Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@starwolf474 said:

I agree. Microsoft is way too nice to PC gamers, which is ironic since PC gamers seem to hate Xbox. Microsoft lets their games appear on PC way more than Sony and Nintendo and that leads to PC gamers choosing Sony and Nintendo consoles to supplement their PC since they have games that they can't get on PC.

The sad thing is, from what I've seen, many PC gamers are not even appreciative of this and will constantly bash Xbox for not having exclusives when Xbox would have more exclusives if they weren't being so nice to PC gamers.

What? MS closed down every single PC studio they owned. ACES, FASA, ENSEMBLE, Big huge games, Freelancer team, Ascheron's call mmo team...all dead... There support last dx transistion from DX9-10 was porting halo2 and making it GFWL mandatory and vista mandatory when it wasn't even DX10. Hell that game was out the gen before, and they tried pulling pay to play online on pc... There is a reason pc gamers such as myself hate them. I was cool with MS back in the Gates / XB-OG era... past that forget them... I would use linux solely if i could.

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#2 Midnightshade29
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@ninjapirate2000: there is more Tr responses due to uncharted not being playable on pc or xbox, but Tr reboot was on all 3, so lemmings and hermits will bash uncharted by default. This was a dumb question to ask in this forum.

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@SolidGame_basic: uncharted. It's a stellar series and naughty dog is an incredible dev.

Tr is a cross gen game that got money hatred by a company I dispise. Didn't like the lack of tombs in Tr reboot, and miss the old ps era laura, politically correct era Laura is ok, but devoid of much character, imo.

What I really want to know is why MS is so obsessed with this franchise. Even last gen the Tr games sold way better on playstation and always have, yet last gen x360 had exclusive dlc, this gen is timed exclusive. Why waste money taking stuff away from a fan base who loves the games? The fans aren't gonna buy your shit console over a cross gen game m$.

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Ballroompirate said:

The idocracy of gamers, excuse me while I laugh at the mountain dew chugging zit faced teenagers crying about Evolves "$100 of skins dlc" while they ignore bigger issues like LoL's business practice, which if you want all 117 champions and all the skins (346 skins) you have to fork over...wait for it..... over $2,165 for all of the full "dlc" LoL has to offer.

Actually it would be more than $2,165 since this thread was made over a year ago

Hey man don't' generalize all gamers into a group like that... that's swj bullshit tactics. Personally, I think both games are shit, and wouldn't get either. I hate the fact that Rts games are not being made any more because so many play those multiplayer only games ... mobas (based on the worst warcraft game ever.. couldn't stand hero small group tactis in wc3, preferred making a huge base and tons of troops in wc1-2, age of empires etc...)

I don't support those games because of lack of single player, and content. These games have so little content compared to something like an rpg or a sandbox game like dying light/AssCreed. Maybe if they were reduced price at around $30 would i buy a mp only game (like warhawk was on the ps3,) , or had tons of free content and 100s of maps and modes ... ala Quake 3, Unreal tournament, or even battlefield and cod (and the last two have single player modes too).

Evolve gives you little as a base product and if they are going to charge so much for dlc there should be more in the base game. Period. Again personally, I don't understand why this game got the hype it did. It's a mp only game.. and the concept just doesn't appeal to me. Having to have a dedicated group of friends for communication never works out (unless your still in high school living at home maybe, or in a college dorm.. i guess that could be the people this caters towards? )

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#5 Midnightshade29
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Messed up ...all the haters bad mouthing this ... I guess you want to watch kids die... How is giving to charities a bad thing? Only on system wars... god...

I guess Extra Life is a waste of time for you people too. My kid was in children's hospital and it saved her life. I am all for this.

Have some sympathy... for once. This is a good program if it gets people to donate.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@SolidTy said:

@Midnightshade29 said:

@SolidTy: why do you have 3 copies of halo 3 and 2 copies of gears? Seems strange buying the same game multiple times. Only time I did that is for demon souls when I imported it and them bought the us copy, or psp games but that was digital.

Just curious is all.

LAN bro, LAN. I have multiple 360s/PCs/PS3s as well. Good fun with RL friends for parties and whatnot. :)

It's the same reason I own multiple copies of Starcraft 2, C&C games, Warhawk, GeoW, Halo, and some other goodies.

HAHA... i forgot you can do lan play on console. Something I have never done (on console at least). Hell, last lan game I remember playing was either WarCraft 3 or Quake 3 Arena... at my friends apartment. He had 15 pcs and a server setup to play Quake 3. Those were the days! To bad being in my 30's that sort of thing doesn't happen much anymore.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@AdrianWerner: exactly, and most dnd gamers (imo) prefer strategy, statistics, more fleshed out worlds, good story etc... over graphics. Top down isometric is cheaper and let's devs focus on the meat of an rpg. I don't want a fps style party based game that is hard to control, and lacking in content, as that is what happens when u go that route.

We have been waiting g for over a decade for these style games , fps view has been the norm so this is a good thing. I can only see console only gamers complaining, but they wouldn't buy this anyway.

It's why a company like spiderweb software can churn out tons of old school rpgs and be loved by there fans and still profit, as they focus on substance and style and barely touch graphics.

Also glad it's not mmo or mp focused, enough of that.

I am all for graphics, just not for party based dnd

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@Cloud_imperium: Amazing!!!

Hype shot up to megaton levels!

Been waiting 9 years since nwn2 for a new non-mmo AD&D game. Hell even longer if you count my wait since temple of elemental evil (last isometric game).

I will buy systems for isometric strategic dnd games.. I love them.. Hell they don't even have to be dnd, just be turnbased and dice based with good story.

I loved fallout 1 and 2, baldurs gate 1 and 2, ice wind dale, tome, nwn2 (nwn1 was more multiplayer and the story and strategy sucked).

I bet games like wasteland 2 and divinity original sin being madly successful prompted this. Devs are finally seeing that dnd fans want classic style not mmo social style games.

Thank you, brian fargo for awakening publishers with the Kickstarters. More like this please!

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@gago-gago said:

Man do PS4 owners even buy games?

Yeah we buy good games like Dying light and Far Cry 4... Most ps4 gamers who like cod, madden and such already bought that stuff on release, months ago. We like new ips, and games with substance, rpgs.. and are not as easily charmed by multiplayer mostly focused titles.

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#10  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@silversix_ said:

Of course. Christmas Noobs bought their bone and now everything returns to normal. You see the price of the Bone and you're like hmmm that's cool, it is cheaper. Then you look at the future of the console '720-900p gaming and one exclusive made by a dev that launched the most broken title of 2014, a game that is still f*ckedup' and the lower price tag becomes pointless. The bone has no future and gamers see that. Sorry lems but you have a worthless piece of plastic no one wants. Deal with it :)

This was my thoughts exactly. I also think, based on what i have seen from my kids friends and my friend's children, that in at least NA, Xbox is still popular with them, as that is what they had last gen due to 360 popularity. Also Cod, gta and madden are usually their most played games (even thought they are kids...go figure). They don't know any better and hence ask for it for x-mas. The priced dropped for x-mas and bam all those kids getting consoles. Typically parents aren't buying consoles for kids after the holidays (at least not in mass). Meanwhile older gamers who know history, know 3 generations of greatness happened with Sony consoles and the better performing, more new exclusive offering console will of course get the sales now (even with the competition being $50 cheaper).

Its no surprise when you compare the most bought games on PS4 are stuff like Dying light and Far Cry 4, not COD and Madden. Xbox = the mcdonalds of consoles. PS4 = a steakhouse ... and PC = that expensive restaurant that only the elite can afford to go to (or know about). :P