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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@foxhound_fox said:
@freedomfreak said:

@foxhound_fox: Bullshit. Stop pulling this "PC or bust" nonsense. This is not Star Citizen you're sporting here. What a load of shite.

Meh. I can't even run the game. I just understand that the "next gen" consoles aren't worth the time and money.

Funny considering I have over 80+ hours on witcher 3, and loving every minute of it on PS4. I have never noticed any frame lag (and i did big time on witcher 2 on PC). It has been my favorite game so far this gen and it deserves the 10/10 score vanord gave "to the PS4 sent" review copy. I guess I am not alone with the 8k + streams on twitch on ps4 alone.

Some fanboys are showing their true colors;

Last gen consoles suffered much worse frame rates and had sub 720p res for most games... Lems bad mouthed Ps3 for a few pixels difference (like 12 or so).... but now in this gen xbo gets almost all games at 100's of pixels lower in resolution, it all of a sudden doesn't matter? Comparing frame rate on two screens that aren't the same resolution can't be comparable. its just lemmings moving the goal post, again, and the rest hiding behind pc (which is a known winner if you have the money for the most advanced graphics card), so pc shouldn't even be brought into these comparisons, it wins by default.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@bobrossperm: wrong...

PS1 was the best Console ever. I've been pc and console gaming since 83' (born in the 70s) and had a snes, but preferred the Genesis at the time, besides a few select rpgs on the snes I thought the Nes had more games then the snes.

PS1 has rpgs coming out what seemed like every week. It started new genres, and all games offered save data and it was the first console that had a majority of games designed to take a long time to beat, not arcade ports. Hell it even turned mega man into an rpg in that gen (along with the along turn based titles too).

As an rpg fanatic, the ps1 was and is the greatest of all time.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@mems_1224: your so enthusatic, if this was coming for playstation you would be doing your normal bitching...even when killer games come out on ps.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@bunchanumbers: No its not. Ps4 has many exclusives, they just aren't all bunched up around the holidays and spaced out through out the year and given time to delay if needed. Since I'm an adult I buy very little games around xmas, as I have to spend for other people... if ps4 was a kid focused console then it would make sense for packing the holiday. The average of gamers is 35.. and they purchase games all year long.

You also need to accept that many exclusives were deemed not even games by lemmings around here.

Samurai warriors 4, guilty gears xrd, MLB 15, and jrpgs like disgaea 5, star ocean 4, Persona 5, drafon quest heroes, tropico 5, bloodborne, the order, samurai warriors chronicles 3, samurai warriors 4-2, until dawn, no man's sky, etc...

Sony is fine for exclusives, just because lemmings and some hermits, and sheep dismiss jrpgs, adventure - horror (until dawn), fighting games, musou warriors games, and indies as not worthy to mention doesn't mean they are not there.

Same thing with vita lemmings bash if it's not a shooter... tons of great and new games came out and will come out for it.

It would be like me saying wiiU and 3ds don't have any games because I don't like Mario and friends. I may not like those games, but I wont deny there existence.

Plus most 1st party studios haven't even announced games yet still.. Many are coming.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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Whats with the sensationalist crap your posting ..... Sony hasn't invested (in western releases) with 1st party games since Borderlands 2... over a year ago. Everything has been from japan..and the article even says indies and japanese games will still release for years to come. This is nothing new.

Anyone thinking western titles were coming were delusional. Although I think this peice from this no-name 1990s era styled website is sensationalist as well. Sony just released a first party game yesterday for vita which is contradictory to everything(invizimals) and a number of japanese titles are still coming over, hell there is even the class of heroes 3 psp release. Any real vita fans would know the situation already.

While I do think its sad, I don't blame sony like a lot of the haters here... I blame you fools for not buying the system. I blame the idiots buying iap iphone microtransaction crap. I blame rockstar and square for not porting dragon quest 8, gta 3, and vice city or bioshock to the vita when ipad had them... It would of been cake and would of gotten more western gamers interested.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@santoron said:
@charizard1605 said:
@draign said:

What happened to playing PS4 games remotely on the Vita? That was a big deal once upon a time.

You can still do it, but the experience is awful. Vita does not have enough dedicated buttons (missing L2, R2, L3, R3, and the depressable touchpad), and the Wifi radio is horrific, so it's a miserable experience all around.

Speaking as someone who tried playing Bloodborne and Witcher 3 using my Vita on the can yesterday.

I use mine regularly for PS4 remote play, in fact for the majority of games I end up using the Vita more than my tv. My results are generally excellent and I live in a fairly large house. Not sure if this might help or not but I have my PS4 hard wired into my router and then go with Remote play through my network. This gives me far better results than trying to direct connect, where I used to have poor results at times even In The Same Freaking Room!!!!! PS4 wifi is garbage, and bypassing it has made RP my goto way to play many games.

Some titles suffer from the button layouts, but I'm generally impressed by how many titles detect RP in use and reconfigure controls to suit it. But there are still some games that really need all the extra butttons. Can't win em all I guess...

I am saddened but it ws coming. As long as we get japanses game releases here I will buy them, and indies. Love my vita and 70+ games I own.

As for remote play it's great. I played the witcher 3 from work with no disconnects or apprent lag. The vita has gotten much better for remote play after the last update.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@SolidGame_basic: Already have the game, but my god does this get me hyped.. I am even considring getting this just because how fluid that looked. Its not a full price game anyway so there is that.

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#8  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Agree on much of what you said (as you can see by my avatar...Original Thief is one of my favorite games for the reason you mention). Devs didn't do the reboot justice... there was no real 3d audio like we had back then, it hasn't been done much at all after windows vista came out, and recked hardware sound, and by the time new drivers were around devs already mooved on to base all their games on console.

The dumbed down thing I really agree with. Although, I am not one of those people who hate cutscenese. There should be a balance, and if a game is all about "movie" style scenes with choices... ala heavy rain / beyond 2 souls, farenheit, there is nothing wrong with that either as I love all those games too (there is room for all styles).

What gets me is stuff like Mass Effect 2, cutting out almost all rpg elements to cater to the shooters over rpg fans. Dragon age 2, cutting almost everything, splinter cell taking away stealth in favor of action for the "bro" gamer. etc...

Although I have seen more of this type of behavior from devs last gen, not this one. It seems there is a trend to bring depth back, and I am so glad for it!

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@freedomfreak: I'm enjoying my 50 plus ps4 games... don't get this nonsense. Only beat 1 game on ps4. Playing Witcher 3 now, took a break from bloodborne, the old blood, type 0, dying light, borderlands collection, far cry 4 et...

And on pc I was playing pillars of eternity and wasteland 2 before that.

On vita playing tales of hearts r.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@jhonMalcovich: I am playing this on console, played the last two Witcher games on pc, and I am loving the ui. For console at least it actually has grid based inventory and wasn't dumbed down ala mass effect2, dragon age or skyrim, which use a god awful scrolling menu with huge text item boxes. I love that it looks like pc ui on console...and frankly it works great. I don't get many of your complaints. Menu navigation is a key element in real rpgs. This isn't a action game, it's an rpg. Read a book you open the menu to read it.

I like Witcher 3 ui 100 more than the Witcher 2 ui, which I felt was too streamlined and lacking.