@GrenadeLauncher: I'm glad you don't run a business. Because you'll certainly suck at it. Satya Nadella was right on day one. "Our industry doesn't respect tradition. It respects innovation on a go forward basis".
To sum up. The tech industry don't want losers who are stuck in the past. (Sony) They want winners who are innovative which is something MS is doing
That worked so well for windows 8 ... so well in fact that they had to return to "TRADITION" to get people back on board by returning to the desktop model.... but even with their free upgrade I haven't made the jump yet, not when so many programs and games I use don't work.
If you go by the MS tune you would have no used game, microtransactions fro everything, subs for everything, nsa spy box, and full on motion controls for every game..
Thank god Sony respected tradition and forced MS to abandon that shit.... How you lemmings forget... oh wait you were behind them no matter what. What foolishness!
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