@anthonyautumns: first of all playing a RTS/CPRG with a controller is like playing a fighting game like Mortal Kombat with keyboard , maybe you're fine with it but I'm not 2nd Console games should be designed with consoles in mind. trying to shoehorn PC gameplay onto consoles, or vice versa, results in a gameplay that doesn't please anyone ... let's not forget how crappy dragon age : origin was when Bioware ported the game to consoels
It's not that bad, in facet it's easier to play a turn based or crpg on console than it is to play a fighter or driving game on keyboard and mouse. Control schemes have gotten good. I played tropico 5 on dual shock 4 and loved it's interface for console.
As long as it's not dumbed down for console I am fine with it. And may buy this game again just to show support. I love turn based crpgs and strategy games and want them on both pc and consoles (or handhelds).
I remember back in 1998 seeing Baldurs Gate PS1 gameplay in a gaming magazine. It never came out on PS1 but there is working versions on youtube showing the game. I would of bought that on ps1 and would of been happy, as my pc at the time was a bit old and I didn't have the money to upgrade.... It never came and I wound up upgrading my pc to play it, but if it's all you have its better than no option. (also played Civilization 2 and diablo 1 on PS1 , before upgrading my 486 to a pentium 2 with voodoo card) ..
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