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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@silversix_ said:

F*cking Sony and their shit remasters.

do you have to buy it? No... Does it take away from naugthy dog making games no as it's bluepoint. Those devs ONLY do remasters and are the best in business. Stop being an entitled Millenial... jeesh... the world doesn't revolve around you. As data has shown there are tons of former 360 owners who now own a ps4... and guess what they never played uncharted. It's good for them and its good for uncharted fans who want to play them with added features..

Remasters don't take away from new games if done by remster studios...just like having lots of indies doesn't mean less AAA games being made. Some of you are so dense that it's like you can't understand basic logic and business sense... arrrah....

lol :P

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#2 Midnightshade29
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@nyadc: salty much? You were jumping for joy so much when the master chief collection was announced you almost knocked over that massive halo shrine in the middle of your room...Jeesh :p

Many people didn't get to experience uncharted, it's good for them and for me who will buy am again for ps4 era goodness. And since it's blueprint expect a great job, as mgs and god of collections were amazingly done.

Will add this to my ever growing collection of games.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@kinectthedots: I remember that too... funny how some keep moving th goal post.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@PonchoTaco: if it's mmo consider me not interested.

Tired of single player rpgs turning mmo to satiate the teens with too much time on their hands and daddy's credit card. You know the type, they beg on forums for multiplayer on every single player game... "oh this would be great if my BRO could play with me..." Little do these people realize all story and world changing events plus meaningful random loot gets scrapped for crap quests and small decimal Stat gain loot that everybody has... it would make fallout boring!

I don't think they will go that route, for one from what I heard, elder scrolls online basically bombed, hence the move to free2play. And if this is mainline Bethesda and not zenimax then it won't be mmo as they don't make them.

I am willing to bet that both single player elder scrolls and fallout made 2-3x more profit than eso.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@Ant_17: I hope it's both a collection and a proper next gen game. As I quit playing both halfway through, and want to go back to them... but too many other games released.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@Grey_Eyed_Elf: the only people here complaining about framer ate are hermits who bash consoles for not having 60fps. Most console only or people like me who play both, don't stress about fps, aren't complainging. You will see the occasional lem used a 2-3 fps difference to praise xb1, but the same time ignore the resolution drop they have as it would be unplayable in 1080p (Witcher 3) on there system.

I have not once had a problem with frame rate on ps4.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@zeeshanhaider: what are these great pc exclusive graphics kings you are referring to? Besides the unreleased star citizen, what has pushed graphics on pc to the point that they get their own assets? Nothing I see. I see old school games getting a comeback from kickstarter (thank god... as that's the types of games I love pc for), but no crysis or quake 3,or nolf, or halflife 3, or hell like it used to be before xbox 360 stole pc devs and M$ closed down every pc studio ot had.

Playing on pc will only get you slightly better graphics for console multiplats. They will still be console games with better resolution (if u have the monitor and gpu for that, and for 4k it needs at least $1k+ for monitor and gpu), and maybe a tad sharper textures and aa...again it will cost more than the console for a gpu to play the Witcher 3 in max settings at max reslution.

I own a 7870 gpu, and there is no reason for me to upgrade as there is no pc exclusive that demands it. My ps4 gets the same results most of the time and it usually runs better too. Until we get publisher funded exclusive pc gfx showcase games, there is no need. Call me when half-life 3 comes out... I'm waiting. (And no I don't like mobas ewww )

People who honestly expected a console to have titan class gpu at the time of release we and are delusional. Everyone botched and made fun of ps3's $599 price. Do you honestly think console makers were going to pull that again... Hell no, no one would buy it and pc evangelists would still not saying pc is better. It's a moot point as consoles should be cheap and a set unchanging spec.

I for one have been estate with the look of games this gen.

Infamous ss

Far cry 4

Gta 5 rerelease


Witcher 3

All great to me on ps4.. and I got my wasteland 2 and pillars of eternity on pc.... am set to game :)

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@PAL360: same here. Only full $60 game I played that looked last gen were

Final fantasy type 0 ( ut it's a psp remaster so expected)

And shadow of mordor (don't know how that game got praise .. it had boring repetitive gameplau, horrible small map environments with little variety, and crap story, yet GS gave it game of the year)

All other games have lived up to next gen. The people expecting everything to be cg quality don't realize the cost, time and power required to make such things. It's like the fools who call me up at work requesting a 25+ point integrated form and want it done in 30 minutes, then say "should be simple, it's just code"..lol.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@lostrib said:
@Midnightshade29 said:

Comparing frame rate on two screens that aren't the same resolution can't be comparable. its just lemmings moving the goal post, again, and the rest hiding behind pc (which is a known winner if you have the money for the most advanced graphics card), so pc shouldn't even be brought into these comparisons, it wins by default.

It doesn't require that high end of a GPU to get better than console performance

I'm sure my i3 3.3ghz and 7870 2gb ghz edition amd card won't get me any more performance than the ps4. That being the case, I chose ps4, as witcher 2 was struggling at 1080p on the 7870 with all settings bumped to highest except for uber sampling (or whateve it was called). The forest in particular was harsh. Then again, I notice this stuff a lot more on a pc monitor than a 60" tv... it doesn't bother me to the point where I bitch about it though like some. I played crysis back in the day at 17fps just to get those max settings..

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#10  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@AM-Gamer said:

@commander: Utter BS. The PS4 version rarely dips while it always looks better. This isn't a twitch shooter and the dips are extremely rare.

This!!!! Just bitter lemmings moving the goal post once again. I haven't noticed any lag dips (I played witcher 1 and 2 on pc and 2 had a lot of lag on my rig which is why I am not playing that on pc this time). Ps4 has been amazing.... I'll take 1080p any day over a not noticeable frame dip every few hours.