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#1  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@The_Last_Ride said:
@charizard1605 said:
@The_Last_Ride said:
@charizard1605 said:

Which has what bearing on any news reporting, exactly?

if you can't be critical of what's going on and about the news, then what's the fucking point?

The point is that I gathered the news from there, without worrying about their content policies. The point is that I sourced my material, and attributed and credited it to where I got it from, rather than unfairly implying I got this myself. The point is that NeoGAF's community policies may be a little harsh, but that hardly matters when as a news source, it's second to none.

It's news, not an op ed.

so you condone this right?


Thats messed up stuff... par for the course from that pro sjw super ultra left wing censorship pit of a website. I am still bitter for being permabanned for not being "polictiacally correct".... screw the hug box! No dissent allowed we are borg and you must assimilate...

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

I bought it last night and was hooked until 3am.

Dont let the anti-vita / anti handheld gang on here fool you. Those people bashed it before it was even out, and focused on one biased pre review.


+ Looks great for a handheld (dont expect parity with ps4/3 as its a handheld.)

+ framerate seems pretty good, way better than borderlands 2

+Has all dlc inclusing 2 bonus stories and the dlc costumes.

+ Sound is great, even bettwr with headphones.. waepons have a nice heavy sound, while the sound of mobs can clue you in to their location.

+Optional gyro aiming like uncharted and killazone have on vita plus senaitivity selector. Controls are good but can take a little getting used to.

+ Price $23 with psplus, $30 without plus. Great value for the money.

+Full raid mode includes... will take hours of your life.


- Textures arent greateat but its a handheld.

- 900mb patch takes up space, default game is 2.9gb

Notes: default brightness is too high, turn in game brightness all the way down. This will inproove grapgics and immersion.

Gyro is off by default , turn it on. I put sensitivity to 8.

Its a great game on console and just as addicting on vita.

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@DocSanchez: yes.. agreed, pc and console can live side by side.

I dont spend the kind of money the tc did on a pc though. I build a modest rig with upper mid teir graphics and upgrade as needed. Starting cost, as still usong 24" monitor from 2008, is around $500-600. Cheaper if you can reuse a case, psu, mouse and mobo.

As long as i can run a game over 25fps on high settings at 1920x1200 than i am happy. Most games run much higjer than that.

The games i play on pc though are not console games. I play pc cebtric games, usually simulation, turn based strategy, indie rpg, and old rts (as the genre is dead thabks to dreades moba bullshit)

games i've been playing on pc lateLy

Prison archetect

Gal civ 3

Civ 5

Pillars of eternity

Wasteland 2

Crusader kings 2

Project zomboid

Serious sam 3


Avernum escape from the pit

Darkest Dungeon

Star Point Gemini 2

want to get elite dangerous but strapped for cash.

I also play on ps4, ps3 ,vita, 3ds, and retro consoles.

It is on consoles where i play big name games, like fps, jrpgs, survival horror, etc.

I also use a pc for work and ad i am a web coder.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@ladyblue: finally someone with common sense.

I'll be picking this up tonight. Been waiting to play this in portable form. Id buy it just for the raid mode alone. That grinding combat is perfect for the vita.

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts
@Sushiglutton said:

No for some reason TF hats are seen as a positive form of microtransaction. Thus Valve is still very much loved.

Only because you can sell them for steam credits. Just like those stupid card packs... why do some people pay money for this shit?

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@nyadc said:
@davem1992 said:

http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/windows-10 How exactly does this service make it an Xbox exclusive, from what I'm gathering it looks like a service that connects your Xbox friends to play cross play with you, I see no mention of it making the game Xbox exclusive.

I'm confused here, what exactly is your reasoning for it being exclusive cause even with MS' page up I'm not seeing it.

It's a service in its infancy, however it's already starting the conversion of existing games over to it as a platform, for example Minecraft is in beta for it right now as the Windows 10 version, guess where the only place is that you can play that?

Through the Xbox app... This is all leading to an inevitability Dave.

@davem1992 said:

@nyadc: Also the RoTR thing has ALOT to do with this, that was you making claims without any evidence on your side and that turned out badly for you.

Nope, it's a fallacy plain and simple, it has literally zero to do with this.

its just a type of window on the PC... you don't need to own an xbox one to play this... it comes out on pc..therefore not exclusive.

If you want to play that game all PS3 / PSv PS4 cross play games are Exclusive....

That shit doesn't make sense. Is there any day your not shilling for the company?

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@sherman-tank1: for me that sucks. I cant stand mobas or any genre that forces coop, with out having ai options as an alternative. I also hated warcraft 3 as an rts but loved wc2 and rise of nations, starcraft, empire eaeth, age of empires and conapny of heroes.

Real rts is dead and i hate that. Ita the mobas fault.

At least i still have new single player 4x games like civ5, Homm, kings bounty, Galactic civ 3, etc...

Again screw u gaben... release halflife 3 and all will be good in the world.

If sony can get out last guadian, ff7 remake and shenmue 3 to their system you can make a game that is 8 years over due.

If blizzard can releas diablo 3 a decade later,.there is no excuse.... besides greed and gaben stuffing his face instead of coding.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@indzman: this the no half life 3, is bullshit.

Lazy devs would rather sit and rack in hat money , promoting multiplayer only crap then make their own single play games.

Screw u gaben.

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@batosaims said:

Really Naughty Dog wouldn't be worth much if their notable talent left. It'd be a big blow if Sony lost Neil Druckman and Bruce Strayley and other leads at Naughty Dog.

It'll probably never happen, but if the price was right another company with way more money than Sony (Ubi, EA, Microsoft, Activision-Blizzard) could easily entice Naughty Dog employees to leave ND and come work for them. I'm sure ND employees are fairly loyal to Sony but if they were literally offered double their salary, benefits and the chance to work for a company who isn't in the financial toilet like Sony is, they'd most likely jump ship immediately.

I don't think that would happen for one reason. Many people are given non-compete contracts on employment. I know I was, it basically a contract that says if you quit, you can't work for another company that competes with the company that you are presently hired for. Mine has a one year clause on it. If you are fired or layed off it doesn't apply. Many companies do this to prevent other companies from stealing talent.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@blizzard2188 said:

@Cloud_imperium: While those give you an idea, they don't give you the whole picture. My rig is a i7 3930k, 32gb of ram, 2 x GTX 980's. 1 x 1440p monitor, 1 x 1080p monitor and 1 x 1920 x 1200p monitor. Do i use steam, yes. Do I use it 100% over consoles, no. I tend to flip flop. Some times I'm all about the PC and get games on the PC, some times I'm all about Sony and get my games on the PS3/PS4 and sometimes I'm all Xbox 360/X1.

I do graphic work on my PC so it always gets used, sometimes I go for months being on a PC only binge, then I go for a PlayStation only binge which I am currently on, but two months ago I was on a PC binge. But how do these statistics show a PC gamer. I have 3 different resolution monitors because I use them for work and only have 3 monitors due to upgrading to new ones. I have 2 GTX 980's but they are mostly used for 3DS Max and lightly for gaming unless I'm in the mood for PC games. Mainly mine is a workstation rig and gaming rig second (but affording a Quadro is way too much and then limits gaming potential. For game design based 3-D, Geforce are still the best all around cards).

But that's the thing, it's mostly a work machine and not a full gaming machine. It's more a work machine that fully capable of gaming when I want it to be. now count in all the lightest users who only play old ancient games on old hardware, count the people who are using a laptop, count the people who are still running freaking XP on their ancient hardware. This is a very generalized poll that doesn't tell you a whole lot. Tons of PC only people probably have hardware that can't even compare to mine, but their goal is just gaming, not work. Some extremists will have stuff that beats my hardware and only use it for gaming and thats it.

Master Race would count my Rig in, but I do more work on it than gaming and tend to prefer consoles for gaming other than certain times when I'm in the mood for playing on PC. Overall I think this has gone on long enough that I forgot the actual intent of my post.

PC Master Race... is a PC fanboy. A PC master race member could have a i3 and a gtx 250. Doesn't mean they are getting a superior experience on PC vs. a console, just that they prefer the PC platform.

Great post... I tend agree with you. I myself am only sporting a i3 3.4ghz amd 7870 and 8gb ram...+ 24" monitor from 2008, and guess what... it suits me fine. I use it for gaming sure, but also for work coding PHP, building dynamic websites etc.... I could care less about 4k or 1440p as I don't have the money or the desire to buy an expensive monitor for that. My 24" suits me just fine.

There are people on pc who play at every "power" level.

This whole PC vs. PS4 thing is dumb... I play my ps4 as much as my PC... Been playing PC since the 1980s , yeah back when it was 4 colors and cga... Its great and all, but there is something you get from a Console you don't get from a pc and something you get from PC you don't from console.

Console and PC go hand in hand.. You can be a fan of both, I know I am. Why do you people think it needs to be one or the other? It's bullshit!