Do you like PC gaming? Then PC is the way to go. I don't like sitting on chairs in front of a small screen, I prefer couch gaming, which is why I'll always choose the console version.
Then hook up your PC to your HDTV and play from your couch with an Xbox or Playstation controller.
And then when I want to just surf the web, I'll plug it back into the monitor again? Takes too long, and I'm a casual gamer. Console gaming is just for people wanting to have fun playing games, and don't want to much hassle. Plug and play.
@Jankarcop true, I'm just not a competitive gamer :)
You can have your PC hooked up to your HDTV and monitor at the same time. There is not much hassle. You switch the input of your HDTV to the PC just like you would a console. You can also switch what display you want your PC to output to or have it output to both your monitor and HDTV at the same time.
Easier said than done. My pc is over 40feet in the other side of the room, and I am not changing where it is. That would require a 100+ foot cord to route at the base of the wall, and would be a pain the ass. Thats not even getting over controlling the thing from there. Then there is the issue that I can't stand x360 controlls and that is default on pc. I have a wired 360 controller for pc but avoid all console ports and controller games because of this. If a game is made for keyboard and mouse then it gets a play on the pc.. thing is most graphically intense games now are not made for pc first (like quake, ut, doom and theif were back in the day).
When you plug a controller in a dual shock4 you need a special dongle to even get bluetooth and then rumble doesn't work on it. Only a handful of games even support rumble on pc, and its a feature i love (I even wish they had mice that had rumble).
So yeah, my pc will not be upgraded from my i3 3.3ghz and 7870 2gb amd card, anytime soon. It's pointless as the games I play on pc : Banished, Pillars of eternity, wasteland 2, civ 5, older total war(pre rome2) , older thief, europa universalis 4, neverwinter nights 2, skyrim, prison archeticet, heros of might and magic, sins of solar empire, starpoint gemeni2, cities skylines, Tome4, spiderweb software collection, etc....
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