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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@BassMan said:

@FastRobby said:

@BassMan said:

@FastRobby said:

Do you like PC gaming? Then PC is the way to go. I don't like sitting on chairs in front of a small screen, I prefer couch gaming, which is why I'll always choose the console version.

Then hook up your PC to your HDTV and play from your couch with an Xbox or Playstation controller.

And then when I want to just surf the web, I'll plug it back into the monitor again? Takes too long, and I'm a casual gamer. Console gaming is just for people wanting to have fun playing games, and don't want to much hassle. Plug and play.

@Jankarcop true, I'm just not a competitive gamer :)

You can have your PC hooked up to your HDTV and monitor at the same time. There is not much hassle. You switch the input of your HDTV to the PC just like you would a console. You can also switch what display you want your PC to output to or have it output to both your monitor and HDTV at the same time.

Easier said than done. My pc is over 40feet in the other side of the room, and I am not changing where it is. That would require a 100+ foot cord to route at the base of the wall, and would be a pain the ass. Thats not even getting over controlling the thing from there. Then there is the issue that I can't stand x360 controlls and that is default on pc. I have a wired 360 controller for pc but avoid all console ports and controller games because of this. If a game is made for keyboard and mouse then it gets a play on the pc.. thing is most graphically intense games now are not made for pc first (like quake, ut, doom and theif were back in the day).

When you plug a controller in a dual shock4 you need a special dongle to even get bluetooth and then rumble doesn't work on it. Only a handful of games even support rumble on pc, and its a feature i love (I even wish they had mice that had rumble).

So yeah, my pc will not be upgraded from my i3 3.3ghz and 7870 2gb amd card, anytime soon. It's pointless as the games I play on pc : Banished, Pillars of eternity, wasteland 2, civ 5, older total war(pre rome2) , older thief, europa universalis 4, neverwinter nights 2, skyrim, prison archeticet, heros of might and magic, sins of solar empire, starpoint gemeni2, cities skylines, Tome4, spiderweb software collection, etc....

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Well looks like my rig finally has met a game it won't be able to run

I3 3.3ghz

And 7870 ghz ed oc. 2gb ddr5

8gb ddr3

Not like I would buy this or any "controller" based game for pc anyway. Something some of the snobby hermits on here don't understand. Games made for controllers play better on a console with a large tv. (Maybe if pc had dual shock 4 drivers and supported rumble, I would give it a chance. I can't stand the x360 controller that is default on pc )

I save my pc for games made for pc... civ5, total war, eu4, cities skyline, banished, and older games like thief and halflife2 that were made with kb/mouse in mind.

So ps4 for batman and it will be glorious!

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@soulitane: this.... and yeah had it on pc for years now. If it was a complete reboot then it could possibly be interesting.

And lol at @mems praising a game. First time I've seen that, and not the usual everything sucks attitude... of course if this game were a PS exclusive, then there would be a 99.9% chance of him bashing the game.. lol..

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@jg4xchamp: ps3 sticks are compatible with ps4 ( i read it on the mk10 stick thread, but don't know if u need an adaptor or not)

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Lulu_Lulu: so that's why u bashed bloodborne so much... u don't have the platform it was in. It's all starting to make sense. Lol...

Anyway for $25 it's a guaranteed pick up, never got any street fighter last gen besides the street fighter 2 psn game.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@Zen_Light said:

@mr_huggles_dog: It's always hiding behind PS4, and getting protection from the numerous hermits here. Doesn't deserve it, at least not yet.

Never understood that. MS has been a bane to pc gamers. yet some here protect the platform... when they just want to exploit them, and tried to do so in the past...plus killed off all their pc studios and stole other pc only studios and made them xbox devs... I have been pc gaming for years, and own every PlayStation console. The two go hand in hand. 90% of Xbone games besides halo is on PC ( and halo is overrated imo!)

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@ripsaw1994: pc has always looked better than console. People who tried to justify x360 last gen by saying it looked better and was more powerful than pc were full of shit, and weren't pc gamers to begin with. While those fools were playing cod2 and gun at 720p or less I was playing them in twice the rest maxed using a 7900 Nvidia and then a 8800gtx. Does that mean consoles last gen were bad looking at the time? No they just never matched pc.

This gen it's the same thing, but different. For most people 1080p is the norm, 4k cost a lot with a special monitor. Entry point for that is staggering. For 1080p most ps4 games that are multiplat are equivalent to pc counterparts minus more aa. Xbone is less resolution. My ATI 7870 is about equal to my ps4.

People who bad mouth consoles this gen as "weak" are full of shit. They are vastly superior to consoles last gen. Double the res (for ps4) more shaders, rops and 8x the memory.

Comparing to pc is stupid and people doing so sound like they need to justify their system. I have been a pc gamer since inception in the 80's on 4 color cga displays and apple iic... things have come a long way, but they also have come along way for consoles.

You can have appreciation for both. I avoid almost all controller based games on pc, as one I don't like the x360 controller, and want to play those games on my massive tv. While I wouldn't play a grand strategy game like eu4 or civ5 on console, those style games belong on pc.

Bottom line, u can love both. And people that berate consoles are the same fools who would be hating on a $599 price point if they were more powerful.... so there is no winning to them... they are just negative trolls who are just full of hate or snobbery.

Both platforms have their place and u should experience them both... just avoid that xbone, no reaon to buy that crap :p

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@indzman: not interested in any of those games/ franchises besides tomb raider, which is timed and not really like old tr, so I can wait. Much more into games like demon/dark souls, bloodborne , or hell RPGS in general, which the playstation + PC combo has always been the greatest at.

I guess if u love overrated space marine shooters (halo and gears) and annualized American based titles the bone would be a good fit... but for me nah.

Don't trust the company, even before TN e console reveal, don't like those type of games, and love having superior multiplats, the most rpgs (western and jp), the most indies, and dedicated Japanese game support.... with a great controller and no ads on the user interface.

At this point, I don't know what it would take to trust ms. The original xbox was great, then they killed it early... that was when it became obvious to me that they valued profiteering over the consumer. Screw that. I didn't seen Sony killing off the ps3 4 years in.

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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@SuddenlyTragic said:

@tormentos: Oh my god, who fucking cares you pathetic fanboy. Dude, nobody can actually tell the difference unless you're a website like Digital Foundry whose job it is to look at everything under a microscope and compare still pictures to point out tiny details. I played the game at a friends house on PS4 and I own the game on XB1. Guess what? Couldn't tell a bit of a difference. And no, I'm not saying that because I'm a blind fanboy like you. I own a PS4 too, and both consoles are weak as ****. If I want to talk about good graphics I'll talk about how good GTAV is looking on my GeForce 970, not how there's the slightest resolution difference that the average person isn't going to notice in fucking Mortal Kombat. Get a life.

Obviously you care or you wouldn't of had a meltdown. When Lemmings stop posting on these threads and just admit that the bone is less powerful and not keep up with the DX12, secret sauce, stacked chips, cloud threads... these threads will stop. Until then...full force on comparisions.

Anyone who bought an xbone over a ps4 knew what they were getting into with that console reveal... and if you still bought it for "brand loyalty" (for a brand that likes to quit if they aren't winning, with cut-rate 1st party and the same 3 games coming out annually, and little to no japanese game support) well, I don't know what to say.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@R10nu said:

Eh, the MK9 designs were way behind times.

Basic and dull, straight from the 90s.

The new ones are not just in better taste, they're generations apart in detail.

It ain't the SJWs who make new Rambo not run around shirtless with a red headband.

It ain't them who make him actually fucking reload his machinegun.

It's the times.

then the times straight up suck!!! I feel like I am living in bizaro world. Give me my 80s and 90s that I grew up with please!! I love that era...