@zeeshanhaider: what are these great pc exclusive graphics kings you are referring to? Besides the unreleased star citizen, what has pushed graphics on pc to the point that they get their own assets? Nothing I see. I see old school games getting a comeback from kickstarter (thank god... as that's the types of games I love pc for), but no crysis or quake 3,or nolf, or halflife 3, or hell like it used to be before xbox 360 stole pc devs and M$ closed down every pc studio ot had.
Playing on pc will only get you slightly better graphics for console multiplats. They will still be console games with better resolution (if u have the monitor and gpu for that, and for 4k it needs at least $1k+ for monitor and gpu), and maybe a tad sharper textures and aa...again it will cost more than the console for a gpu to play the Witcher 3 in max settings at max reslution.
I own a 7870 gpu, and there is no reason for me to upgrade as there is no pc exclusive that demands it. My ps4 gets the same results most of the time and it usually runs better too. Until we get publisher funded exclusive pc gfx showcase games, there is no need. Call me when half-life 3 comes out... I'm waiting. (And no I don't like mobas ewww )
People who honestly expected a console to have titan class gpu at the time of release we and are delusional. Everyone botched and made fun of ps3's $599 price. Do you honestly think console makers were going to pull that again... Hell no, no one would buy it and pc evangelists would still not saying pc is better. It's a moot point as consoles should be cheap and a set unchanging spec.
I for one have been estate with the look of games this gen.
Infamous ss
Far cry 4
Gta 5 rerelease
Witcher 3
All great to me on ps4.. and I got my wasteland 2 and pillars of eternity on pc.... am set to game :)
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