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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@StrongBlackVine said:
@cainetao11 said:
@Dire_Weasel said:
@cainetao11 said:

Great. But my MS stock is still shitting all over my SNE (NYSE). So what do the massive sales prove then? That you like what the majority does?

Oh, stock prices. That's awesome. I'm sure it makes up for 900p and every other shitty thing that comes with MS brand loyalty this gen. Lawls.

How do the sales numbers make up for not hitting 1080p 60 fps on every game on PS4? I'm not the one who made a thread about this shit

Sales have a direct affect on games. Japanese developers are hopping on the PS4 train with maximum effort now. I doubt they would doing that if things were playing out similar to last gen. You can try to twist it as being insignificant but a dominant PS4 will benefit the user base.

Absolutely. We are seeing it with Dragon Quest X and 11 back on PlayStation.. Star Ocean 5, Disgaea 5, Street Fighter 5, Yakuza 5, Persona 5, Dragon Quest builders, Neir 2, Shenume 3, etc.... none of these games will be on xbox platforms... all jp devs.. So yeah. Return of the king!

I am all for it. PS1 generation was the golden era where Western and Eastern games spawned on that console like nothing ever before.... and ps2 continued it. PS3 some of it dried up but came back during the last few years. It looks like ps4 will have the global synergy of all styles of games. I love games from both Western and Eastern devs and RPGS are my fav so this is great.

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@finalstar2007 said:

Want even more games? there ya go!

  • -Atelier Sophie
  • - FF XIV
  • - FF VII Remake
  • - Nier 2
  • - Dragon Quest X
  • - Dragon Quest XI
  • - Persona 5
  • - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
  • - Tales of Zestiria
  • - Tales of Berseria
  • - Ys 8
  • - Star Ocean 5
  • - Disgaea 5
  • - Dragon Quest Builders
  • - SAO Re: Hollow Fragment
  • - SAO Lost Song
  • - Odin Sphere Leifthrasi
  • - Digimon Story: Cyber Sleut
  • - Yoru no Nai Kuni
  • - World of Final Fantasy
  • - The Witch & Hundred Knight 2
  • - Hyperdimension Neptunia V-II
  • - Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
  • - Yu Gi Oh: Legacy of the Duelist

PS4 is this gen's PS2

Those games don't exist .... just ask the sour grapes lems.... Jrpgs only exist when it's on the xbox...llike vesperia... or lost odyessy. Notice how those same fanboys who praise those two games as something holy, bad mouth every other tales game or jrpg in general...or say "they don't count because they suck".....

What sad is, that I am not making this up. I have seen it in comment after comment from that group of people.

As for the person saying "what does a pc gamer do".... what does it matter. I am a pc gamer and own 30 some ps4 games ... I just don't play console ports on pc... as pc to me is for pc style games.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@gamevet77: but all we be done in shoestring budgets and made cross platform for phones and tablets.

Then you have to take into.account the contol schemes... touch controls.suck...eww

Next pricing model... with 99% of all abdroid games being free to play with pay to win, and crap genres like moba again ewww.

The android games that are not like that are either ports from console with downgrades in visual and features (ala gta), or indie games like spiderweb software avernum or roguelikes kike nethack... which rock, but dont need more than basic overlay 2d graphics. Making this thread pointless.

You wont have new ip AAA support on android with no pay to win or "gems" to buy.

The mobile model is the worst. What sucks is that phone games were actually not bad like that pre ios.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@SonySoldier-_-: what xbone.jrpg support? They will get the new boy band ff game and disney hearts, nothing else that ive seen.

I am looking forward to seeing more on this and lovr the jrpg rennessance.

Too bad all these jrpgs dont exist to lems, i guess thats how they cope with the slaughter... shifting goal posts so only western games count lol...

(Funny how they all rave about lost odyessy and vesperia. Something tells me if they werent.exclusive they wouldnt of cared about them).

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@finalstar2007: yeah , i am.in the same boat, but i am going to buy dq heroes. i still.haven't finished disgaea 4 and i am almost done tales of hearts r, but i have symphonia chronicles, graces f and xillia 2 all im my backlog. Xillia 1 i stopped playing but am at least 40 hours into it for the witcher 3.

In other words i can afford to wait, but dq heroes looks amazing and I love mouso games, and dq, so its a day 1 purchase.

Dragon warrior 1 was my first rpg , back in 1987 and i will buy every one that i can. It ushered in a love of rpgs and led me to both pc rpgs and console(jrpg) rpgs. I owe a lot of great gaming to dragon quest.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@zeeshanhaider: its not the cows who claim jrpgs dont exist and suck (unless its on xbox then they are loved)

Ps4 jrpgs not on xbox:


Dq heroes 1 & 2

Star ocean 5

Disgaea 5

Persona 5

Neir 2

Dq builders

tales of zestria

Next tales (forget name)

Xbox jrpgs not on ps:


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#7  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@finalstar2007: holy shit.. this is amazing news amd a day 1 buy on ps4. I had a fealing this would happen when dragon quest heries came out.

Cant wait for dqheroes this year and

Dq11 ps4

Could care less about dq10 dont care about mmos.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@arkephonic: also

Heavy rain and beyond 2 souls, both amazing games that got sgit on by lems for not being fps. They were the future of adventure games.

Heavenly Sword - a great game that never got a sequel as the lemming jate parade on ps3 during that time was so strong many people never played this amaxing game. It was one of the ggames that got me to buy a ps3 last gen

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#9 Midnightshade29
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alpha protocol - rpg got ripped on for not being a straight shooter as it had stats wtf..

Uncharted 3 - aparently the young drake parts are bad by somr, but i didnt see it that way, and tje rest of the game was great. My legit complaint on the game was lack of unlockable modes , filters, and rewards that all previous uncharted games had.

Tales of hearts r - amazing full open world tales game on the vita. A long beutiful and fun game that gets hate for no reason at all. I like it better than xillia and abyss.

Little big planet 3 - amazing game with innovation and over 16 layers of depth. Plus it has save states and iverland worlds... you can make ur own rpg if u wanted to. People here ignore the game ssince its on ps3 too. Ashame as many of the community

levels rock and arent even playble on ps3 ( creators will note this on the level).

Warhawk - 3rd perosn battlefield 2 with smooth flying.craft. game has no leveling and is all skill based. Fun game that was ignored here last gen.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Fallout 4
Until Dawn
Battlefront 3
Just Cause 3
Dragon Quest Heroes
Disgaea 5
Persona 5
Tales of Zestria
Everybody's gone to rapture
Tomorrow Children
Samurai Warriors 4-2
Assassins Creed
No Mans Sky

Too many games to list and I know i didn't include all of them. Funny as the lems will claim no games for Ps4 owners to look forward to. Haha... 8 of these won't ever be on the xbone at all... but "no games" ..lol.