@SolidGame_basic: why? Not my fault u felt compelled to buy a crap system. I don't need or want to buy a second console. When u have a family with kids, a dog and a full time career gaming time is limited, so is money. I still have a back log of 400+ games and for current gen own a pc, ps4, vita, 3ds, ipad and android phone. Adding another console in there with worse multiplat form games, 1st party franchises that don't appeal to me , and next to no niche Japanese rpgs... well there is no reason to own one or care.
Also I tend to stick to my ideals when a company tries to screw it's userbase, but back tracks at the last minute. Seems like u and many others here are weak when it comes to "must have a system for 1 or 2 games". I think doing that is a waste of money that could be spent on more games, ur family, ur house (if u have one), or hell anything else.
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