Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Blabadon: picked this up when I got bloodborne. Looks amazing and feels smooth

Coming from the vita and ps3 versions, the frame rate is amazing, of course I usually don't notice such things unless it gets to slides how levels.

Uploaded my level 19 vita character and had a blast playing coop with my son.

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@davillain- said:

And the Wii U for only $299 with good exclusive games continues to be overlooked.

And will continue to be overlooked as I know there are a lot of people like me who just don't care for "Mario and friends" I stopped caring about those games when they added in cringe worthy voice acting. The whole reason I bought a 3ds and a DS-lite was for the 3rd party jrpgs, srpgs, dungeon crawlers and castlevania games.. with the only 1st party game being fire emblem and advanced wars. Wii-u doesn't have that support, at all. Plus it has PS3 era tech.

Why would someone buy a console that lacks 3rd party games, has 1st party games they don't care for, and has about the same specs as the hd twins from last gen. It's not appealing in anyway, unless of course you love mario and friends.

Also remember most people only buy 1 console, and buy more multiplats than anything else. With no 3rd party support, nintendo will fail. Sure it will cater to the fanboys, and kids whose parents won't let them play cod (a rarity these days) , but those few sales won't help in the big picture.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@silversix_ said:

Even if it was 199.99 with $6 shipping it wouldn't be worth getting if you already own a pc or a ps4. Console has zero good games and unless you're into halo (which will come out in a year...) there's nothing to look forward to even years from now.

yep, that's how i feel about it. I can't stand halo, and always thought it was an overrated tribes clone... Then I bought halo 2 on PC and found out it wasn't a tribes clone...just a shitty game that got way more attention than it deserved.

As for xbox one... I already have a backlog of unbeaten games - of over 60 games on PS3, 35 games on PS4, 12 games on 3ds, 40 games on vita, 30 games on psp, and a whopping 150+ games on PC.... (i could include my ps2 rpg collection or ps1 and earlier too).

With only an hour or two a day to spend on gaming, what's the point? Xbox doesn't have japanese support, and I get western rpg love on both PC and PS4....

For me there is no reason to buy one, even at $100.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Has anyone here played this yet? These style games are my favorite, but I have already spent over $200 on games for march alone... can't justify buying another game so soon, will have to wait til next payday :(

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@madsnakehhh: Divinity's score was oberinflated. It didn't serve a nine. The story was crap and the npcs talked like it was morrowind, an encyclopedia for each spouting the same shit.

Wasteland 2 was a better game last year in all respects. I have a feeling certain people praised divinity for co-op. A feature that really isn't for crpgs, imo.

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@misterpmedia said:
@sts106mat said:

@misterpmedia: i didn't ignore it, because i am not a pussy like you.

I know you didn't tag me (and other users you mentioned), because you are a coward.

@misterpmedia said:

I know you lems love to resort to petty, pathetic name calling like any youtube commenter but that's no excuse really.

What's next, something about my mother? Lmfao, please. Way to admit you're weak with poor self restraint.

Edit: Also, that doesn't make sense, or else I'd be replying to you now by not adding your tag. Derp.

Why do all lemmings on here resort to name calling and acting like juvenilles? Almost every single one in this thread!! Why? Does xbawks live breed this behavior or is it true the PS fanbase really is an older mature crowd of intelligent beings while the Lems are junior and high school aged kids? I don't want to go there but the proof is in the pudding. They lost an argument so they gang-up and form insults and bad mouth a whole group. Uggh... show some class lemmings please. Your arguments about "PS fanboys being the worst" holds no weight when you guys spew cusses and insults. Admit defeat, show some humility and move on....

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

wow, the lem hiding as a hermit is salty.. good job solid , ur point is proven. That list was rigged. Adding portable games and collections to inflate numbers of the ps side while not on the Xbox side.

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@charizard1605: uh dude. I just reread the first thread and I don't see any mention of "first party" only exclusives. So I don't know what ur going on about.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@charizard1605: really?

Demons souls

Heavy rain

Beyond 2 souls

The last of us



Nino kuni

Were all AAA new ips, without milking sequels that got 9s.

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@walloftruth: for me it's the opposite. Ff15 demo is lacking in all things that make an rpg, hell u can't even control other characters and what's with the sausage fest cast? No actual story and bland empty spaces with just combat.

Ff type 0 has been great. I don't give a rats as about graphics, it's the depth and rpg mechanics along with a world map and gameplay that make it great. Would of loved it for vita, but it's great on ps4 now too.