@gago-gago: they fired over 50% of the staff a week ago, when the new $overlords aka venture capitalists took over. Why is any of this news? There were threads on this week's ago.
It's ok Square, you can keep that garbage series in the east. The bad taste that DQ VIII left in my mouth was unforgivable.
DQVIII? Did you post the wrong numbers? DQ8 is highly regarded by just about everyone. Are you thinking of 9.. As for DQ10 they can keep the online only mmo gameplay... I wouldn't want that anyway. Now if it was a proper dq game sure.
As for DQ Heroes... bring it over, it will be mine day 1 baby!
This is a compelling list. It may persuade me to buy a used Wii U off some Craigslist crackhead.
lol... Since when do crackheads have computers...let alone wii-u's? /even a crackhead, I would think would have more sense than to steal a wii-u to sell.
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