No the Xbox One sucks.
No, the N64 sucks
No... they both suck! :p
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Thus topic always stings.... I sold all my Snes stuff to buy a guitar... It worked out given playing is part of my profession, but it still stings to think of what I sold away... Still have all my NES carts though.
I know the feeling. I sold my NES, Genesis, TG-16 and PS1 games back in 01 to pay the rent... Really hurts! Especially knowing all my black lable ps1 games like Suikoden 2 and FF7 are worth bucks now, I got rid of them for about $5 a pop..... :(
You see, From Soft doesn't reward you for game time, something many gamers today can't comprehend with the degree of hand-holding in "games" today.
Such rubbish. You level up because of game time. You get stronger because of game time. Enemies are easier because of game time. So don't spew this nonsense about the game does not reward you for game time. The game suffers from the lack of direction for new gamers. The very least ANY game should do is introduce new players to the mechanics and the design of the game.
Every souls game introduces new players to the basic mechanics. It's not the games fault that many people don't like to read. All the controls and stuff is in notes throughout the hub and first area. The more obscure stuff is meant to be hidden away and figured out by the community. It was done that way on purpose.
It's one of the only series besides say Monster hunter, to have old school "Recess talk".... where you would ask other gamers what certian things did or if they found that, etc.... That was common place back in the NES era... and the souls series brings that back. It's also a game that makes you think about the game even when you are not playing.
@Postosuchus: yeah my 7870 will due as nothing I play on pc requires anything more. That and I have a 1920 x 1200 monitor. Don't need a 4k ready card. Until games start coming out that require the upgrade like Quake 3, doom3, halflife2, crysis, stalker , never winter nights 2 , unreal tornament etc... did in the past I will stick to this. My most upgrading happened in gen 6 of the consoles, of course I skipped on consoles at all that gen. Back then it made sense pc got complete better games.
Remember battlefield 2 compared to the console game with a subtitle, or actual exclusives? (Pc gets them bow but they aren't really tech heavy unless u count mmos and crap moba games)
It doesn't bother me that it's selling but it does for its lack of 3rd party games compared to ds and psp. Those two handhelds were monsters. I feel 3rd party support has been abysmal lately on 3ds. It was good during year 2 but now it only gets a handful of titles a year usually by atlus and usually similar games (how many eo remakes do we need when the system plays ds games?)
For someone like me who only likes fire emblem, advanced wars and zelda from nintendo, it's been spotty at best for games.
This year alone I bought sword art online, tales of hearts r, atelier rorona plus, ninja Gaiden sigma 2 plus, disgaea 3, axiom verge (when the cross buy releases), holiness Miami 2, oli oli, binding of issac rebirth, Joe danger 2, all on the vita so.e due to under $15 sales. Plus will be buying resident evil rev2 on it, shovel knight and bastion soon.
3ds the only thing I really want, that I can buy is eternal mystery dungeon, and monster hunter 4 nothing else has released 3rd party wise. Where is the son style castle Vania games that made the ds such a hit in my mind? Where the hell is advanced wars? The vita has a metroid game ut not the 3ds?
Personally I would of rather had monster hunter 3 and 4 on the vita as circle pad pro sucks.. and not dishing out for a new new NEW 3ds so I can play xenoblade chroncles. And give the 3ds axiom verge as nintendo hasn't made metroid in years.
@indzman: always been a single player more player. Although I occasionally like arena shooters like Quake and unreal tornament back in the day, or the casual battlefield conquest play. Rpgs and turn based strategy and stealth games are my favorite genres, and many of those games get ruined or dumbed down because of multiplayer being added.
I also feel like single player only games get unfairly bashed by the multiplayer enthusiasts. Example: the order 1886 got lambasted on the internet for its length 8-9 hours of content for most people. While games like evolve that don't have a real single player mode, are lacking in content and give only a few select maps / characters get praised. I seen some places like ign give it a 9.. playing the same boring 3-4 maps over and over again for $60 does not sound appealing in the least. Why was the order bashed so hard but not evolve? I would rather a great crafted story, world then a few maps for a game that forces co-op on a handful of maps.
(Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the order is great, haven't played it. My beef is with people bashing it for content when evolve has less content, but nothing is said about that front large publications.)
Honestly at this point sp fps are so BAD that anything valve makes will be top notch.
They dont even have to worry about sales.
They won't make it though. I heard latest podcast featuring Geoff Keighly and Gabe Newell and it was disappointing. Valve is too obsessed with Multiplayer F2P games. They said they've evolved from being SP devs who used to release 60$ boxed copy of the game. Now they have other things to take care of other than making games and if they ever returned to their old SP games, they'll try to convert them into something "social".
Things change.
There are plenty of great sp focused devs in the industry. DOTA 2 was a huge success so why not ride the wave?
Because those mobas are shit... There all the same warcraft 3 modded bull crap... Seriously pissed. I don't care about Multiplayer... never really have, It's only something I dabble in. But games like half-life were special, and to leave it as it was is just bullshit. Greedy bastard that gabe newell. He needs to be brought down a pedestal. Shit they have enough money to hire more people to make it and whatever hat making Microtransaction greed fest they want.
The way people pick apart the offerings from + and gold is ridiculous. Do you think every month is going to be stellar?
I don't think anybody expects that at this point. Doesn't mean we have to be excited about being offered crap.
why does not being excited have to translate into the other extreme, and vice versa? Some are picking this and gwg apart
The "free" games is one of the selling points of the paid subscriptions. We have a right to express our disappointment when they offer games nobody wants.
As do when I have an opinion on gamers acting like self entitled cry babies. Freedom of speech rules!!!
Applause.... cainetao I agree with you whole heartedly. People rip apart the free games we get each month on both systems.. and complain and throw tantrums and act like spoiled kids saying such things like
"Nothing I'd play. Maybe I should cancel my subscription."
Like your not going to get good games next month if nothing appeals to you now. Doesn't' mean others won't like them.
Or the ever famous "I already own those games ... shit games are shit..."
WTF!!!! Who cares if you own them you greedy good for nothing jerks... My god the entitlement is off the charts!!!!
Maybe it's my age, growing up at the start of the Atari gen that I see all games indies and AAA as great experiences and realize these companies don't need to give us shit. Xblive didn't for years, and you all still bought it. Now PS+ set the precedence and we get great new shiny games to compliment what we buy every month. What's not to love? You guys and your hate.. ugggh so embarrassing.
Sony isn't even trying anymore. High sales makes a company very complacent.
wow you guys are such entitled complainers... you expect sony to be getting publishers to give out all AAA games all the time... wake up man... its not going to happen.
What we get though is amazing!! And to complain about relatively free games is asinine. Esepcially when xbox live didn't give out free games at all for all those years of pay to play online.
We get 6 games a month for $50 a year.... its different each month. As an owner of a ps3, ps4 and vita its an amazing value. Thats 72 games a year with many of the being cross buy. Some months are good some ok, but never bad. I already own Dishonored and Killzone Mercenary (both amazing games and worth a pick up). I was eventually going to buy Tower of guns on PC , but now I don't have to, that's good for me. Never alone looks like a fun game..
Don't get you people saying xbone had better for april... Child of Light has been out since last year this time,I bought it on release. Tower of guns is a new game for ps4. Pool nation ... Really how is that better? And the 360 games gears of war judgement, wasn't that the worst reviewed gears game? And army of two... isn't that just generic EA gears? Doesn't seem so great to me. Terrira, great game, but who doesn't own this already? It's what a $10 game and Black flag... on last gen.. no thanks. Still though they are good games for people that only have one system or don't buy the games., but I wouldn't call their lineup better. You people on this site just hate all things indies most of the time, something I don't relate to as I love them.
The first 3 splinter cell games were amazing. I own them on pc and own the collection on ps3.. love them that much. Double agent was when the downfall started. Chas theory was the peak of the series and had the most unique gameplay gadgets and puzzles to solve. The constant pursuit of making games all action focused, and "accessible" dumbed down the game and took out the stuff that made it a unique game to we'll crap.
I haven't played blacklist. How does that compare to SC 1-3, or is it more like conviction?
I still remember the quote from unisoft saying "light and shadow gameplay is last gen and we are moving past that. Now we focus on daytime with crowds"... that's when SC died imo.
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