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#1 Midnightshade29
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@walloftruth said:

@edo-tensei_ said:

And where are all the pc exclusives too? All I see are multiplats the consoles also share.

Cities: Skylines , Homeworld Remastered Collection, Frozen Cortex, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 , Elite: Dangerous, Grey Goo, Blackguards 2.

Next time, don't make it so easy.

Yeah all great games but where the **** is half-life 3... a new vampire the masquarde games (as bloodlines was AMAZING!), clive barkers undying, return to castle wolfenstien, no one lives for ever, soldier of fortune, Doom , fear, Stalker crysis, neverwinter nights 2 etc...... Gen 6 in pc time was a technological beast and master of Single Player FPS! Where is that? It's all multiplayer shit now... I don't play multiplayer hardly at all as my family life limits it with no pause button.. (it happens when you have kids and pets, and a wife). Plus I love single player games, always have. I don't like playing a co-op game with someone talking or skipping past everything because they just want to beat the game, and move on to the next thing (I have a friend who does that always min-maxing and skipping things.... can't stand playing anything with him because of it).

I just want a return of the tech pushing PC fps games.... People putting stalker and crysis on the "PC FPS exclusive single player list" isn't very convincing since both its been since 2007 almost 10 years a decade since their release... And again... where the **** is half-life 3..... SCrew you Gabe... I don't want your multiplayer "Hat selling, DLC peddling bullcrap" .

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@bunchanumbers said:

At this point Wii U is the only good console. And thats such a shame because all of the supposed power of the twins is supposed to make Wii U obsolete. Instead almost everyone bought into the hype campaigns. All these people should have bought a Wii U instead. It would have ensured that 3rd party publishers make games for it. Destiny, DA:I, and SoM could have been made for Wii U.

Sorry, but not everyone likes mario and friends... I stopped liking mario the day he had voice acting. They were great as a kid on the NES.... but after the PS1 came out more mature (as in depth, and darker tone,) games came out. Then there is the fact that a wii-u is equivalent of a ps3 / 360 in power , many of us already had that last gen, why would we get that now? Many exclusves are coming out for the system and indies too (which fill the gaps where mid tier games were last gen). The problem is many of you don't see indies as games and it's a damn shame. I have over 45 games installed on my PS4, so much that I needed a 2gb hd. I have over 100+ games for my vita and at least 300+ for PC (but that has no gens). I have fun with all my current systems.

Plus you all beat the exclusive drum but hell I like 3rd party games and the world does too! The problem is the wii-u doesn't even have any 3rd party at all, and I don't need 2 consoles, I buy 1 console per gen and supplement with pc for the style of games that aren't on console. I don't play console ports on PC (thats reserved for pc style games like cities skyline and civ) . ..any action based game gets played on console... I care not about 4k resolution sorry I don't own a $1000+ 4k tv.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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PSP -- because you can play 80% of the PS1 library on it (although vita would make even more sense. but that wasn't a choice. Not that it would matter with the enourmous Sony hatting crowd who thinks there can only be one handheld...ughh)

Vita gives you ps1 rpgs, psp rpgs and vita rpgs...

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#4 Midnightshade29
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Reallly we allready have good cod on PS4 .. .its called Advanced Warfare and it's the best cod since MW1 (for multiplayer, and zombie mode rocks!) As for single player, nothing has matched the greatness of COD2, which I would take a remaster of. Most people hated MW2 and 3 due to the stupid streaks and the horrible camping level design.

Also ... I figured you would be prompting to bring Tales games to PS4... that seems like a much better cause. I would love it Zestria released on PS4.... we have 0 jrpgs and a crap ton of shooters....

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@Krelian-co said:

Anyone still cares about garbage feminists have to say about gaming?

The whole SJW Site called neogaf apparently cares... becuase if you say anything against that hive mind and talk against feminisim ... insta ban.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@loafofgame said:

I think the issue lies is in the fact that the EULA was updated (and the speculation about the reasons), not that the rule is actually in there or that companies have the right to enforce those rules. There's a perceived development. This is an example of what some people fear: the slow but gradual limiting of how certain products are to be be used and created, forced on companies by the media. First it's this engine, but more engines might follow. First it's a rather broad rule, but soon it might include 'no racism, no sexism, no scantily clad women'. First it will just pertain to the rules of an engine, but it might end up in the laws of a country.

There's dedication here. Dedication to prove a point and one point only. Why are we all indifferent about what appears to be so blatantly obvious: through negative and biased coverage the media are slowly forcing companies to limit artistic expression.


This.... so this!! its sure is a slippery slope.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@JustPlainLucas said:

@The_Last_Ride said:

@toast_burner: That's not true, GG is over 150k that contains gamers and not all gamers don't want anything to do with it. They're just neutral. You're conflating the two

@JustPlainLucas said:

"There's no sexism in gaming!" *shows footage of a female gamer being hit on by a male gamer* "THERE'S NO SEXISM IN GAMING!"

you're claiming that you can't do the same thing to men?

Ok, let's say women hit on men as much as men hit on women in gaming (which they do not). It's still rude and unwarranted and doesn't change the fact that it's still sexist. If you can be sexist as a women, it doesn't neutralize the sexism from the male side. Christ...

wait so it's now considered sexist to hit on a member of the opposite sex? I have been married for years...but when I was in the dating game... that was par for the course... Did the millennial generation of "your special" and "you win every game" just come of age or something? My god... and the men who white knight this lady who bad mouths guys... wtf! Seriously... The political correct bull on the internet is getting out of hand. Thank god I can speak my point of view on some sites (unlike the hive mind that is neogaf the banning fascist sjw regime that has risen up there in the last year).

Maybe my 1980s-early 90s gen x gen was different. I grew up playing AD&D, listening to metal music, playing video games and hanging out with lots of friends from both sexes. No one ever said they were offended by anything video game related (or anything at all). All the fantasy and sci-fi book, game, and movie covers had women dressed in metal bikinis and we were all enamored by the artwork. Hell the guys were dressed similarly too... The artwork in those days was fantastic. If it was used today, people would cry misogynistic , sexist... blah blah blah.... uggh... I never even heard that word until last year... In fact they did... remember the outrage some people had for Dragons Crown... lol....

I feel like I am in the twilight zone. One day I woke up and men were sticking up for a feminist who is against gaming and gamers (and men who aren't toeing her party line)... She is using some of the same crap that Jack Thompson did a decade ago... what, white knights support her because she is a chick? She has some of the same messages as old Jack, which everyone rallied against...but now it's some chick and certain people feel they need to defend? I bet if we put an old guy/or unattractive gal up there on stage and have them give the same speeches, videos etc... most of the supporters would either not listen or be against it.

There is nothing wrong with being a gamer... I am not apart of gamersgate, but I will defend gamers and the pursuit of looking at beautiful women in art all day long. Imagine how boring the world would be if all media was drab plain ordinary people and nothing was pushing boundaries... I know a few regimes in the mid 20th century who censored art too...is this what some of you want? What also is so funny is these same people have no problem with the porn industry. If they feel gaming is sexist and "misogynistic" where is the outrage on the industry that actually is.. the industry that makes women into straight up prostitutes and objects? Instead they are rallying against video games...

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@Bread_or_Decide: not true at all. Yeah vita is home to amazing indies, but there are tons of good games there that aren't indies. Problem is people bad mouth games like borderlands 2 and jak collection for not being perfect console ports... a few frame drops, not a big deal, it's a handheld not a console.. people's expectations need to be tempered. Ironically the same people praise the 3ds and it's smaller localized library of 3rd party goods, but never complain about graphics that are worse than psp and those games have framed rips too as well as most games having chibi models for characters (not hating love both just pointing out hypocrisy )

I just picked up tales of hearts r, altielier rorona plus, disgaea 4 , ninja Gaiden sigma 2 plus, and sword art online for vita... All non indies... All rock! I guess if u dislike Japanese made games you could ha e the perception of mostly indies, but that's just because western aaa devs avoid handhelds and stick to stupid pay 2 win on mobile..ughh

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@GamingTitan: I am 36 and disagree with everything u just said. I am thrilled with indies and indie rpg kickstarters. I don't need graphics I need depth!

When last gen or before games have more depth than current gen games there is a problem. Thank god for indies and kickstarters games like wasteland 2, pillars of eternity etc... they are bringing back old school depth and thinking, game play and fun. Graphics are overrated...and I grew up on apple 2 and intellivison when I was a kid...sad that old pc games from the 80s are sometimes more advanced that AAA games today.

Also stop tacking on multiplayer to everything. Wolfenstien new order was so great because it didn't have it. That was a sleeper AAA gem.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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Love indies and at them all the time.Binding of issac rebirth, rogue legacy, transistor, terraria, zen pinball 2, geometry wars 3, super stardust ultra, velocity 2x, etc... All rock!

What I want more of is actual jrpgs. It seems like every gen takes 2-3 years before the systems get them. Ps3 ais getting tales of zestria this uear, why not release on both ps3 and ps4? I will buy it either way but damn jrpgs are so few and far between.