Pillars because I am a die hard AD&D nut... and the infinity ingine was my favorite version of crpgs... ever. It's what made me upgrade my old 386sx to a pentium 2 with a voodoo card back in 99' and a year later when BG2 came out... I forgot all about my colleciton of 60+ Ps1 games. (In fact it led me to not gettiing a console until 2007 when I got a psp for x-mas... which brought me back to playing consoles)
- I stuck to PC only all through gen 6 of consoles just because the infinity engine and rpgs like nwn and kotor were all being made for PC... It wasn't until after 2007 (after nwn2 and witcher lauched) that I got back into console gaming.
- I am thrilled that kickstarter has let devs make games I love. Even if the mainstream cod kiddies would have nothing to do with them... ("ewww turn based combat... 2d gameplay...ewwww... thats so before I was born.. I'll go back to shooting bros in the head on xblive over and over and over again..." lmao!!!!)
Bloodborne because --- welll it's a fucking PS4 exclusive Souls game..directed by the maker of demon souls himself. I have loved the souls game since way back when they were Kings field and shadow tower on ps1. I was also someone who imported Demon Souls from hong kong when lems on this board were bashing the game for graphics and slowness... countless threads by them on that... it was hilarous as the game won goty once it got stateside.
- So of course I will pick up bloodborne... only a fool or a lem (mutually interchangable) wouldn't.
How can you ask me this question tc? You are throwing this out as some PC vs Console bs... well guess what. Some of us love RPGS in general and own and are fans of both PC gaming and Console gaming. (in my case anything but xbox, and I will admit it unlike others who hide their likes and then post passive agressive bs..)
Both games should be an extension of the greatness that good deep, non publisher RPGS will bring. It's what happens when real gamers speak with their wallet, and aren't being force fed easy mode drivel, the antithesis to the hand-holding "everyone wins" neogaf loving millennials and their easy mode cod loving moar graphics and frame rate ways....
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