@Wasdie: that would be amazing. I lobe minecraft and dwarf fortress. Plus rpg... day 1 buy for me.
Midnightshade29's forum posts
@deadline-zero0: bayo 2 was last year, so only 2 this year.
2008 saw mgs4 and gta4 get 10s back to back, one month apart. And in all honesty only.mgs deserved.that score..gta4 was horrible. Try replaying that now, you cant, and i love playimg old games.
@blessedbyhorus: they should of never bailed on pc in the first place. That didnt haooen until Gates left tthe company. In 2008 all pc game studios were closed or reourposed to make xbox games.
If they didnt pull that move, games for windoes live, pay to play multiplayer, and the media drm nsa xbone, maybe i wouldn't distrust them as much as i do.
Their back to pc gaming thing is laughable and a smoke Screen. Where are real pc games? All i see is phil spencer touting streaming xbone to pc, more tactocs to sell xbone... how does this benefit pc gamers who only own pc and dont want their crap console?
Where is freelancer type.game, mexh warrior, shadow run, age of empires, fligjt sims, god games etc... ms games studios was great when.they were pc only devs.... now they flat out suck.
There is no war with valve, everything is a ploy to sell more bones, and people lacking in umderstanding will fall for it.
Another remaster on the Vita. How exciting!
I know right?!
That Phantom Dust game that is never going to come out is more exciting
hahaha ... owned so hard. The sad thing is they were all looking forward to that, yet we don't hear any cries about it being cancelled because M$ would rather spend it's money on the NFL and expensive controllers. If that was Sony or Nintendo who cancelled an old game getting a reboot, people would be up in arms.
DAY F'n 1
In before lems claim "not a game" or "jrpgs don't count, japanese games suck" .... only if it's on xbox are do they exist.. lol ...
@GarGx1: not everyone pc gamer plays mobas or the latest console ports. I play strategy games, rpgs , newer kickstarter funded games, indies, rts, and older games.made when pc games were made front and center, either exclusive or downgraded in both gameplay and graphics to console... i dont play any console ports on pc or the horrible multiplayer only genres like moba.
That being said, games like thief and baldurs gate, kotor etc... are timeless and still have communities making content. Its not just a hundred people.
I grew up im the 80s with pc gaming and was there for wolf3d wing commander , civikization, ultima and doom, at the dawn of 3d acceleration with 3dfx. I was there for quake and ut, thief etc... and i was there for crysis and stalker ...
and i was there in the modern era when ms disbandrd all pc devs and charged for online play, making every AAA exclusive focus on 360 instead of pc.
If i cant play my legacy collection of games thrn the os can go to hell, plain and simple.
@moistcarrot: the atmosphere was great, same with the shooting and combat. Iloved the first few hours with its re4 feel.
I coukdnt stand when they started adding invisible enemies that u could only see when they cross a puddle. That got frustrating and annoying.
Tje story.was also shit. I was hopeing for a.silent.hill type story where the unknown is your greatest enemy, but instead.we got all campy.cheesy.comic book style story.
So many things were right, but taken down with cheesey story and frustrating enemies. Oh and tje weapons rocked!
@quebec946: nah, wiiu isnt even on the poll. Wiiu gpu is the around radein 4650, ie old tech and lower cloxked with less rops than that card ... coupled with a 2001 era gamecube cpu with 3 cores instead of 1... that bottlenecks the whole dang thing. Wii u is tje defenition of low end.
@kinectthedots: also dragon quest heroes, tales of zestria, star ocean 5, persona 5, disgaea 5,neir 2, yakuza 5, smauri warriors4-2, until dawn, rime, everybodys gone to rapture, hellbalde etc...
You know massive jrpgs and other niche games that lems try to say dont exist..
Funny how when last gen they got vesperia and lost odyessy, they all loved the genre..lol
Keep in mind PS4 and Xbox One are carbon copies of eachother compared to how different consoles used to be....
With that being said I always felt Nintendo kept things very Japanese, in design of games and hardware, and Microsoft was very Western in design of games and hardware, and Sony was that perfect middle ground, having J-games as well as Western games, like during the PS1 era with games like Resident Evil and FPS games respectively.
But they've since drifted completely into the Western side completely ignoring their Japanese heritage whereas they could've been the ones to bridge the gap. Now I play Nintendo for Japanese consoles and Xbox for Western consoles, what does the PS4 offer me that the two others don't????
Hardly... On ps4 - Japanese games not on XBOX:
Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Tales of Zestria, (the next tales after that can't remember name), Dragon Quest Heroes, Samurai Warriors 4, Samuari Warriors 4-ii, Yakuza 5, Star Ocean 5, Disgaea 5, Neir 2, Street Fighter 5, Guilty Gear Xrd, Blaz Blue, Persona 5, Onechanbara z 2, Jstars Victory, Godzilla, Earth Defense Force, etc...
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