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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@jun_aka_pekto: back when ms made pc games and good ones at that. The gates era of ms was great for games on pc and xbox 1 was really a 1 not a "one"

Other games u can play as Germans against Americans or others...

panzer general and basically any grand strategy game you can play as them... and company of heroes, which is weird how we (people, devs ,history etc..) look at the military conquest in awe and respect and make games about it but at the same time make other games about killing them en mass, Ala any fps ww2 game.

Personally I usually never play the American side in strategy games even though I am one and love my country, just not too fond of the politicians from both oligarch parties...

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#2  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@blamix99 said: A game playing as a muslim killer killing americans will be fun. LOL

REally... you can't be serious... why don't we play as the Nazis then.... oh right that would be a Travisty, but it's ok to play as ISIS kiling amercians...... people who behead other muslims and christians... screw that...

/end rant

- the only way something like that would be acceptable is if it was history like 70 plus years ago as this shit hits too close to present times...and frankly I cringe at the thought of my countrymen being killed... now if you said democrats and Republicans I would so have at it... :p

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#3 Midnightshade29
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@-God-: don't want to play a game where people who behead people for not joining their specific Islamic cult are beheaded. To suggest having a game like that besides in arena shooter is just wrong...

I expected more someone using the name -god-

Now a game where the public in America up rises against the Obama admin trying to take away our guns and attempting to put Americans in FEMA consintration camps. .. wouldn't be a far stretch from the socialist end goal agenda. And it puts the gov. As the enemy not the American people.

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#4 Midnightshade29
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@naz99: I never said strategy games don't count, in fact turn based strategy and party based dnd like rpgs are my favorite gneres. The thing is pc doesn't even get dnd games or exclusive rpgs anymore from publishers. They get them from kickstarter indie dev teams, which is great, but that's not the point I was getting at.

The point is that publishers are not making exclusive Rpgs (single player), stealth games, fps, tbs, flight sims, rts, action rpg, city builders (city skylines is indie and maxis was killed), action games, etc...

These are popular genres that the pc used to lead in. We are seeing a few space sims coming back but even those have taken the mmo approach of microtansaction etc. The pc doesn't have non indi. AAA sized budget publisher based games in these genres. It hasn't for awhile. It jus lt gets indies and console ports .

It annoys me that so many so called die hard pc gamers are ok with not getting publisher supported AAA games on pc.

Don't you want half-life 3? A new pc o ly doom or quake? A rts to rival old age of empires, warcraft, and rise of nations? Single player rpgs like the Gothic series? A new pc only thief game, cool quirky fps like no one lives forever? Etc....

Even valve has wrote off making traditional pc games in favor of mobas and microtansaction for multiplayer only games. As an liver of traditional full content single player games it saddens me.

Let's not bury our heads in the sand just to epeen on system wars. PC lost AAA publisher support for all genres except ones that can be labeled as services with repeat spending... Ala like phone games.

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@naz99: dude that's all big publishers are putting out on pc though. I have said this in so many threads and you guys either cover your ears yelling "Nanna I can't hear you" or refute with how great mobas and f2p are (my most disliked games imo).

The reality is besides indies and kickstarter indies , mmos and strategy games (which are awesome btw) there is almost no exclusive AAA budget speed publisher funded exclusives. That's all console ports, and it has been since half way through last gen. When ms killed all their pc devs and other devs moved to console (some out of greed aka crysis guys) or died completely.

Pre 2007-8 you seen exclusive pc AAA games, or if they were multiplat with consoles, the consoles had different versions. Remember battlefield 2 and consoles battlefield modern combat, or far cry vs far cry instincts, etc... now all the games are the same, besides resolution and AA

I just don't see where you guys are seeing triple a games on pc.

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#6  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@deadline-zero0: pc could always do what consoles could do. As a gamer of both console and pc I have always known this. Some of you act like a gaming pc was crap back in the day.

What you don't realize is they are two different audiences, two styles of play. I play both console and pc... why do some of you think pc has to be the only way? There is room for both, always been that way.

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@Telekill: exactly. I'm still sporting a 7870 gpu and i3. With my tastes in pc games being isometric rpgs, turn based strategy, city bulders, and roguelikes (many in 256 correct ascii text) , the latest and greatest is not required. Hell my gpu is around same specs as ps4 gpu so I play console games on the console and pc style games on pc.

If a new publisher driven rpg elusive or halflife 3 ever come out I will upgrade my rig, until then I am fine with my specs as it can run everything on 1920x1200.

Bottom line is, everybody has different specs.. pc automatically wins.. for gfx

This is a no brainer and hermits sound annoying spewing a know fact all the time. Don't know why they care.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@mr_huggles_dog said:

@Cloud_imperium: false.

The real revenue is from MMOs and F2P games.

It's why most big games sell better on console.

Which is the problem. Call me when publishers get back on board with non f2p or moba pc games. I want single player campaigns or RTS games the like of Baldurs gate 3, Half-life 3, Diablo 4, Black and White 3, Age of Empires 4, Rise of Nations 2, Homeworld 3, Exclusive Doom 4, a new Stalker game, a new Vampire the masquerade, etc......

PC of the past is dead and is only resurrected by kickstarter, strategy games and indies(thankfully or I wouldn't even bother playing pc), with such gems as Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, EU4, Civ5, starpoint gemeni 2, etc... But where is the publisher support? They only show support in form of console ports. I play those on console where they were made for.

When fucking Maxis the maker of the Sim City and the Sims can't even be bothered to be supported by publishers, you know there is a problem.

The Moba genre is the newest fad bubble...that will burst with so many making games for that genre, saturating the market. Those style games are based on the rts mechanic I couldn't stand. Warcraft 3 was the worst rts imo.... and now the rts genre is practically dead besides mobas.

Back in the 90's and the first half of the 00's Pc gaming was the spotlight for new games, new technology and publisher funding...what happened? I remember countless finished games coming out monthly, now everything is early access. You could go to the store and a whole wall was dedicated to PC games, now its a small 3 foot by 3 foot shelf...

So yeah congradulations steam, but your parent company valve has abandoned the hard core in favor of f2p multiplayer hat making bullshit.... where the hell is half-life3...


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#9  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Hype = AAA Day 1 baby!

(funny thing is I bought the witcher 1 3 times ( once the original red box release, then again when I found the game was missing a bunch of stuff, and censored, so I imported the black box 4 disc set from uk, and then again for $5 on gog)..... yet I never finished the witcher 2 (Didn't like the combat and crappy consolized inventory and potion changes.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@nyadc: all this praise in this gpu, and how this is better than consoles etc... then why the hell are u such an fanatical lemming in other threads? If u hate consoles because of lack of power then you shouldn't be hailing the xbone as something great.

As it is the low end of consoles this gen (Wii u is last gen tech wise, imo).