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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

43 ps4 games

Whats messed up is with all those ps4 games my vita and ps3 are getting more love.

Just got NGsigma 2, sword art online, atelier rorona plus, tales of hearts r all for vita.

For ps3 I picked up Tales of Xillia , tales of Xillia 2, tales of symphonia chronicles and want to get Graces F.

I just played tales for the first time on the 3ds with Tales of the Abyss and loved it! I have so many games to play which has left me not playing next gen at all.

Right now I am sinking my teeth into xilla. Love it. will play symphonia next.

Why do new consoles never have jrpgs for 2+ years?

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#2 Midnightshade29
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@superbuuman: that's all fine and good, but it gets annoying the hypocrisy as some of the same people will show in threads that have nothing to do with pc (console game resolution threads) and circle jerk about dual 4k monitors... acting like most pc gamers have that. Which is completely wrong. That is an extreme niche.

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@SuddenlyTragic said:

@BassMan said:

LOL at the consoles. I will enjoy playing the game 1440p@144 fps.

Haha seriously, what a joke. Neither one of these consoles can run the Frostbite 3 engine in 1080p - that's pathetic.

**To anyone who is not absolutely convinced that the PS4 and Xbox 1 are WEAK AS SHIT and PC gaming already dominates console gaming this early in the generation, please see below:**

That's right, at Walmart you can get a graphics card capable of playing Battlefield at 60fps in 4k. Both consoles cost more than that and can't even do it in 1080p. Still don't understand why anyone would get multiplats on consoles unless they legitimately couldn't afford a decent PC (although you can finance everything these days so a decent computer should be affordable to anyone with a job). Consoles are good for exclusives and that's it. End of story.

Have fun finacing that $1000+ 4k monitor. I play multiplats on PS4 as I prefer the dual shock and my large tv to sitting up at the computer as I do that all day for work. When I get home I want to relax... I buy pc exclusives like civ, Medieval engineers, Stalker, Europa universalis 4, etc... on PC ... but I don't need 4k for them. They are fine with my 7870 and 1080p (same gpu roughly in the ps4 btw...) I have a family and am not going to spend more than $160 on a gpu... Those days are over. Maybe when you are living at home in your late teens/20s thats plausible but not as a parent with 2 kids and a dog. Things are hard enough to make ends meet as it is.

Oh lets not forget that to get the most out of that card you will need a beefy i7 cpu which is going to set you back at least another $300-500 plus the price for the rest of the computer. Most people don't want to spend that much. I don't which is why I can pc game with a i3 3.3ghz and a 7870 plus 8gb ram. I said it in a different post, so wont get into it here but there isn't any exclusive pc games that require the tech as nothing is pushing it like doom 3, crysis , stalker half-life 2, vampire masquarde, undying, fear neverwinter nights 2, farcry all did back in the day. Now everything is console ports with games made to be played on Gamepad... it is another reason I play console games on console and PC centric games (ala civ - wasteland 2) on pc.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@BassMan said:
@Shewgenja said:

How many pixels are there between 720x1280 and 900p?(Not even sure what that is.. 900X1920?)

900p is 1600x900 = 1,440,000 pixels

720p is 1280x720 = 921,000 pixels

The XB1 is rendering 519,000 less pixels than the PS4 version. For further ownage...

PC can play this game 2160p (4K) 3840x2160 = 8,294,440 pixels. That is 7,373,400 more pixels than the XB1 version. LOL PC can play the game at 900% the resolution of the XB1.

Sure but you will be spending $1000+ for the 4k monitor, and $1000+ for the dual titan's to run it. PLus the $500+ I7 processor and the rest of the computer. How can you even compare a $3000+ setup to a ps4/360 er.. xbone? Everyone knows that the pc can run better res... why do hardware fanatics feel the need to come into every resolution thread and tout 4k? These threads are about consoles... PC is already a winner depending on your wallet. It gets tiring hearing about it all the time as everyone already knows this.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@uninspiredcup said: When was the last time pc gamers had a...

FPS Made with PC in mind? Sure:

Arma, Hard Reset, Stalker, Crysis, Metro, BattleField, CS:GO

Many more this gen: Unreal Tournament, Toxikkk, OverWatch, CyberPunk, etc.

These 2 lists surely destroy the trash known as CoD,Halo,Killzone. lol console fps.

Using a tiny percentage scenario against the vast, overwhelming paradox will not change reality.

Metacritic and Gamespot disagree (scoress). As do DFC/JPR (sales). You are not as reputable as those 4 sources.

First list are old gen... 2nd list are free to play MULTIPLAYER ONLY and most are free2play , or tf2 rip off (overwatch)

So yeah you spouting out games that have no Single player prooves uninspired's point.

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#6 Midnightshade29
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That is my view entirely and I have been saying for years... but so called "PC gamers" around here are only concerned with "winning" some non-existant war. The PC hasn't had a tech pushing exclusive FPS since 2007 with Crysis. Before that we had 3 stalker games, neverwinter nights 2, far cry 1, half-life 2, doom 3, NOLF 1 and 2, Fear, Vampire Bloodlines, Soldier of fortune, return to castle wolfenstien, cod1 / 2, Quake 3, UT 2004/99 , Unreal, Quake 2, Clive Barkers Undying.....etc....

Gen 6 was loaded to the brim of "TECH Pushing" pc games. Then the 360 happened and western devs got stolen by M$ to make games for 360 and most of them died....or stayed with console. PC nowadays gets ports from console made for gamepad first.... or crappy mobas (that killed the rts genre :(

I love old school pc games like wasteland 2 and the new rpgs coming out, but I also loved PC only FPS games.... they are no longer... everything is multiplayer only (look at valve and their "We only make competitive games now" debacle" Half-life 3 is nowhere.. Carmack jumped ship to VR... CRytek is doing console engines, and xb1 exclusive kinect remapped games.... We are left with FREE 2 play games or star citizen which isn't even out yet... or warcraft 3 style mobas (god i hate those things)..

Please inform me of the pioneers of graphical games that the pc is getting... hint, there isn't any.

I play gamepad games on ps4. I would love for a tech pushing PC FPS or RTS ...but they aren't happening. I bet the next diablo will be built for console too...

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#7 Midnightshade29
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Is 4k really needed? I think it's overkill especaillly for a montior that you are sitting 2 feet away from. 1920 x 1200 is a fine resolution for a desktop . And the cost of 4k $1000+ for a monitor ( and most grafix whores get 2+) and the cost of the dual titans (or whatever is top of the line now) to run them you are talking over $2k , easy..... Not in most people's budget (young people working minimum wage and people like me in there 30s with kids and a wife... aint' gonna happen). I will admit a 4k 50+ tv is nice, but you need content to get that resolution to be plausible otherwise you are just upscalling... which is bleh.

I can play witcher 3 on my 50+ tv on my ps4, or play it on my 7870 at 1920 x 1200 on my PC.... Both will be similar and both will have advantages... 4k though... yeah overkill and a wallet killer.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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While you can't rule out PC gaming it has a large number of indies and Great OLD SCHOOL rpgs coming (so hyped) .... none of them require high end GFX cards. I find it crazy the people who spend $1000s of dollars on dual 4k monitors (or hell just one is overkill to me) , and then get dual nvidia titans (or whatever is top of the line this year).. just for a few benchmarking bragging rights. Or so they can turn on ambeient occulsion mapping and not be able to see what the hell it actually does.

PC hardware upgrades slowed down big time after the 8800gtx came out. That card was a beast and carried me until 2012! It wasn't til then that i got a 1ghz ati 7870 (same gpu in ps4, roughly). Gaming at 1080p hasn't required more, at least not for any games I play. Hell I am still sporting a intel i3 3.3ghz and it's fine on all the games that say (quad core or more required. I guess hyper threading really does work).

Back when PC gaming had actual tech pushing exclusives.... when John Carmack was working on Quake and not some silly vr stuff... When Unreal was all about pushing graphics for it's arena shooter. When Valve actually made single player games... when rpgs like neverwinter nights 2, vampire the masquerade bloodlines, stalker , and games like crysis 1 were pushing the tech front hard.. back then you needed to upgrade. You would buy a geforce 2 and the next year the games had pixel shaders that made water glitter and move. So you got a geforce 3 then that wasn't good enough and got a FX only to realize it was pure shit. Back then you had to keep upgrading to keep up, and then the geforce 6800ultra, another beast card... lasted a few years.

I didn't mind upgrading every year back pre-2008... why? Because PC was actually getting AAA exclusives that didn't go to console (and weren't indies or 2d , low graphics games). Now it's not needed. I love old school rpgs, roguelikes and indies... What I don't play are the multiplayer only fests like mobas...... So for me there is no reason to upgrade pc parts. All the games I play or will play on pc will run fine with a 7870... I don't need anything more for games like Civ, gal civ 3, wasteland 2, pillars of eternity, etc....

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#9 Midnightshade29
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What do you mean "He saw how far he was lagging behind in MGS4"... where do you get this from? Is this just your own speculation and hatred of MGS4? I don't get it. Yeah I realize a team of 360 fanatics last gen bagged on the game for having too many custscenes but that isn't popular opinion. Most who played the game loved it and it scored a 10/10 here... I bought a ps3 because of that game... and it was worth every penny. The game rocked and I loved what he did with MGS4. It was a long game, and was great in so many ways. Why are some people against cut-scenes today? It used to be a reward seeing the story being told in cutscenes after gameplay all throughout the ps1-ps2 era... then bam... last gen "cutscense are bad.. I'd rather watch a movie". I never got that scentiment... as I love the mix of both in games. If i want strict gameplay there is indies and retro titles for that. Nothing wrong with having cinematics in games.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@Blabadon said:

Unfortunately Konami has no other cash cow franchise and Kojima is apparently easily tempted.

That said, Kojima, STOP MILKING THE STORY OF BIG BOSS. Whereas MGS3 was a good self-contained story and Peace Walker's story has its moments, this is just ughhhh, especially with how MGS4 ended.

Seriously... There was so many missed oppertunities for Solid Snake Stories... Hell MGS2 was really a raiden game, so really you have MGS1 and MGS4 for Solid Snake (and MG1 and 2 but those are very old and short in comparison)... There could of been many games in the timeline between MGS1 and 4 , it seems solid snake was cut short. There still could be games with solid... but it seems like Kojima is obsessed with Big Boss.