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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@ribstaylor1 said:

So what does this mean for graphics? I'm wondering if they'll gimp their first party titles on pc, for more parity between the two. I fucking hope not, but this is the company that tried to charge people to play online on a pc so I wouldn't put such shit past them. **** lets hope they don't try that again, with their own store front built into windows. That's the last thing I want to happen.

definatly a concern. MS are not to be trusted.

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#2 Midnightshade29
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@uninspiredcup said:

None of them actual pc games.

This... Console ports are not real pc games.. so it makes little difference imo. Those style games are better played on console... where real pc games (ala Civ V, Grimrock, Starpoint gemini 2, Mount and blade, Total war, neverwinter nights, Stalker, Europa Universalis 4, etc.... ) won't be coming to console, as they are actaul pc games made for the pc hardware and controls.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@wis3boi said:

@Midnightshade29 said:

@uninspiredcup said:

The game isn't even finished.

Really? Didn't know. they are sure selling it like it is. Does this game have them dumb microtransaction bs in it.

I was hyped for this as Elite was the grandady of space sims with open world and trading. Then i found out about the Always online multiplayer only bait and switch they did after they already got kickstarter money. That made my descision easy...stay clear as always online drm usually means micro transactions galoore. No more play the game offline and get better ships by you know playing, it all has to do with the "cash shop" ewww.

the only thing in the cash shop is ship paint. Whoopity doo

If I buy a game for $50-60 it better be complete. It would be like buying a car racing game and not being able to get a new paint job without paying real world cash. Forza tried that shit (I hear) and it was bad. I don't support Microtransactions and always stay away from games like that unless they are FREE To PLay and this is not, you pay full price, I expect a full game.

Letting one dev slide on Microtransactions on a full price game gives others the go ahead to do it to... (EA and Ubi have already started) it's bs. First they take out extra modes and costumes for DLC add ons, now devs/pubs are taking modes and anything non essential out of games making them extra micro transactions.... Screw that practice... I will stay clear of all such products.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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Why is there Double AA batteries ... It has a micro usb port on the damn controller, shit if you go that far might as well make the thing rechargable like the dual shock, but no.... uggh. So ass backwards on that regard..

So this is what valve has spent the last 8 years doing since half-life 2 episode 2..... WTF valve. It took you 8 years to make a controller and outsource portal and that dumb moba game.... ridiculous!! If it wasn't for steam you guys would of been out of business long ago...

Where the hell is half-life 3!!! Inquiring minds and fans want to know!!! Stop being hipster douches and give up the goods... Half-life 3 or bust!

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Rumble? No Rumble No Buy!!! Didn't like when six-axis didn't have rumble, it makes a big differnece and wish more PC games would support it, plus it would be nice if there were force feedback mice for gaming. Those things like that really add to the immersion, The light bar on ds4 does as well but lems and non PS owning fantards will bash it just to bash it, but it actually works great in many games!

Also what is up with the button layout on face buttons and shoulder buttons. They couldn't make their own naming scheme they had to copy 1:1 the Xbawks buttons. Both PS and WII and XB have different button names and labels... valve couldn't think of anything original in that department?

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@uninspiredcup said:

The game isn't even finished.

Really? Didn't know. they are sure selling it like it is. Does this game have them dumb microtransaction bs in it.

I was hyped for this as Elite was the grandady of space sims with open world and trading. Then i found out about the Always online multiplayer only bait and switch they did after they already got kickstarter money. That made my descision easy...stay clear as always online drm usually means micro transactions galoore. No more play the game offline and get better ships by you know playing, it all has to do with the "cash shop" ewww.

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@lostrib said:

let the circle jerk begin

let the one liner cynical bitter fanboy bs remarks begin...

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@AzatiS said:

@SolidGame_basic said:

As much of a Sony fan I am, I really did not. Even with e3 2013, I did not expect the PS4 to be as successful as it is now. I also expected the Wii U to make a comeback, given the one year head start and price advantage. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting it to be number 1, but I expected far healthier numbers. It looks like we are heading back to PS2 dominance, which is crazy in today's competitive landscape. What do you think, SW? Did you expect a lopsided win for Sony?

I knew PS4 will be a beast . I was saying again and again that im glad that Sony F'ed everything up with PS3 so theyll learn from their mistakes , stop being arrogant and feel untouchable and go strong and humbled to next-gen ( PS4 ) . I knew Sony had what it takes to admit and learn from their mistakes and provide a solid , as cheap as possible , hardware with the well known Sony exclusives diversity this generation. And the result of that reflects on PS4s sales. Easy peasy for Sony this generation. No more overhyped , overpriced , complicated "craps".

Which is exactly what made the PS1 (my favorite console ever!!!) so succeessful. They started ps1 by courting 3rd party, making the licensing costs cheaper than anyone else (back then it was $10 per game and let 3rd parties market, manufacture and distribute their own games... i guess that part doesn't apply to today ) The PS1 was priced cheaper than the compeition and Sony supplied tools that made it easy to make games for.

Mark Cerny brought up the comparision to the ps1 in the reveal which is exactly why we are seeing such a massive influx of indies and AAA games on the PS4 ... it was made for gaming first... easy for devs to make new products on. It was genious and something they couldn't do for ps3 as Kutarigi made the thing a media - computer focused first .. not gaming. Ps4 like the ps1 is a games console first and foremost.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@polishkid99 said:


Kind of did after the Sony and Microsoft e3 conference. I ask people today why they don't buy an xbox one, they still think you can't trade games and kinect is always monitoring you through the internet check.

GOOD... People shouldn't be tricked by MS 180s. Their original vision was the vision of this console and they would of pulled if off if it wasn't for PS fans making fun of it all over the internet to the point where their sale pre-orders shrunk and bad press assembled.

If ms could get away with it, always online drm would be there right now. I personally don't want to own a console that had that goal during creation, nor do I want to support a company that agrees and facilitates with Obama spy networks.. (which are unconstitutional but the dems seem to get all sorts of crap passed by that shouldn't be, but will not get into here...). I also wouldn't want a console originally visioned as a kinect box, or one that is underpowered so you can do fantasy football as they buy out the rights to NFL. The exclusives are shit unless you like halo, and everything else runs better on ps4....

So why would someone in their right mind buy an xbone unless they need halo? I find it funny because the neilson survey said "Brand" as the number 1 reason for people buying it. A whole lot of misinformed fanboys buying on brand alone... sad..

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@extrodinare101 said:

I told myself I'd buy a PS4 if there were at least 5 exclusives for it, so far I have Ratchet, Disgaea 5 and Uncharted 4, need 2 more and I was never a fan of the souls games so I don't think I'd like Bloodborne very much.

Persona 5, Samurai Warriors 4, Dragon Quest Heroes, Rime.