They said it is because this year, e3 and gamescom are only 6 weeks apart. So they are going to Paris game show instead in October. Simple as that folks. Continue on with the circle jerk though.
Just Lems being illiterate fools like usual....
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They said it is because this year, e3 and gamescom are only 6 weeks apart. So they are going to Paris game show instead in October. Simple as that folks. Continue on with the circle jerk though.
Just Lems being illiterate fools like usual....
@psx_warrior: Why do you guys feel the need to bash consoles so much?
I have been a pc gamer since gaming began and a console gamer since then as well. The two complement each other. Sometimes you want to be focused in at your desk and sometimes you want to lounge with a 60 inch tv.
Also I don't play games solely for graphics. I play for fun and controls mean a lot. I don't buy console ports on pc even of they may have a few graphical advantages. Why? Well I can't stand console port controls on pc. 8/10 tines keyboard and mouse controls are last minute add ons and usually done poorly. Most of these games were made for a controller. I own a x360 controller for pc and I hate it. A dual shock 4 won't connect to a pc and have actual controls in the game, it has xbox icons and rumble doesn't work... Screw that. I want proper controls and will play those games on console.
I play pc for exclusives and strategy games (one of my favorite genres) games like civ l, Europe universalis 4 etc... games made for keyboard and mouse. Or hell classic games and classic fps games like Half life and quake 3, theif, system shock 2, dues ex. And rpgs like might and magic and ultima, baldurs gate etc...
Console doesn't have those games, pc doesn't have games like bloodborne or uncharted.
There is room for both. One doesn't need to die, and both can and will coexist peacefully... even if u fan boys don't like it.
@Heirren: dude just stop... you've been defending nintendo over the HD twins for as long as I can remember. Your not fooling anyone with the "I am suddenly not interested in consoles but nintendo" bit, as from past threads that's what u prefer.
@bobrossperm: this
And where the hell are AAA pc exclusives like we got from 1980 - 2007? All the studios that made them are dead, moves on or were forced by greed or Ms to move to console.
I was about to list the pc exclusive series from TN e past, but stopped as I realized it would take too long as there are 1000s of them.
It's so sad the fate of once prosperous pc games and devs. The evil empire ms and it's x360 agenda and the Stalin - like purge of all their God tear pc studios or turning traditional pc devs to console devs, and that is just ms. There is also the companies like crytek who moved to consoles out of greed or the Stalker devs who flat out died from bad publishers. Hell even cd project red moved to consoles.
Where is our pc only doom game? Where is half-life 3, where is a new stalker, nolf , a real theif game, any rts games, dungeon and dragons rpgs? Flight sims? City builders? All staples of the past.. all gone.
All we have left is indies and kickstarter indies.. publishers don't care. If it was doing so good why no support for exclusives?
The young ones here will claim multiplayer only free2play junk and mobas... but for someone like me those style games are repetitive and boring. The past greatness is gone... and never will be back :(
@True_Gamer_: no they did not. PC has always been stronger than consoles. Your 360 had no match for my 2006 pc playing cod2 at twice the resolution... stop spreading that false myth.
@davillain-: what does your age have to do with anything? 30 is not old (despite what people under 25 may say). I am 36 and will be gaming till the day I die. They will have to pry the controller away from my cold stiff hands lol. I also have 2 kids and gaming has been a great thing, for bonding.
Please don't let preconceived age stereotypes keep you from something you love.
Well to me, someone who really doesn't get into multiplayer and loved rts before hero's and squads entered the picture... valve as a dev offers nothing to me.
As a lover of halflife and halflife2 the way the left fans of single player games is disgusting. Their countless speach es about only supporting free 2 play and multiplayer sealed the deal... they are no longer AAA single player game devs and greedy hat selling hacks. With their steam cash there is no reason they can't have multiple teams and be making games for every genre.
Only thing that comes to mind is greed. Why do that when they can have 1 or 2 teams who tweaks modders games and adds in some microtansaction bull shit.
All I can say is thank god for paradox indies, and kick starter or there would be nothing I want to play on pc. And this is from someone who was pc only in gen 6... the killing of single player aaa pc devs forced me to add console back to my life. I miss the era of AAA single player madterpieces... and all valve needs to do is dedicate a team for such games, but they won't. It's been a decade it ain't happening and I need to move on. :(
@Cloud_imperium: I used to love valves games...but now everytime Gabe opens his mouth he shits on the people who made them... they are sellouts taking the easy way out.
In a time when pc doesn't have any AAA single player games (minus indie / kickstarter projects) they are championing free 2 play war craft mods as real games, and making hats for team fortress 2 a game from 2004... wtf? Greed ruined a great dev.
So I say screw u valve... at least until u make a real single player game again!
Actually I am not playing any classic game right now. which is strange to me as I usually am. With the recent release of great games and sales, and "Classic Like" games such as Pillars of Eterinity, and classics in the making "Bloodborne.... there has been no reason to play classic games. Although I have around 300+ in my backlog.
Also playing Tales of Hearts R, and sorcery saga on vita, plus Etrian Mystery dungoen on 3ds. Really disapointed in the Etrian, as the rest of the series is great, rogue likes aren't meant for parties though.
The oldest game I am playing now is Tales of Xillia on my ps3.
@clyde46: It's the most active gaming forum I've found on any gaming site.
It's true and has the most information flow of any forum I've seen, it's like up to the minute with someone either trying to hype or bash systems so the info is always up to date lol.
This.... (although my short stint on neogaf was fun until banned by calling the people "too sensitive and Poliical correct", they didn't like that too much.... those people really are too sensitive over everything! )
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