Did my part with Dying light on PS4 game is 9.5/10 for me!
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@SolidTy: why do you have 3 copies of halo 3 and 2 copies of gears? Seems strange buying the same game multiple times. Only time I did that is for demon souls when I imported it and them bought the us copy, or psp games but that was digital.
Just curious is all.
@DarthRamms: unreal tornament. UT 99 and UT 04' were my favorite multiplayer fps games (pre battlefield era) and ut07 was such shit. I really hope the go back to form. They really need to bring back the jumping and fast action of previous games. I just hope that they got rid of the gears of war art direction. Big bulky space dude bros do not fit with UT at all. The older games were all about speed and weapon combinations as every weapon in ut has 2 firing modes. They were so awesome! Holding down the fire button on a rocket launcher to shoot more rockets at the same time, the flack cannon, and pulse rifle...gimme. the classic maps like facing world's made capture the flag so much fun. As long as it returns to pre 07 style and the gears artists are gone , then it could be a great game.
I never liked halo, tried to get in with halo 2 when it released on PC, and never understood how that game was ever popular. There was always so many better shooters out there, at least on pc at the time, and the campaign was a joke. I know people love it, but it was not for me.
Bring on unreal toenament
@Slashkice: I can't wait for Axium Verge and Hyper light drifter. Hopefully they get a street date soon. Been playing some Binding of Issac, Suikoden 2, and Brandish.
@wolverine4262: wait you had to do that on 360? I never owned one but figured it was like ps3 where you could redownload your stuff on a different console (for the first few years up to 7 different ps3's.. which was crazy and they brought that number down to like 2 or 3 by the end of the gen) . On vita if I got a different one i would just sign in to the new one and redownload the content. They allow 2 so if I got a 3rd I would just redownload and go on the web and hit "deactivate vita" and bam i can set which 2 I can use my psn content on. So here is an online policy that sony trumped ms on ...and lemmings say they were never innovative in online. The 7 systems per account was amazing.
And this is why I will not purchase a new 3ds. The fact that I can't re-download my purchased eshop games ( fire emblem and zelda a link to the past, EO Millienium girl, crimson shroud and a few others) is reason enough to not do this. For one I would want to sell my old 3ds to cover part of the cost...well I would be loosing my content. Why the hell do you need to buy a new device before getting back your purchased content is crazy. It's 2015!!!! WTF! Seriously nintendo. It's the same thing that stopped me upgrading to an xl... the fact that I can't sell my 3ds to cover the cost without loosing my stuff. It's crazy.
@freedomfreak: I play them all the time and have for yeara, well before they were even called such. The pc has been a bastion for them and in recent years, the vita.
When the horror genre was nowhere to be seen, I was playing penumbra series. Had so much fun with banished and prison archetect which are miles better than always online Sim city. Recently games like apatheon, rogue legacy, and binding of issac have been fantastic, I bought them before they were free on psn. Glad more people get to play them.
I just get mad at the idiots who dismiss or bash indies because they aren't AAA ... people give them a chance!
@gamecubepad: usually immature xbox fan boys who bash Sony for courting indies. People who are so stuck in the past they refuse to download games. People who never played games on pc. And people who think having indies mean less AAA, which is entirely wrong and idiotic.
I see it all the time on forums though, it drives me nuts that some gamers can be so dumb. Just look at some of the quotes in this thread to see what I mean. "Why would I play something that I could make in game maker in 3 hours." For that persons case thought it most likely stems from the Xbox 360 old indies store that only played xma games.
Little do they know those aren't the indies that come out on pc , nintendo and ps platforms.. xma was mostly for hobbyists.
IS mh4 compatible with the og 3ds and circle pad pro? I am not upgrading to a new 3ds until it's actually a brand new system (as in the next gen not iterative ie dsi vs 3ds), as I don't like that small nub and it just seems like an incremental upgrade (plus limited funds due to family, bills and actual games). I own both 3ds and circle pad pro, bought it for MH3u and was glad I did as without it, mh is horrible on 3ds. The psp wasn't great either but at least it didn't cramp your hands when using the claw (although that was not ideal).
Still salty about no vita release and nintendo money-hating the series, when it would of worked far better on the vita..or hell why not freaking multiplatform.. Capcom was stupid not to do that. I played Mh unite on the vita and it controlled so much better with having real dual sticks. Hell vita would probably be getting tons of support if nintendo didn't make that deal.
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