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Midwestrocker Blog

My International friends have shown me the brillance of "Colours"

Communications traffic at my Aunt's house is unusually high. People want to use the computer, people want to call us, I'm definitely not going to have time to write the long drawn out Disney Blog that I had planned on. Needless to say, Disney was awesome. I will go into detail next week. I'm sorry the colours (I'm just going to spell it that way from now on, it seems smarter) are confusing people. :( I was worried that they would look too much like links, but hopefully everyone will get used to them. I'm afraid I just can't put in as much link work as others do, so the colours are as good as it will get here. I'd like to thank Danasdude and AngelandSpike for making me trusted user for Kiefer Sutherland and David Bowie respectively. The people guide industry is booming, and it's always good to have good friends in a booming industry. :) I'll try to make a blog entry over the weekend, but if I don't I will catch you all on Tuesday. TTYL.

Midwestrocker is a Snail

First off, Sunday Night TV is awesome. Desperate Housewives is improving a bit from earlier in the year and Grey's Anatomy has become one of the best shows on television. Sunday has become perhaps the best TV night of the week for me. :) I had a 1% increase today. I guess because all I did yesterday was a blog entry. For future reference, blog entries only send you up 1%. :( That's about all I can think of right now. Oh yeah, my ear is a bit better, but I still have dizzy spells every once in a while. I'm hoping I'll be dizziness-free by Wednesday, so I can pleasantly gallop about Disney World like a little child. :) Again, very sorry that your blogs are going un-read. The dial-up can't take it. :( I will definitely be back in force by Tuesday of next week. TTYL.

The Magic TV.comdom

Have you ever had an out of body experience before? Well, that's what using someone else's computer feels like to me. Firstly, it's using dial-up and I had forgotten just how long it takes to get things done. And also, everything is huge! Aunt #3's computer screen is differently shapes, so the images are stretched in a fashion that makes them appear larger. It hurts my eyes. :( I know I promised to remain blogging while in Florida, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do that much. But I have good news: I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! This was quite the surprise for me. Apparently, my Aunt and her son, cousin #1, are going to take me and his kids, cousins #2 and #3, to Disney on Wednesday. I haven't gone since first grade. Sadly, I probably won't appreciate Mickey, Donald, and Daffy (Are they the same?) as much as I did back then. :) But still, there is plenty to see at Disney for people who aren't four. Space Mountain, the Hall of Presidents, the Tower of Terror, and on and on. I'm actually a bit more excited than I thought I would be. I'll be sure to tell you all about it on Thursday. ;) I went up a level. I'm now at level 22 and 0%. My submissions are not being accepted, but I'm okay with that. As long as nobody with a higher level starts submitting to guides that I could be editor for, I'll be fine. :? Finally, what does everyone think of the new blog format? Too many Colors? :) I'll try to check back in later this week, and I'm sorry I can't blop around. :( It would be too much for the dial-up to handle. As soon as I get back home next Monday, I will do enough blopping to make up for it. I will make five comments to every one of your blog entries. Maybe. TTYL. ;) (Probably Not)

Viva La Florida!

First off, I'd like to apologize for my lack of activity on the site during this week. :( Today I'm feeling a bit better, so I thought I'd make a nice blog post before going on my trip. A little more than a year ago my 60 year old, legally blind, diabetic aunt (we'll call her Aunt #1) tripped over a step and broke both her feet in 8 places. Ever since then she's had to use a wheelchair and because she's legally blind she needs someone to push her. Since I live right next door to her and my grandmother, I'm the obvious choice. I go with them everywhere they need to go, and every two months or so Aunt #1 needs to see some upscale doctors in Orlando about her feet. Conviently, I have lots of family in Orlando. Two aunts (Aunt #2 and Aunt #3), one uncle, six first cousins and 14 second cousins. We stay at Aunt #3's house while we're there and we usually get to see all of my cousins while I'm there, which is the best part. I'm a very family-oriented person. :) We're going to be spending a bit more than a week in the great state of Florida, and should be back on Monday, December 5. The troublesome thing, however, is that I'm not going to be able to do much on the site while I'm down there. My aunt has a computer with a dial-up connection, but I don't want to block all her calls by spending too much time on it. I'm going to have to restrict my activity to a simple blog entry, which is not a good thing. I've already spent a week on the very edge of TV.comdom, and another one might send me right over. This is a very close community and it doesn't stop when you're gone. If you aren't seriously involved in the site (blogging, blopping, posting) you'll miss out on a lot and start to feel like you've been left behind. I don't know if this has ever happened to you guys before, but it has happened to me on several occasions. It might just be me. I'm paranoid. I guess I'll just ask, will you leave the Duke of Infotainment behind next week? :lol: Here's my schedule for the day: 7:30 AM: Get dressed for trip. I'm going to be wearing a shirt that says "This is my holiday sweater. I got it yesterday at Target during Black Friday. 8:30 AM: Help load grandma's minivan. 9:00 AM: Set off for Florida. 12:00 PM: Eat lunch in Gainesville, Florida. Preferably at a Taco Bell. 3:00 PM: Arrive at Aunt #3's house, where we will meet two of my youngest cousins and their dad. 6:30 PM: Head off to another young cousin's birthday party at Aunt #2's house. 11:30 PM: Watch Saturday Night Live. 12:20 AM: Decide that Saturday Night Live isn't funny. Go to bed. As you can see, I have a busy day ahead of me. It's going to be a strain on my weak and fatigued system, but I think I can take it. :) Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be blogging about how well the trip went. ;) And on Monday I'll make a blog about my experience with Black Friday and Georgia's horrible road maintenance. That's all for now. TTYL.

Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :) I'm still not feeling very good, but I'm feeling good enough to head over to grandma's for Turkey, Yams, Corn, Mac & Cheese, and Mashed Potatoes. Of course, the best part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers. For dinner tonight we will be having fresh and salty Turkey sandwiches. :) I've got to go soon, but I thought I'd leave you all my Happy Thanksgiving message in a blog instead of blopping about to all your profiles. :? If I'm feeling well enough tomorrow, I'm going to get up at three in the morning and go shopping at Best Buy. Are you going to do any early morning shopping tomorrow? Well, that's it for today. I'm going back to the couch. :lol:

Now I am officially a "Sickly" person

This is the third time I've been sick with the same ear infection. :( I'm dizzy, disoriented, and having trouble keeping my head up, but I felt like I couldn't let a day pass without making a blog entry. I'm sorry I haven't been blopping around much. I can't really sit at the computer for more than five minutes or so, so that's why. And then on Saturday, if I'm feeling better, I will be going to Orlando where I won't have much access to the internet. I'll be able to get on my aunt's dial-up once or twice, but that'll be it for a week and a half. So my site involvement will be limited for the next two weeks. :( Does anybody else have WitchInsider's icon plastered all over their profile? My profile looks like this: I don't understand it, and it's scary. There are 63 Sarah Jessica Parkers staring at me, and I'm wondering how a bug like this can happen. It is definitely the oddest thing that's ever happened to me on Well, I feel like I better go lie down. I hope you all are having a great day and are going to have a happy Thanksgiving. :) TTYL.

These are a few of my favorite things...

Oprah did her "Favorite Things" yesterday, so I figured I would do mine today. Meet my new banner. /\ This one is loaded with different things I like. Some TV related, some not. Here's the list of everything in the banner, from left to right and top to bottom: Battlestar Galactica: You can't see it, but Apollo is giving you the "Die Cylon! Die!" look. The Flag of the United States of America: Without it, none of this (the website, the internet, and all of the other things in the banner) would not be possible. Homer Simpson: "D'oh!" Hithiker's Guide to the Galaxy: I've never seen the movie, but the book is my favorite book of all time. Go Google "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?" :) Civilization III: Hands down the best game I've ever played. It's seen me through some tough times. Arrested Development: I was getting a bit too depressed with the previous banner, because I am going to miss Arrested Development a lot. I wanted a banner that signaled that I was moving on, but Arrested will always belong in any collection of my favorite things. Garden State: My favorite movie of all time. It makes me feel better when I'm "in it." (You may not get that even if you have seen the movie. It's a very bad reference. :D) Lost: How many dead people are in that picture? Alias: How many zombies/clones/traitors/double agents are in that picture? Star Trek: Ahh, Star Trek. My very first television show. I will miss it very much while it's on it's brief (hopefully) hiatus. 24: Jack Bauer's totally horrible, horribly awful, awfully bad day. Zelda: How big of a Zelda fan am I? Navi Scrubs: Scrubs is funny. Sorry, but my creativity cells have been burned out. :( So there it is! :) I'm having to rush out of the house right now because my ear infection is back. Hopefully I'll be back later to blop around. For now, here is a semi-complete blue box provided to me by Angelsxo. :) [QUOTE="Stats"]

Image hosted by Image hosted by Rank : Snagglepuss Level : 21 Percentage : 50% Forum Posts: 394 Increase : 70% Increase : 1

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 282 Shows : 26 Pending : 1 Episodes : 3 Denied : 30 People : 0 Total : 313 Total : 29 Accepted % : 89

The Duke of Infotainment

Has anyone considered that itself might be a bug? Maybe they wanted to turn TVtome into a site about cheese or something and there was a flaw in the code. Cheese Emporium Online came up as "" and they said "Let's just run with it." Moving on: Saturday, after the windfall of accepted submissions which I will call "Missribs Day," CPs ran and I became editor of four guides! Here are their pictures and why I wanted their guides: Yunjin Kim, because she is awesome. Bill Clinton, because I can relate to him. Stephen Colbert, because he's funny. David Caruso, because somebody had to. So those are my new editorships. Quit the assorted bunch. Who do you think has a bigger ego? It's gotta be Yunjin. ;) On Saturday I saw the movie "Walk the Line." It was pretty good... but the important thing about that trip was that I found out that people in wheelchairs and the people that push them can get into the movie theatre for free! My aunt and I saw that movie absolutely 100% for free! That's awesome! We're going to have to start seeing more movies together, the only problem is that we don't have similar tastes at all. I have a feeling I can make it work though: "Do you want to go see 'Jarhead'? It's a movie based on the song 'Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar." "Oh... okay." :lol: I would like to officially endorse anyone who would like to use my "Blog Rerun" idea. I was surprised by how many people liked it. I was sure I'd get one comment and it would be "You're so lazy." :) Okay, here's the blue box. Note that the 156% increase is from the last time I did the blue box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Snagglepuss Level : 21 Percentage : 50% Forum Posts: 394 Increase : 70% Increase : 1

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 282 Shows : 26 Pending : 1 Episodes : 3 Denied : 30 People : 0 Total : 313 Total : 29 Accepted % : 89

And I'd like to add that I'm now "The Duke of Infotainment" in Danasdude's Links Union. I must have been on a sugar high when I came up with that name. :) I hope you all have a good day, and I hope somebody sees this. It might be hard to without the friends stuff at the right. If you did stop by, and read this far, thank you so very much! :)

Blog Rerun #1

We all know that there aren't as many people hanging around the site on the weekends, do I'm just going to do what the networks do when there isn't much audience: show a rerun! Instead of putting effort into a blog entry that not many people will see, I'll just reach into my archive and get a premade one that hardly anyone has seen. This one, in fact, was the first blog entry that any of my friends commented on. That friend was Chrisbd1. Big props to him. :) Okay, here it is: [QUOTE="Midwestrocker Blog Entry, August 5, 2005: 'Red Shirt, Class of August 2005'"]Being a red shirt seems to be a much bigger deal than any of the other levels. Probably because red-shirts are so identifiable. On a side note, I wonder what it is like to spontaneously shake your leg everytime someone scratches your back? I'm going to Orlando today, and I should be there for a week. I haven't gotten too much sleep though, and I'm kinda tired. I woke up at 1 this morning and started a 7 episode O.C. marathon, topped off by special features. After I post this entry, I'm going to head off to my room and watch the third disk of Arrested Development, Season 1. Then I will have completed my pre-trip ritual. The O.C. and Arrested Development have a lot in common. They're both set in Newport Beach and they both are based around families engaged in shifty real estate businesses. I usually take my Arrested dvds with me down to Florida so I can watch them on my playstation. I also take Everybody Loves Raymond because my grandmother likes it so much. I think this time I'll take the Simpsons season 4 too. MMMMM... Season 4. I would like to take the O.C. but it would take up too much room. Well, I have to get ready (watch dvds). I'll be back in a week. P.S: I believe I'm the first person to discover the way of finding out who's tracking you. I take great pride in it. What you have to do is go to Google and put in your user name and then So I would put in "Midwestrocker" and then when I got the results, I'd have to look through them all until I found "JohnDoe23's Profile" listed. That means JohnDoe23 is tracking me, and it will have a little excerpt from the profile that says "JohnDoe23's Friends: Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Midwestrocker(!), Blah Blah." This will have to do until they decide to make it known to us who our friends/stalkers are directly.

Next time on the Midwestrocker blog: "Walk the Line," New Editorships, and a round up of the past weeks tv shows. It's going to be a long blog entry.

Deus Ex Machina

Yesterday, something amazing happened. It was about 9 in the morning when it dawned on me that other people's submissions to guides were being accepted before mine. Mine were sitting in the QotD rotting while other people submitting the same information were getting it accepted. And I could not deal with that. I went to the last resort. I sent a PM to Missribs at 9:30. And had to get off the site. I checked on the site at about 4:30 in the afternoon from my grandma's house and to my surprise I had 63 new messages. 62 of them were "Your submission has been accepted" and one of them was from Missribs saying "I'll take a look at them today!" And I was like "Wow." *jaw dropped* I checked my submission history and all 102 of my pending submissions had been accepted. That's not much to some of you guys, but to me that's a truckload. I've probably had enough accepted to become editor of 5 people when the CPs run again. Thank you to Missribs. You have restored all my trust and confidence in To know that there are people at Cnet that actually care about us is extremely heart-warming. If any of you reading this have tons of submissions that have been sitting in the QotD for more than two weeks, send her a PM and everything will be good again. Okay, now on to real-life for a moment. I have lots of plans for today. My Grandma, two of my aunts and I are going to see "Walk the Line" today at noon. They're fans of Johnny Cash's music, and I'm a fan of his personality. It looks like it's going to be pretty good. :) Then we're going to come home, fetch the remaining members of my family, have steak (Mmmm... steak) and play board games. Of course, we'll never play my favorite game, Risk. We've had it for six months and only played it for 20 minutes; I thought those 20 minutes were totally awesome, but I guess I'm alone in that. I'm constantly asking people to play Risk with me, but I've had no takers. So that's my day today. I won't have too much time for blopping, submitting, or anything else, so please keep that in mind. :) Hope you all have a great Saturday (Or Sunday, it's already Sunday in some parts of the world). TTYL.