@undefined: can't believe the polls, wait yes I can with all the vita haters on this forum.
I was super hyped for a link between world's and it deflated so fast when the game became a "children's entitlement easy mode" game that took away what mad a link to the past so great. The fact that you could buy all the items right away made it feel really cheap, and the game was easy.
Also it didn't have the mystique that link to the past had, adding in elements that seemed childish and cheesy... especially the fast travel system... none of that crap should of been in the game. All they needed to do was make a new link to the past with cool puzzles new loot, and more items couple it with their wall blending mechanic and it would of been awesome.. but no, we got an easy mode game that seemed more tailored to kids and casuals and the "everyone is the winner" crowd. It was not the sequel to the dark zelda game that is still the best zelda of all time (with the original and OoT after that).
Persona golden was a maserpeice... done.
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