, Atriom Verge, Transistor, etc...

-Faster UI and better integrated sharing and streaming functions.

-Larger and better gaming community.

- Less cursing or music blaring in the background online from USA kiddies who will stick to xbox because it's what they got last gen from their parents or their siblings == better online.

- Better blog and reporting new content. Humble guys, not corporate relic major nelson.

I could go on and on and on for why ps4 is better.... But most is just opinions... everyone has them. Just don't spout off opinions as facts...ie "most people think xbox controller is better"... not true at all. Who knows what most people think.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Shewgenja said:

It's for people who like to wait til the holidays for their gaming to be in season. The Lemming is a lot like a hunter or a fisherman, only at least those have more game to go after in different seasons, actually.

Or little kids, teens who don't work, and adults who still live in their parents basement- unemployed and have to wait for X-mas for Xbox... :p

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@SpinoRaptor24 said:

Oh no, my plastic of choice sold slightly less than some other plastic.

HAHA ... Well put.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@AM-Gamer said:

@kingtito: It's been outsold in Europe and Japan ever since. And who are you calling loser lem? The Xbone is getting STOMPED!

Really shows the maturity of the xbox fanbase huh. I don't ever see cows, sheep or hermits resorting to name calling and grade school shenanigans, but lems ... it is to be expected I guess.

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@kingtito said:
@AM-Gamer said:

@kingtito: Except it wasn't third , keep abandoning common sense all you want. Not much else you can do though since MS is getting curb stomped this gen.

Still can't provide that evidence can you cow? Didn't think so kid, nice try though PS3 3rd place confirmed hahahahaha loser

Pot calling the kettle black. Calling someone immature and then name calling then calling them a kid and loser..... hypocrisy at its finest.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@wolverine4262 said:

This place should be modeled more after /v and less after Christian Mingle.

As long as it's not modded like Anti-Freedom_of_Speech-Censor-Banhammer-ultraLeftist-Gaf than sure. At least in system wars you can speak an opposing view and not fear being banned for stating your opinion.

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts
@StrongDeadlift said:
@freedomfreak said:

Good. It was by far the most useless rule on this board.

This. It was instated like 2 or 3 years ago for the sole purpose of thwarting one user who kept spamming with sock accounts. ForzaGearsHalo, aka ProjectNatalFan I think is his original name.

Also, Brofists was another troll who did the same.

PNF, ForzaGearsHaloFace, TimDogg... yeah that was the guy... sadly remember it.

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@DarkLink77 said:
@freedomfreak said:

Good. It was by far the most useless rule on this board.

It made sense when the board was being flooded by low level troll accounts, but that's not the case anymore.

For now.... don't you think the reason it has lessened was because of the post count rule. Repealing this rule is not a good thing imo. They will be back. Ugggh.

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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Bread_or_Decide said:

4 million got us mighty no. 9. Think about it, how is he going to make a game like shenmue with only 5 million?

You really haven't been paying attention huh? He already mentioned other funding sources. In fact most kickstarters do this. They raise interest and get the rest from venture capitalists who need to know there is interest in the product before they foot the bill.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Bread_or_Decide said:
@nutcrackr said:

Broken Age cost over 6 million. Just keep that in mind.

And part 2 reused levels from the first half.

Kickstarter is a scam. The failure of red ash proves people are finally catching on. If Mighty No. 9 doesn't some how end up better than it looks kickstarter dream projects are dead.

no it's not. I guess Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, divinity original sin, tides of numenera, and star citizen all are great. (and the first 3 are released finished 100% games, two of which are being ported to console).

You people who are agianst kickstarter aren't thinking clearly. Have fun with nothing but FPS military shooters, mobas and racers, as that's all you will get as publishers don't want to take risk on AAA games unless it's guaranteed. This is where kickstarter comes in.