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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@SolidGame_basic: why? Not my fault u felt compelled to buy a crap system. I don't need or want to buy a second console. When u have a family with kids, a dog and a full time career gaming time is limited, so is money. I still have a back log of 400+ games and for current gen own a pc, ps4, vita, 3ds, ipad and android phone. Adding another console in there with worse multiplat form games, 1st party franchises that don't appeal to me , and next to no niche Japanese rpgs... well there is no reason to own one or care.

Also I tend to stick to my ideals when a company tries to screw it's userbase, but back tracks at the last minute. Seems like u and many others here are weak when it comes to "must have a system for 1 or 2 games". I think doing that is a waste of money that could be spent on more games, ur family, ur house (if u have one), or hell anything else.

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Dragon Age Origins... my god the graphics on that game are cringe worthy in spots (but the gameplay makes up for it).

Mass Effect 1 (but the rpg elements are better in me1 than 2. Never played me3 though so can't say there..)

Uncharted 1 and Heavenly Sword from the beginning of Gen 7 still look amazing though.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Some good games in there.... bro multiplayer nuts will disagree and bash though.... incoming in 5,4,3,2....

But will pick up: Sorcery Saga (rougelikes ftw!!!) , Disgaea D2, Demon Gaze, Cathrine and Tales of Graces F, (the only tales game on ps3 I don't own, although questioning if i should hold off for physical release on that one).

Class of heroes, Ygrra Union, Kinights of the nightmare, Crimson Gem saga, Dead rising 2- off the record, mega-man 9&10 (didn't care for X-mavrick hunter), Bionic commando rearmed, all the MGS games, Dragons Crown, Demons Souls, Resident Evil re-re, Res Rev2, all great games that are highly recomended to anyone with an open mind.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@skektek: I don't know, I have never played a magic build in any of the games. Always pure melee tank or thief/rogue builds. As such I felt dark souls 2 was the hardest entry.

For one block and reposte didn't work like it did in demons and dark 1, they made the window to pull off the move insanely small. Combat also felt off, like hits that should of landed didn't and vice versa. Demon souls was hard but dark 1 felt harder for me.

Bloodborne felt the most responsive and fluid making Melle a joy and easier at times. BB is my fav followed by demons.

Oh and dark 2 had that stupid lower health per death mechanic and it limited farming because of the non respawning enemies after a time... these elements made it harder too.

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@FireEmblem_Man said:

Okay, you can sugar coat this all you want, but the damage is already done. Valve Corp will still find a way to get this done without offending their blind follower's that worship their false prophet Gaben.

For real... There was a thread the other night with 90% of people on here praising paid for mods... now they are turning sides as their "master" did...

And the pc only gamers that worship Gabe, the guy does not have your best intrest at heart. No half-life 3, fleecing money out of you with microtransactions by only making Free to play games.. is not good for PC gaming. Its the mobile ecosystem coming to pc... and it sucks!!!!!

Gamers should be wanting the way it used to be with full large single player games, with multiplayer modes seperate to the main game, and full on expansions that add significant content... stop the dlc, microtransaction and only multiplayer focus....

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@nyadc said:

@OhSnapitz said:

..She's not alone. Even the link in the OP gave positive previews of PM. It seems PC gamers are yet again afraid of something that's on PC AND consoles.. go figure.

Afraid of what? A VR system on a 4 year old closed source plastic box? Your comment doesn't make any sense, VR has absolutely no future on the PlayStation 4.

Why do I get the feeling that if it was on XB1 you would be all for it....

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@OhSnapitz said:
@Shewgenja said:

@godspellwh said:

@deathlordcrime said:

Didn't cows get hype over this yet the Morpheus is bare bone at best. Your not going to see games with UT quality graphics on it.

PS2 games seem suitable

Keep trying. Your hope is someone will eat your bullshit if you try harder. Go out there and be someone!

..She's not alone. Even the link in the OP gave positive previews of PM. It seems PC gamers are yet again afraid of something that's on PC AND consoles.. go figure.

yep... This thread is the biggest pc only and (one masquerading lembot) circle jerk I have seen around here in a long time. That Valkyrie demo looked great, and will be fine for a new experience on consoles. What some of these guys who spend thousands of dollars on hardware don't get is that many people don't have the disposable income to invest in a setup that can play star citizen with VR. The Morpheus will, most likley (if sony is smart on price), release a vr headset that is affordable for everyone. That is the difference, and plug and play. Am I saying it will be successful? Who knows... but you guys are all just trolling fools to write something off...oh wait it supports your agenda.... lol...

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Not everyone likes multiplayer only games , and would rather have a single player experience (with optional mp side modes) via half -life 3 from valve... but no... there greed has taken over. Have fun being fleeced for "hats" for ever from that once good turned crap company.. I knew with that last newell interview what him and the res thave become...

At least I can still get good non f2p trash from other devs (for now)

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Cloud_imperium said:

Valve is obsessed with F2P. They want every game to use same business model on PC as Team Fortress 2. F2P game where money will be made through in game purchases or mods for devs to take their cut. It may not look like that right now but things are heading that way.

exactly, which is why we haven't seen half-life 3... . Valve has turned greedy and hates single player games.... I miss the days of real large pc games with actual expansions. Don't like this dlc mentality and micro-transaction cell phone non-sense.

What is worse is the blind sheep who won't think for themselves on this forum and others who just take whatever is dished out. Have fun paying $500 for 200 skyrim mods.....

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@GarGx1 said:

If you have the option then PC is the better version, it's almost a different game

How is it a different game to my ps4 version? Both have 1st person controll switching. What you get a higher res (only if you have a larger than 1080p monitor and the card to pump that out, my monitor is 1080p and my gfx == the same in the PS4).. or what some added AA? at 1080p AA is not as important. I was playing games back when there was only 4 colors on the screen a few small jaggies is nothing (although it was so cool to see AA in action back when 3dfx made it mainstream).

Really though, how is it a different game? PS4/xb1 versions are fine. There is no reason to get it again if you already have it. (if you don't have the game then sure) . I have a freind who bought the game 3 times ps3 --> PS4 -- > pc and I think that is stupid. The guy is the opposite type of gamer than i am though (he only plays multiplayer games... which to me is INSANE!_)