Not digging the art style at all. Watched a stream last night and it didn't seem like mortal kombat. Why did they change the look of every characyer. The bobs thing is just shows that sjw s have imposed there bullshit to gaming devs. But that isn't my gripe, it's the art style itself.
What do "SJWs" have to do with anything?
It has nothing to do with objectifying women. All the female characters in MK9 looked fucking stupid. If you prefered their old look, then you have shit taste in character design.
DId I walk into the wrong forum? Or am in some weird millennial pc version of system wars? Has gaf got you guys brainwashed? There is nothing wrong with curves and boobs! My wife has a great pair.. and i am glad for it. That being said... Why am I being demonized for preferring the art style that mortal kombat had for over 20 years!!! 20 years.... its been a tradition and the characters are iconic. People raised hell when Dante had different hair...but this is all ok with you guys? Really?
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