Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@JangoWuzHere said:

@Midnightshade29 said:

Not digging the art style at all. Watched a stream last night and it didn't seem like mortal kombat. Why did they change the look of every characyer. The bobs thing is just shows that sjw s have imposed there bullshit to gaming devs. But that isn't my gripe, it's the art style itself.

What do "SJWs" have to do with anything?

It has nothing to do with objectifying women. All the female characters in MK9 looked fucking stupid. If you prefered their old look, then you have shit taste in character design.

DId I walk into the wrong forum? Or am in some weird millennial pc version of system wars? Has gaf got you guys brainwashed? There is nothing wrong with curves and boobs! My wife has a great pair.. and i am glad for it. That being said... Why am I being demonized for preferring the art style that mortal kombat had for over 20 years!!! 20 years.... its been a tradition and the characters are iconic. People raised hell when Dante had different hair...but this is all ok with you guys? Really?

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Not digging the art style at all. Watched a stream last night and it didn't seem like mortal kombat. Why did they change the look of every characyer. The bobs thing is just shows that sjw s have imposed there bullshit to gaming devs. But that isn't my gripe, it's the art style itself.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

I will be buying. Playing tales of hearts r on my vita and it rocks!

My ps3 is sitting with my ps4 under the tv. Have 40+ backlog of ps3 games to eventually get to so it's not moving anytime soon. Hell I still have my ps2 out for the same reasons.

Never understood how some people get through games so fast to. People playing through 60 hour games in 4 days...wtf.. a 60 hour game will take me weeks to a month or more to get through. When u have a full time job, a 2 hour commute, a wife and 2 kids and a hyper dog that needs 1+ hour of walking a day, not much time is left for gaming. Are there that many people unemployed who play so much they don't have a backlog and closet their old systems?

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Desmonic: and quite expensive. I guess you'd have to be a Ceo or trust fundy to own 3 4k monitors. Who is going to pay $3-4k on monitors?

I know I am just jelly... it sucks being a poor working guy with a family...

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

I laugh at all the lemmings who bad mouthed demons souls back in 2008 on this forum. I remember fools bashing the videos hard, declaring this would never sell and would be a pile of shit.

Look how far they have come. Each game (besides dark2 ) has been critical darlings and something new and different. From took their kings feild series and injected it with pure unadulterated gaming morphine, making it the best pure skill action rpg out there.

Now bloodvorne itself is a masterpiece in terms of content (minus the load times). I haven't taken the disc out since launch and knew this would be a success when I seen 3000+ let's plays on live from playstation. .. doubling cod and gta5 for streams and bearing out league of legends on pc twitch.

The game is so good... I hope we get a great expansion and a sequel. Congrats from and Sony japan for making a great joy to play!

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@DocSanchez: Well said.

I too will pass on those titles. I stopped liking Mario and friends back in the SNES era.

I don't have the time or money to invest in another system for a few games I don't care much about. I can get similar 2d platforming from little big planet (a game sheep hate and bash because it has real physics and wasn't made by nintendo). If I want a zelda type game I have binding of issac for classic zelda style dungeons or hell bloodborne or other action rpgs. Metroid, I got axiom verge ( well nintendo isn't making a new metroid anyway).

I bought a 3ds to compliment my vita like I did with ds/psp last gen, for the few 3rd party jrpgs and 1st party strategy games (fire emblem is awesome, and it's the only place to play etria odyssey and monster hunter ). Those style games and 3rd party support in general do not exist on Wii u. So for someone not interested in super Mario super friends... there is really no incentive for me to buy one.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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No tales of Zestria? I thought that was coming out this summer? :(

(to be fair i still need to beat xillia (1/2 way done), Xillia 2, Symphonia chronicles collection, and Abyss. I don't own graces f and I am near the end of Hearts r. Hearts R is amazing by the way... )

Never understood the appeal of Naurto or dragon ball z. They look so blocky and badly animated. Maybe it's because I was over 20 when they came out , but they look like crap shows and crap games.. I thought they were just a kids cartoon... you know like pokemon :P

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#8 Midnightshade29
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How about a real sequel ....get ensemble back together and make AOE4 or let a different studio do already. Oh right, you don't make pc games only low risk expansions to pc games that are 16 years old...or stupid console space marine crap.... You tout "were into pc gaming" and then you show shit. With your billions, this should be cakewalk.

I would love a proper 2015 3d Medieval RTS (hell any rts... with a real single player campaign...none of this stupid moba crap) .

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@ProtossX said:

@bundleofnumbers said:

I thought it wouldnt do as well as people think, I dont see too many people wanting to upgrade to the new 3ds in order to play it when they already own a version of the 3ds...

do u think nintendo will port it to regular 3ds due to lack of sales or anything?

Thats the only way I am going to play it.... shame.. I would love to play it but not forking out for a 2nd 3ds a 3ds.025 edition. I already own an original with circle pad pro and made the mistake of buying 50% of the games off eshop... don't want to have to call nintendo to get a the games transferred. That is an ass backwards way to do things.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@blueinheaven said:

@locopatho said:

The usual "sky is falling attitude". Remasters (obviously) aren't meant for gamers who already played the games. Just ignore them if you already played them, jeez. It's not like A team developers stop making new games to focus on ports. Ports are done by other random teams, and guess what? Actually make money for more new games!

This is what I absolutely do not get. I stopped playing Uncharted 1 because frankly I got bored. I never got to 2 and 3 but with a trilogy on PS4 I would be very tempted specially 1080p versions and all on one disc. How anyone sees this as 'bad' is a complete mystery to me. Are they aware of the fact they don't have to buy the fucking thing if they don't want it?

yeah exactly. Its the same shit attitude some people have on indie games. "Your releasing indies... why take away from making AAA games... Just make some AAA games and relase them now, my entitled millenial narcissistic self demands it!" - Well, at least that was what I have seen over the internet for the past few years.... Idiots actually think remasters and indies are taking away from AAA games and that if they weren't being released more AAA games would come out... It's so idiotic. AAA games in a new gen take a long time. Remasters and indies fill in the gaps nicely.

Oh and you don't need to buy them. Plus i am sure the hordes of 360 owners last gen would love to play these games.