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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Typical lem response when I give examples of a number of games that launched around the same time or before that all look better....

Insult the poster. Real mature.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Compared to just about everything on PC (and a few games on PS3 at the time) it was terrible. I would rate

Crysis, Stalker, Half-life 2, Bioshock, rainbow six vegas, fear, MGS4, Uncharted and Heavenly Sword as better looking games, and games with real proportioned people.

The only thing back then that looked like bricks were unreal engine characters from gears of war or unreal tournament... walking bricks with speakers on their chest armor...

Pop in a quarter and you can jam while you fight... uuu raaah...

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts
@delta3074 said:

What is MS trying to do? i am curious because i see both MS and SONY only rehashing old games for there new consoles.

Then your not looking hard enough..
Sony has done The LAst of us, and will have Gow 3.... that's it from 1st party remakes.
MS has halo 1,2,3,4, (odst , reach from last i heard to be there too) and geow1..

Ok, yeah ms is doing that, but sony only has 2 games remastered/reamaid the rest are 3rd party. And 1st party non remakes, on sony side had bloodborne, infamous second son, killzone sf, driveclub, the order, knack, until dawn, and indies..

while ms has had (non remakes) for 1st party - sunset overdrive, killer instinct pay2play, forza 5 and forza horizon 2.

MS- 5 remakes (possibly 7 total remakes if odst and reach are true) - 1 new ip and 3 new games in existing franchises for 1st party

Sony - 2 remakes, 5 new ip and 2 new games in existing franchises from 1st party

So on the microsoft side you are correct... sony not so much.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@lglz1337 said:

thank god i played this game some while ago this would really make me buy a XposBone now not so much.

i see what MS is trying to do here

and 500 post plz

you'd buy a $500 /errr $400 err// $350 console for 1 game.? a game that is 7 years old no less? Seems kind of irresponsible unless you are filthy rich.

I'd never waste my money on a console for 1 or hell 5 games unless I knew there was reason enough to believe that it would have a steady stream of games in genre's I like. This goes even more so if I already owned a console who had the best tech of consoles with 3rd party advantage and will have a stream of 1st party support.

As for geow.... I hated I played this in 1920 x 1200 on PC back in 2007 and hated the game. It's visuals were horrid and the character design of big oafs with speakers on their chests was just bad. I hated unreal tournament 3 for this reason too (it recycled gears of war art style and models...ewww).

Never did see how this game got people excited. I only played it on pc to see what the fuss was about. (same with halo 2... and that game was even worse than gears. Played so many better fps games on PC at the time than that boring game) I guess if you only had an xbox you didn't know any better?

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@lamprey263: to you maybe. The raid mode is amazing, and story mode actually mixes old resident evil elements with action stuff. I enjoyed this game for episode 1 and hated re5 and only played 6 breifly, but those games sucked not this.

Didn't get the other episodes on ps4 because was waiting on this. Will be great playing this on vita.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@davem1992: I guess my dreams of a Suikoden 6 are permantly dashed... or hell having suikoden 3, 4, 5 and tactics on psn... gone because Konami doesn't care about traditional gaming it seems. Another greedy company following the casuals to the non gaming world of "how can we rake on the most money from ignorant saps" games... something I am highly against.

Goodbye suikoden, silent hill and castlevania... I will miss thee. Here's to hoping they get sold to another dev. As for mgs. The series will be dead after 5 anyway so not a huge deal as Kojima is gone.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@darkspineslayer: how are you playing Troon Bonne? No Megamall legends games were ever releases on psn due to capcom being greedy, stingy fools not paying th e voice actors.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@deadline-zero0: decline, what decline...oh you mean the lack of casual non gamers that were brought in by the wii...lol

Last gen was an anomaly because of the wii. Notice how that system was devoid of games after a few years when people only bought one game for them as they were mostly casuals.

This gen is back to normal.. back to how it was with the ps1 and the ps2 gen. The only declining sales is from nintendo.

Even though everyone picks on xbone, myself included, it's still outselling x360 in same time frame and the ps4 is the fastest selling console with 23 million sales in less than 2 years. What bullshit decline are you referring to besides casuals?

People aren't flocking to pc in droves, as most already own one. And since when we're consoles and pc in direct competition? I have always owned both, and was building them myself since the 3dfx voodoo gpu came out 2 decades ago while most people on this thread were still in diapers or not even born.

PC and consoles are different and coexist with each other. Sometimes you feel like leaning forward to play a focused strategy game on pc and others you want to lean back in a comfy couch playing an action game or jrpgs on console.

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@Krelian-co: been playing both since the dawn of gaming. To me consoles and pc and handhelds are all different and offer different experiences. Sure console ports my look better on pc, but that's not the type of game u play on pc.

I like sitting in front of my 60 inch tv with a dual shock 4. On pc I would need to use the abysmal 360 controller ughh( can't stand those asymmetrical sticks and bulky design) or not have full functionality with dual shock 4 if I used it with the wacky pc drivers.

I also work at a computer all day, I don't need to spend all my time with one. What I play on pc is exclusives and games made for keyboard and mouse

Old games like thief and fallout 1 and 2

Vampire masquarde, strategy games Luke civ, age of empires, eu4, banished. Hell my fav genre on pc doesn't even require a gpu... ascii based roguelikes.

So I am probably opposite from you. Action games on console and pc for exclusives and strategy games.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@Shewgenja: yet when the Wii was in this spot last gen it got shovel ware of the kiddie kind. All sorts of 3rd party junk games... ps4 is at least getting core games even though some of those are crap, but most things arent.

It also seems less shovel ware in general on consoles. When was the last time you seen a movie tie in game? All those avenger, marvel movies and not one tie-in. All those went to ios and android. The casuals have there tappa free2play trash shovel ware and it's made console shelves nothing but core games.

I remember the countless fluff crap like babiez the game and brony the game etc... that was on ds and wii... it was embarrassing even looking on those shelves.. so glad ps4 doesn't have that. Let the phones keep that stuff.