Web Site builder, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Support Team Manager, Development, etc... For a company who makes a CRM with dedicated sites and services for the real estate industry.
Been there 8 years..... Paid good, but not good enough as the company got bought out by Canadians as a side business, and we got to keep our jobs, but no health insurance. :(
SInce the bloody Canadians get it for free, they don't give a rats ass that we don't get shit here in the states so they don't give us any insurance.... and Screw Obamacare and its $500 a month +$7,000 deductable... who the hell can afford that? (without giving up everything else)?
Yeah I am biter.. I love my job, but can't stand the lack of certain benefits and the Pres who only helps the super poor or super rich... Leaving the middle class to take the brunt of everything!
Well you asked.... Back to gaming...
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