Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@TheEroica: sucks I would rather have twin sticks... does anyone know if you can play songleplayer?

If not its an instant pass for me.. just like evolve. Tired of this mp only fest. At least I got the other indies for the month and ff type 0 and bloodborne for march

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#2 Midnightshade29
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@mr_huggles_dog said:

Double jump, jump dodge, wall dodge or go home.

I played Quake and UT back in the day....and those games were around for years....I don't want an updated version of an old arena shooter.

Why the hell not.... we haven't had them for years ... Quake and UT were balanced none of that rewarding the best player with crap to get even more of an advantage that is in modern shooters like cod. It was fast it was insanely fun and addictive. The announcers and gibs made it great. I miss it so much. I can't wait for this.

Let me guess...you probably make fun of this but are chopping at the bit for a new halo... ugggh.... (that's a series that needs to be put out to pasture already!)

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Hell yeah.... NO GEARS OF WAR MODELS YEA!!!!! I hated hated hated UT3 for that bulky gears speaker armor wearing crap models that felt like you were moving around bricks. UT3 didn't feel like UT...it felt like Gears with a ut mode.

It's been years since a new powerhouse Arena shooter has come out. Here's to graphics innovations.... I just wish it wasn't Free to play. I loved buying ut99 and ut04 with the 40+ maps and modes.... it was pure shooter bliss. Miss those days.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Maroxad said:
@Alucard_Prime said:

Indeed Gameplay can go a long way

"Not the prettiest game around" ...quite the understatement there lol(no offense...that gave me a few laughs, thanks for posting)

Pretty poor technical graphics indeed, but there are a few graphics mods to make it look better.

Dwarf fortress rocks!!!! If this intimidates people try Gnomoria It's like $5 on steam and is a more graphical game in the same vein, yet easier for newbies. Anyone who likes games like this should also give Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup a try. It's an amazing rougelike with the most depth i have ever seen in a roguelike, and you can play it live on their broadcast servers, in a web browser. Another game that could be considered similar to DF is banished... but that is fully in 3d but is a city builder... really the same style game though.

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#5  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@parkurtommo said:

@funsohng said:

What does age have anything to do with this?

I'd say it's related to responsibility, when we're kids, particularly teenagers, most of us aren't responsible for much at all, so we need something really time consuming and satisfying to give that sense of productivity and entertainment. And then suddenly that space that video games used to fill is taken by work.

This obviously isn't everyone's case but this is what I've been feeling lately, working is more satisfying than playing video games for me, DOTA 2 is the only exception.

"working is more satisfying the playing games"? What do you do? I build websites and run a support team for a living and have been doing that for the past 8 years (am 36 btw)... but not once did i feel the way you do. Not once would I rather be at the office instead of playing a great game. So this is a surprising quote unless you are in a rock band or play or make video games for a living, as most jobs are not "Fun". They are there to pay the bills and put food on the table (at least that is how it is for me. If I won the lottery I wouldn't do what I do now, that's for sure).

Now time is limited, but it's been that way for years. People say teenagers have more time, but I beg to differ. When I was in high school in the early-mid 90s... All I did was go to school then go to work after school and if I didn't have work I would be hanging out with my Friends, at parties, or getting some tail. I hardly ever played games in high-school. It wasn't till after when PS1 and FF7 came out that i got back into video games. .... times have changed, fast forward 16 years from the glorious PS1 RPG Golden Age

... Now I spend my time after work with my family, then walking my dog, but after that I stay up to around 2:30am to get my game time in. What sucks is sometimes i get sucked on to these forums and don't play anything :(

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#6  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@clone01: who needs to chill? And do what crap? Speak up against the hypocrisy of lemmings and elements in the games media who want to make issues they started last gen irrelevant because they now sponsor the loosing side? Not a chance in hell.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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Pillars because I am a die hard AD&D nut... and the infinity ingine was my favorite version of crpgs... ever. It's what made me upgrade my old 386sx to a pentium 2 with a voodoo card back in 99' and a year later when BG2 came out... I forgot all about my colleciton of 60+ Ps1 games. (In fact it led me to not gettiing a console until 2007 when I got a psp for x-mas... which brought me back to playing consoles)
- I stuck to PC only all through gen 6 of consoles just because the infinity engine and rpgs like nwn and kotor were all being made for PC... It wasn't until after 2007 (after nwn2 and witcher lauched) that I got back into console gaming.

- I am thrilled that kickstarter has let devs make games I love. Even if the mainstream cod kiddies would have nothing to do with them... ("ewww turn based combat... 2d gameplay...ewwww... thats so before I was born.. I'll go back to shooting bros in the head on xblive over and over and over again..." lmao!!!!)

Bloodborne because --- welll it's a fucking PS4 exclusive Souls game..directed by the maker of demon souls himself. I have loved the souls game since way back when they were Kings field and shadow tower on ps1. I was also someone who imported Demon Souls from hong kong when lems on this board were bashing the game for graphics and slowness... countless threads by them on that... it was hilarous as the game won goty once it got stateside.

- So of course I will pick up bloodborne... only a fool or a lem (mutually interchangable) wouldn't.

How can you ask me this question tc? You are throwing this out as some PC vs Console bs... well guess what. Some of us love RPGS in general and own and are fans of both PC gaming and Console gaming. (in my case anything but xbox, and I will admit it unlike others who hide their likes and then post passive agressive bs..)

Both games should be an extension of the greatness that good deep, non publisher RPGS will bring. It's what happens when real gamers speak with their wallet, and aren't being force fed easy mode drivel, the antithesis to the hand-holding "everyone wins" neogaf loving millennials and their easy mode cod loving moar graphics and frame rate ways....

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#8 Midnightshade29
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My thoughts exactly. The lemmings made this resolution war a reality last gen when it was only a few 5-10 pixels different. Apperently when they were on the winning team last gen that mattered. Now they are on the loosing side and its in the magnitude of 1000s of pixels difference... it all the sudden is "irrelevant" sure...lol Hypocrisy. the ones who aren't being hypocrites are the lems who switched to ps4 this gen, and didn't stick with ms. I don't know how MS had any supporters after their reveal and e3. 180ing aside, they stated their vision.... they didn't respect their consumers, yet hard core brand loyalists didn't care.

As for the media.. the media loves to bash sony just as much as the lems... Last gen was proof of that alone.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@tormentos said:

@Snugenz said:

Wow, talk about overreacting and damage control. Holy shit you've gone off the deep end tomatoes, way off.

For an xbox apologist like your self probably..

Go to GA and see how poster are making fun of Richard left and right..hahaha

@spitfire-six said:

Why are you upset?

I am not this is how i always post...hahaha..

Why aren't you debating that resolution doesn't matter is a better question.

And here comes the lems berating the poster instead of discussing the subject at hand. I guess when you don't have an argument, are on the losing side you have to deflect. It's sad how many times Toremntos makes well made posts only to have lemmos bash him instead of try to refute what is said... what's even sadder is these same people were boasting and ridiculing ps3 last gen for the things that ps4 is trouncing xbone on. Hypocrites...

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Pikminmaniac said:

Oh God he put Until Dawn on his list... I'm going to make an early prediction on that game... 3-4/10. Looks worse than the Order

On topic: I'm interested in the following

-Bloodborne (because Dark Souls)

-Wild (because Michel Ancel)

-No Man's Sky (Because dream game)

What's wrong with until dawn, and the order. Games don't need to be open world to be fun. I loved Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls, Telltale's Walking dead, game of thrones and the remake of Grim Fandango.... And older games in a similar vein like Dreamfall the longest Journey , and adventure games from before most of the complaining lems were even born or in diapers.

Games can be a lot of things and art and cinema is apart of that. There is room for both, which this "hate campaign" on cinematic or adventure games... people don't get. If Until Dawn was multiplat on Xbox - PC, these people would not be railing against them. Plain and simple. It's console wars bullshit... the hate pilled up on good games from people who wouldn't play them anyway.