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Midwestrocker Blog

A Very Special Blog Entry

Rarely does the average person make two blog entries in a day, but something very special happened, and I had to. If you have not already seen tonight's Lost, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. Highlight: R.I.P. Shannon Rutherford And I can't believe they did it like that. Television has not seen so heart-wrenching a scene since Teri Bauer died. And that Ana Lucia did it! Wow! I was beginning to think that maybe, with all that hatch stuff, Lost had jumped the shark, but after tonight, all my doubts are gone. That moment was one of the best in this show's history and totally redeems them for the past couple of somewhat boring episodes. That said, I will definitely miss the character that was done away with tonight and I hope the portrayer goes on to many great things. As for Ana Lucia: Off with her head!


I haven't been around the community lately. You see, after my horrible horrible illness, the one that four year olds usually get, I've been blessed with a kind of second wind. I find myself becoming a fitter, happier, and more productive person (That's the second time I've referenced that song in my blog, I really should start branching out... but I don't want to), and that's why I might not be around quite as much. :) I have to take mi familia to a doctors appointment in about ten minutes. As it so happens, I push my aunt's wheelchair whenever she and my grandmother want to go out, so I see cardiologists, podiatrists, optometrists, and physicians more often than you folks have read those words. I'm going to make a few quick statements before I have to go: Arrested Development: Awesome this week. The two episodes that aired Monday were the two best of the season. Boston Legal: Also awesome. I use that word too much. Anyways, Denny shooting the murderous pedophile? Pure, absolute, total awesomeness. Commander-in-Chief: Better... I think. Reunion: Biggest improvement of the week! So much happened in that last episode... my mind... it is blown. The shark is very quickly swimming away, and let's hope this show lasts long enough to ever see it again. There are probably some more shows from the last few days that I should talk about, so maybe I'll get back to them at another time. But for now: Midwestrocker out. :)

Blog Tycoon

This morning I found myself playing Railroad Tycoon II, a game in which you start a company and proceed to build rail stations, manage trains, buy and sell stock, and try to make a profit. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, you're also supposed to buy businesses, supply cities only with what they demand, take the goods created from this exercise to a place where they're demanded, avoid mergers, and connect Paris to Istanbul. It was around the sixth time my company was bought up by a German that I began to ask myself: Am I missing brain cells? I didn't think I was a very stupid person, and I play alot of video games that require a little bit of intelligence (Civilization III, Rise of Nations, Superpower) but I can't even grasp the concepts of this game. What's a "Short squeeze?" Or a "Margin Stock?" Or an "1846 Profitability?" And why would a person want to think that much while playing a video game? If you really need to think that bad, go memorize the Wikipedia. I don't even like trains. I just got it because it was on sale and it had "Tycoon" in the title. I like anything "Tycoon." I'm very power hungry. :) Nothing was on last night, so I'm just going to ramble. Last night I decided I'd try something new, music wise. My Napster playlist is getting old very fast, so I thought I'd look through the files for something unlike anything else I listed to. I came across Michael Buble, a Frank Sinatra clone that I've heard great things about. So I put his songs on. The following is a recreation of that horrific event. 5:45 - This is nice. It's very soft, very calming. This Buble person isn't that bad. 5:46 - Did they play the same song again? I hate it when they do that. Oh... it's not the same song again. It's a different song. Hmmm... 5:52 - (Yawn) 6:02 - These lyrics are incredibly sappy. I feel like I'm listening to a Lifetime movie. 6:12 - You know what this song needs? A guitar solo. Well, first a guitar, then a solo. My favorite guitar solo is the one at the end of "Hotel California." It's so melodic and smooth. Does Napster have any Eagles music? They do! Let's go listen to the Eagles. And that was the beginning and end of my Michael Buble experience. Today's FitB is a good one! I've come up with a FitB that is suited for the FitB, and couldn't be turned into a question easily. Yesterday I asked you to be mean, and today I'm going to ask you to be nice. Use the FitB to give complements to someone on You can do it as many times as you like, as long as you don't post repeatedly. Wait until someone else posts, then come back as many times as you like. Just so long as there isn't a big stream of you. (That sounds like the title of a Michael Bolton song. "Big Stream of You." That would be awesome.) FitB: user _________ is ______________. Sorry about all the rambling. Have a great day. :) ETA: I'm naming my butterfly, specifically for the purpose of giving it the name I'm going to give it, because it just dawned on me how perfect this name would be for my butterfly. Navi If anybody can tell me what I've named my butterfly after, they get 10 points. ;)

Don't you forget about me...

Hello friends. :) After a long hiatus, and much drowsiness, I'm finally back to I'm still a little bit tired, but so far so good. Happy Halloween to everyone! That's the holiday that reminds me of the fact that we have too many holidays (Halloween? We don't have a Diversity Day but we have a Halloween?) but hey, it gives me the excuse to have candy, so I'll deal. Halloween was also my computer's second birthday! I sang to it, gave the tower a hug, and placed a peanut butter cup next to the monitor as a birthday present. To my surprise, nothing happened. On Saturday I stayed up and sat up long enough to see the best episode of SNL in a long time. Between the Indigo Girls' 16 dogs, Donald Trump's Brando impression, and Mrs. Butterworth's terror threat it was a riciculously hilarious episode. I don't know what happened to them, but I hope they keep it up. Since I'm very sleepy and my wit ("What wit?" There, I said it before you could) is almost totally gone, I'm going to ask you to do it yourself. Lampoon a show you don't like. Be mean. Be snarky. Be proud. This is what TV junkies do. FitB: The show ___________ is __________ (I think I'm going to drop the FitB. It's stupid. There's almost nothing I can do with the FitB that I can't do with the QotD. I'm just going to have to put "© HappyYellowBall" everytime I do one so I'm not a shameless copycatter.) And the Blue Box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Fall Guy Level : 19 Percentage : 24% Forum Posts: 367 Increase : 70% Increase : 31

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 160 Shows : 26 Pending : 35 Episodes : 3 Denied : 26 People : 0 Total : 221 Total : 29 Accpted % : 72

Ironically, I stole that from someone too. :)

A pig... in a cage... on antibiotics.

Remember the other day when I said something to the effect of "I won't go to the doctor until my ears bleed?" Well, it took a little bit less than that. Tuesday morning I woke up weak, dizzy, nauseous, with my pulse pounding and hallucinating just a little bit. After I recovered a little bit, I went back to sleep and the same thing happened again! I went to the doctor, and apparently, I have an ear infection. I'm on something called... I'll spell it phonetically... A-mox-a-cill-in. I haven't been sleeping very well, and I've been very weak. I didn't even get to watch TV at all last night. Right now I'm dizzy and nauseous and feel like I'm gonna regurgitate all over my keyboard. I have all my friends profile's up, ready to go a blopping, but I just don't feel like it. I'm going to have to go lie down. But before I do... I'm editor of something! Whoo! Yesterday I very drowsily came online to check the site and discovered that I had become editor of Terry O'Quinn! I should also be getting two other editorships by the end of the week. Finally I feel like I'm somebody on :) That's about all I can do for today. I can't sit here anymore. Hopefully I'll see all you guys tomorrow.

The ringing won't stop!

I have a problem. This morning I woke up at about 7:30 with a horrible pain in my left ear. It was so bad that I actually used a Q-tip to make sure it wasn't bleeding. I took four Advils, and the pain went away, but there's one thing that lingers on, making me more miserable than I've been in a long time... AN INCESSANT HORRIBLE RINGING SOUND! It's like someone's been blowing a whistle into my ear all day. I feel dizzy, annoyed, and like one side of my head is heavier than the other. I know that of all medical conditions you could have I got off pretty lucky, but I'm still utterly miserable. I'm a little bit of an Iatrophobiac though, so I won't be going to the doctor until my ears bleed like the people on Threshold. :) Last night's Desperate Housewives was a little bit good... but it was a big let-down compared to last year. They've really dropped the ball this year. But Grey's Anatomy, that show blew my mind last night. It has to be the most underrated show on television. The way the writers make their stories deep and emotional while remaining humorous is amazing. They definitely deserve an Emmy nod. We've gotten a little level update, so I'm gonna update the Blue Box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Land Shark Level : 18 Percentage : 54% Forum Posts: 367 Increase : 7% Increase : 31

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 100 Shows : 26 Pending : 96 Episodes : 3 Denied : 25 People : 0 Total : 221 Total : 29 Accpted % : 100

I've submitted alot in the last couple of days, almost doubling my amount of total submissions. :o Mostly stuff to people guides, and it won't make a difference to my level for a long time. It's sort of like planting seeds. You send something into the Queue of Doom and two months later it sprouts into a beautiful level increase. :) Have you ever Googled your screenname? I think you'd be surprised at how many results you get. I got 522 (They're all mine, I checked) and 334 of them were from FitB: I googled my screenname and got ______ results. :) I googled some of your screennames, and the most impressive results I got were for Happy. Judging by the other folks I googled (Gislef, Snide, LisaGansky, Shatterdaymorn) he probably has the most impressive results of anybody on! :o

Fill in the Blank

I have to give some shout outs to all the new people I'm "tracking." Some of them don't know I'm doing it, which makes it "stalking." One way or another, here are the new folks on my friends list in earliest-to-latest order: angelandspike 123home123 impactheat Lady_Taaluma LhiaRose angelsxo UniversalDave sasg_2 studog2961 JalineTV sesho2022 Whew... that's alot of HTML. :) Now on to business: Last night's SNL was awful. What has happened to that show? Why has it become absolutely devoid of laughter? Did they hire Katie Couric as a writer or something? It's amazing how in three years this show went from mildly amusing to less amusing than "Saving Private Ryan." And anyone who's seen that movie knows just how unamusing it is. I've been contributing alot to people guides. Yesterday I nearly doubled my amount of submissions. Hopefully they'll work through them all by next week because it's likely I'll get an editorship or two. Or four, really. That's how many I'm going for. I don't know that I'll get them all, but I'm going for four. Yesterday's was my post popular blog entry ever, so "Fill in the Blank" will become a regular segment on the Midwestrocker blog. :) FitB: The geekiest thing you do is __________.

You know you've spent too much time on when...

The other day I had a birthday card I was signing for my Aunt. I decided I'd write a little note on it. I wrote: "This card was purchased at the dollar tree, as all your presents will be in the future." And because it was a joke, I subconciously drew a little :) at the end of the sentence. That's when I realized I've spent too much time on :) (I did it again! I can't stop it!) Some of you have noticed that I have changed my icon. This is true. I just got sick of having that same, stupid Charlie icon. I don't even like Charlie anymore. This icon is just a better fit for my personality. Charlie was always scowling and I was always smiling. Now, Michael and I are smiling together. This is all beginning to sound a little crazy, so let's move on. I give last night's Threshold a 6. It was good, it just wasn't very good. It's still pretty boring. Speaking of boring... ... Invasion got picked up for a full season, so I guess I'm going to stick with it. One of the reasons I had initially planned on dumping Invasion was that it couldn't possibly last long enough to answer all the questions. And now that it just might have that time, I think I'll have patience, stay the course, hold on tight and hope for daylight. Maybe It'll be around long enough to explain why Mariel likes water so much. :) (I did it again! Seriously, I've never noticed how much I do that!) So I guess is working right now. The forums are finally up, and we can post blog entries. Still, I don't think I'm going to be spending much time over there. You can't use HTML. That sucks. I'm also not as interested in all that music stuff as I am in TV, and I'm even less interested in games, so you won't find me on Gamespot. I might go over every once in awhile, but not often. The more time I spend over there, the less time I spend here. :) (Wow, I have a problem) I'm not going to post the Blue Box since there has been no update. Or maybe there has, and I just didn't do enough to earn anything. It could be either. QotD (© HappyYellowBall): Fill in the blank: You know you've spent too much time on when ________. :)

Time to take your Fun-Fun

I've been sick the past couple of days, so I haven't been online much. :( I have, however, been watching the second season of Arrested Development on DVD. :) I think that show is much better when you watch it on DVD. When the second season was being broadcast I didn't even really like it. It was too wacky and complicated. And I guess being able to watch all that wackiness and complication without commercials and in one sitting helps. My favorite part of the second season has been Mrs. Featherbottom. :lol: Tobias was much better in the second season than he was in the first. About this week's shows: most were disappointing. This was a really bad week. Lost isn't going to be on for three weeks and they couldn't even leave us with a cliffhanger. Invasion maintained it's usual amount of idiocy, but I guess the joke's on me because I'm the one who keeps watching. And my ABC affiliate ruined Alias. You know that sound you hear when someone scrathes a record? I heard that EVERY TWO SECONDS during Alias. I ended up muting it and watching it with closed captioning. Since I wasn't going to watch Night Stalker, a show I care much less about, in those conditions, I switched to CSI. I often watch CSI when there's nothing else to watch; It's on all the time here! Georgians love their CSI. You can probably catch it at least four times a day. It's a good show, although it's one that tests my attention span, like the West Wing. Other shows I can just sit back and watch, but CSI and the West Wing require focus, commitment, and intelligence. The former is filled with science mumbo jumbo, and the people on the latter talk really really fast. If you blink, you seriously might miss something. Then I watched Without a Trace, and I would just like to point out for the record that it was Weeds night on CBS. First Hunter Parrish, who plays Silas on Weeds was on CSI as Jeremy. Clearly he's being type-cast as a druggie. :) Then, on Without a Trace, Justin Kirk, who plays Andy on Weeds, played some guy locked up in prison for a murder he didn't commit. I can't give you the character name, because the Without a Trace guide appears to be a mess. :( Someone go fix it! Why is my blog so angry lately? I'm not an angry person. Hmmm... I'm going to blame this on Invasion. :) Here's the blue box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Land Shark Level : 18 Percentage : 47% Forum Posts: 336 Increase : 12% Increase : 0

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 100 Shows : 26 Pending : 8 Episodes : 3 Denied : 25 People : 0 Total : 133 Total : 29 Accpted % : 75

QOTD: What is your least favorite show that you still watch?