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Midwestrocker Blog

Stealth Bombers Can't Do That

Tonight on Alias I witnessed a Stealth bomber, filled with passengers, fly up to a private plane and dock with it. I'm not a nitpicker and Alias has never been the most realistic show, but something about that makes me want to bang my head against the wall until I get amnesia. Speaking of that, KaTom are having a baby! Finally, someone to preach Scientology to the pre-schoolers. :) Last night's Lost was pretty good. It wrapped up the Desmond thing nicely, but I hope he comes back once he realizes the world didn't end. He was a pretty cool guy. And Invasion is the single slowest moving show I've ever seen. I mean, c'mon! Nothing really happens on this show. It's just talk talk talk, vague clue, someone gets attacked, and more talk talk talk. I'm going to keep watching, because there isn't anything else on at that time that I like, but I will acknoledge every Thursday just how boring the previous night's episode was. On a scale of 1-10, last night's ep was a 7. That's on the boring scale, not on the good scale. Night Stalker was a little bit better than it was in it's first ep. And I was surprised at how much I liked the visuals this week. All the glass windows looking out on to the city are awesome, especially when you can see the cars driving on the freeway. It's a surprisingly beautiful sight to me. I'm in second place in my Fantasy TeeVee league, I sold a majority of my HSX stocks and diversified my portfolio (I even bought a little Paris Hilton, just in case), and I've joined (Because Dansdude did it), which really makes me appreciate Not a whole lot is working over there right now, but maybe things will get better. In any case, my blog entries will always be here, and I will never, ever, write two. The question of the day x 2: How many TV on DVD sets do you own? Which is your favorite? I have about 30, and my fave is Lost. :) Catch ya later.


Or "Wednesday" in English. :P Except in it's original Spanish, the first e has and accent thing (looks like ' ) but wouldn't let me do that. :x I'm sorry I haven't been online much in the past couple of days, and many of your blog entries have gone uncommented. At least by me, most of you are pretty popular so your blog entries never go uncommented. :) But I will correct the errors of my ways, and be back to business on the site as soon as possible. Today I slept for thirteen hours. I'm not joking, I really did (refer to previous entry, "Fatigue"). Now I'm well rested and I feel like a part of my sanity has returned that I forgot existed. Last night was all Commander-in-Chief and Boston Legal, both of which have improved from last week. That's in quality. In the ratings, Commander-in-Chief held on to almost all of its premier audience, and Boston Legal dropped just a bit. I'm happy with that. :D Tonight's Lost is supposed to be a big one. We've been promised tons of revelation in the first 3 episodes of the second season, and so far we haven't gotten much. If tonight's ep doesn't answer at least one question, the emblazoned shark will have been jumped. Speaking of shark jumping (well, not really), I've been doing research on Harriet Miers. I don't really talk about my political views much, but let's just say I'm a moderate, and she seems alright to me. But that's not what this was about. On her Wikipedia page there's a link to her "campaign contributions". Apparently, let's you see anybody's campaign contributions! They even have a "Hall of Fame," listing celebrities, athletes, billonaires and politicians along with how much money they've donated and to what parties. I've wasted two hours on it so far. :) Okay, that's it for me. I'm gonna go visit my grandma.


I'm thinking of changing my icon. I'm getting bored with my current one, Charlie from Lost: It's still an option, but so are these: Michael from Arrested Development: Gob from Arrested Development: Shannon from Lost: Charlie from Peanuts: And the Cookie Monster: :lol: Which do you like best? And the question of the day is: Are you happy? Why or why not?


I'm extremely tired. I haven't slept much/well in the last 4 days, and even before that I wasn't doing great. In the past 4 days I've gotten about 18 hours or so, which averages out to 4 hours a day. And when I do sleep I keep waking up. It's a tough situation. I finally got to see my taped episodes of "The O.C." and "Reunion," and I must say, I'm a bit disappointed. Maybe I'm growing out of "The O.C." or something, because this episode literally made my teeth feel like they were being pulled. Maybe I should see a dentist... And Reunion has been in a steady decline since the first episode. How come nobody can be happy? Is it too much to ask that one person be happy? Murphy's Law applies to such a degree on this show that you can always tell what's going to happen: something bad. I could probably articulate my problems with these shows better if I weren't so fatigued. And I could probably make a joke like "I haven't been this tired since I watched the Gilmore Girls or something" if I weren't so tired. That's all I can think of to talk about right now, but maybe I'll have a little more material tomorrow after some rest. I can't wait until Arrested Development tonight. I love the "For British Eyes Only" storyline, and I also love hearing the name "Bob Loblaw." It cracks me up everytime. :lol: I'll leave you guys with a question, so we can all get to know each other better. What is your favorite song of all time? No "ties," no "Well I have a couple," just pick one. Sorry I have to be so strict with the question, it's just a pet peeve of mine when someone asks for "favorite of all time" and someone puts 103 of their favorite songs. :)

Surface is a true story!

Kinda. Have you ever heard of "Bloop?" In 1997, a series of microphones under the Pacific Ocean (near South America) heard a loud and a mysterious sound. It was about a minute long and could be heard at a range of 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometers). Nobody knows what it is. The general consensus is that it's a biological life form, but no known biological lifeform could make that sound. Whatever it is, it's big. It would be the biggest living being on Earth. I don't know about you guys, but "Bloop" terrifies me. Well, most things terrify me, I can't walk near a microwave even when it's off. What do you think about "Bloop," and have you discovered any sea monsters lately? I haven't put up a new song title yet, because I'm waiting for someone to get the last one ("Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to"). Hint: You can use Google. Last night I didn't get to see "Threshold" because my CBS affiliate stopped working. It just stopped. There was nothing but fuzz. So I watched "Haunting in Georgia" instead. It was awful! It was a two hour long documentary about a family in North Georgia that had to deal with their psychic daughter (2005 is the year of the psychic) seeing ghosts. It wasn't scary, it didn't have a happy ending, and the "acting" was poor. "Haunting in Georgia" gets a 2 out of 5. I thought it was the worst thing I'd watch that night until... "The Amityville Horror (1979)." A friend and I were talking on the phone when she noticed that the original version of her favorite movie was on Encore. She was like "Watch it!" and I was like "No! It's from 1979. 1979 ruined almost every movie made in it, even a Star Trek one." She was like "I don't care," so I was like "Fine, we'll watch the crappy movie." And guess what? I was right. The scariest part of the whole movie was a brick wall. We ended up making fun of Margot Kidder, and after finding out what really happened to her I feel like a truly horrible person. I'm sorry Margot. Anyways, I thought that would be the worst thing I'd see that night until... ... I saw something I can't criticize because a friend of mine loves it.

"Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to"

That's a lyric from one of my favorite songs ever. Figure out what song it is and who it's by and you'll enter the hall of fame, which currently consists of: Shelbing... "Istanbul" by They Might Be Giants So my internet is working now. I was plumetting into a world of worry and boredom when I discovered that, for no reason, it started working again. It is truly a beautiful thing. :) Thanks to Im2crazy4u for giving me the idea of putting all my friends/people I like in one folder so I can open all your profiles at once. I have 19 people in there and I'm very scared to try it out. But I think I will. Here goes... Oh, my computer didn't freeze! It takes a minute or so to load them all but I think that's pretty good. Well well well. Alias spoilers: They killed off Michael Vaughn tonight. I can't say I'm upset. I never really cared about him and I knew it was coming. It was still a shock when he got shot SCARFACE STYLE while his pregnant fiance was watching. And Night Stalker wasn't as bad as I was expecting. It wasn't particularly good, either. It was so so. That's another phrase I don't understand. So so? What is that supposed to mean? Who invented that? In fact, that's got to be one our STUPIDEST phrases. "So So." I'm never saying that again. I'm starting to feel unpoopular. Nobody posted on my "My internet is broken, feel sorry for me," blog post. I'm not trying to lay a guilt trip on anyone, but an "I hope it gets better" or "You are in our thoughts and prayers" would have been nice. I'm just sayin'. That's all folks. I'm out. One last question: Can you guys see what my real name is?


My internet isn't working! I'm posting this at my grandmother's house. Her internet is slow but it will do until I can get mine back up. 10 points go to Shelbing, who got that the aforementioned song was "Istanbul" by They Might Be Giants. I'm giving Shelbing the full ten because asking how long the song was is too much. I think I might make "Song Quotes as blog titles" a regular feature as soon as I get my internet and Napster back. Tonight I have the Alias and Night Stalker premiers, which are forcing me to tape The O.C. and Reunion. I want Night Stalker to be good, but reviews have given me doubt. I guess we'll have to see. I joined the Fantasy game, where you choose different characters from different shows and compete with other folks. It's pretty cool and I hope I do better than I did last time. (I was the first in my group to get kicked out). You guys should check it out. :) This might be it for a little while. I'll talk to you whenever I get the chance. :cry:

"Even old New York was once New Amsterdam"

That's just a lyric in the song I'm listening to. If you can find what song, who it's by, and how long it is you'll get 10 points! :) I put my actual picture over in that box >. Now you can put an angry face to all the weirdness. :x It looks a little odd since the background matches the website background... it looks like my chin got cut off. Oh well. I will keep it up exactly three days. After that I'm going to put a picture of a duck up there. Why? I don't know. Tonight's Lost was not what I was expecting. It didn't answer the vast numbers of questions I was expecting it to, but it appears as though next week's might. Invasion rocked my socks off. It certainly improved. The first 40 minutes were... Oh. I'm sorry, I feel asleep. Anyways, the final twenty minutes were awesome. TV: $300 Digital Cable: $50 a month "I saw the lights too": Priceless What is up with that Sheriff guy? He's John Locke, Number 6, and the Borg Queen all rolled into one. Let's keep this one folks. Please? Okay. If you need me, I'll be in the Invasion forum. :)


Well, I was right. Commander in Chief did well. You can also use that link to check on all your other Tuesday night shows. :) I've never used so many tags in my life! I had written a much longer blog entry before, but it got erased somehow. I'm just going to tell you all the new shows I've added to the "My shows" list. Bones, Boston Legal, Commander in Chief, Invasion, Kitchen Confidential, Prison Break, Reunion, Supernatural, Threshold, and Weeds. What new shows have you guys added:question: I also learned how to fold a shirt last night! Martha Stewart was on Conan, and she demonstrated that shirt folding wizardry she does, and luckily, I picked it up! I now have a very well organized bedroom! Hmm... I should start posting HA pictures... I don't want folks assuming things. Today I'm going to have a Lost marathon ending with tonight's new ep. I can't think of a more productive way to use a day. :)


So I saw the pilot of "Commander in Chief" tonight and thought it was pretty good. The acting was great and the story was reasonbly good. I find it a little hard to believe that a Republican presidential candidate would pick an independent woman with little experience as his running mate, but I'm willing to overlook it. :) I'm expecting this one to do well. I'm not really leveling up very much anymore. I went up 8% today. I guess I'm just not in the mood to spend alot of time submitting, writing reviews, and posting on forums. Like Happy does. Tomorrow we have the second episodes of Lost's second season and Invasion. With any luck we'll get at least one answer to something on either show. I'm up to my neck in questions at this point and there's only so much I can take. :x ETA: Two mentions of my state tonight! Jon Stewart showed a clip of our governor talking about how he cancelled Georgia's school for two days due to fuel shortages. And Jay Leno also made a Sonny Perdue joke (kind of). I know I seem a little too excited, but we're a very neglected state. :) And also, Jennifer Garner let it be known that her baby was a girl.