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Midwestrocker Blog

Has anybody else noticed similarities between and Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs)? Both have levels, both have clans, both have leaders and both take away a large portion of your free time. All we need now is a good quest. :) Here's an interesting tidbit of information: All of my friends are in a Firefox folder so I can open all of your profiles at the same time (Thanks Im2Crazy4U). That folder is in Entertainment>Tv>>Friends. I have my bookmarks extremely well organized, with 7 main categories, 18 sub-categories, and 35 sub-sub categories. :) I bookmark just about everything I come across. Last night I missed most of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, so I don't have much to talk about there. :( Hopefully I'll get to watch all my shows tonight, which are Surface, 2 1/2 Men, OOP, and Medium. And here's the Blue Box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Land Shark Level : 18 Percentage : 35% Forum Posts: 336 Increase : 35% Increase : 9

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 95 Shows : 26 Pending : 12 Episodes : 3 Denied : 25 People : 0 Total : 132 Total : 29 Accpted % : 71

I've had quite the increase over the past couple of days, at least by my standards. And things have gotten a lot better on the site lately. Everybody's happy with their CP updates, and the rants have gone from screams to mumbles. Let's hope that continues. :)

The Census of the CotBB

So... I actually did the census of the CotBB. I should have waited, because right now it's not very big. I went through the directories of all the founding members and looked at every single one of their friends, trying to find that blue box. There are plenty of people who post their stats, but only 12 actually use the blue box. I'm assuming that anyone who has no connections to any of the founding members of the CotBB most likely doesn't have the blue box, so I didn't look past their friends. If you are a member of the CotBB and are not listed here, post a comment and I'll add you. And here it is: [QUOTE="The Census of the CotBB October 2005"]Founding members: RoxieVelma Stig14 Im2Crazy4u HappyYellowBall Special Mention: Shelbing, the first to designate it a cult. Members (INPO): RJ-Viewer Chrisbd1 Calicow jspencereds Impactheat Talvix cdfe88, kinda Midwestrocker

And there we are! Now we actually know who's in this cute little group. Back to my DVDs. :)


I am experiencing something truly frustrating at the moment. More frustrating than anything has ever done to me. I came up with something great to talk about in my blog, and now I can't remember a word. I might've figured out the way to attain world peace for all I know, and now I've forgotten. :x Blame it on the Soviets. :) I want to be the one who does the census of the CotBB. I'm calling dibs. If I change my mind about it though, I'll give my dibs to whoever wants them. :) My rents just surprised me with the second season of Arrested Development on DVD, so I won't be seeing you guys for a day or so. :) Although I'm gone, remember that I'm in a happier place. :lol:


It was amazing. It made me think of reality television in a whole new way. It was mind blowing. It made me smile an hour straight. It changed the way I perceive the British. It was "Supernanny." :) Last night while I was stumbling around looking for something to watch, I stumbled upon a bratty British girl screaming in her father's face "It's too late, she RUINED IT!" I was hooked. I haven't enjoyed reality TV like that in a long time. I guess because I relate. I have a cousin who will grow up to be just like that girl. She bites me, she hits me, and she even tried to kill me once. You read that right. My four year old cousin tried to choke me. If the next episode I see is as good as this one was, I will be a "Supernanny" fan. Before that I watched an episode of "Firefly" that was very good. I wish I could see "Serenity"... This is one of the largest disadvantages of living in a small town: you only get the blockbusters. And after the wonder that was "Supernanny" was a poor episode of "Threshold." Here's what seperates "Lost" from all of it's followers: "Lost" doesn't do the same thing in every episode! The only new sci-fi/horror show that has different and compelling storylines is "Supernatural." It's also going to be the only one that lasts, I think. Invasion stands a good chance of making it, but it will never be a hit. Yesterday I was reading the Terms of Service and found this: "Users are allowed to include a web site address in a signature, request comments on their personal site in a social setting, or providing only once an interesting or relevant link to another site." Does that mean we can only post one link in our whole lifetimes? If so, then I'm the Al Capone of TOS violations. Please tell me I'm misunderstanding. [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Land Shark Level : 18 Percentage : 0% Forum Posts: 327 Increase : 0% Increase : 14

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 95 Shows : 26 Pending : 12 Episodes : 3 Denied : 25 People : 0 Total : 132 Total : 29 Accepted % : 71

Not much change from yesterday, but I have to put the box to maintain my membership in the CotBB/BBC. :)

Six Degrees of

I moved up to level 18. Finally. I didn't really mind the lack of movement, I just didn't like being Kramer. That's not a good place to be. Last night's "Alias" finally confirmed what I have feared for so long: "Alias" is no longer good. I'm finally coming to terms with it after a year of denial. You may ask, "What exactly was it that pushed you off the edge?" Well, the fact that they recycled two seasons of material in a sort of "ReCrap" of the entire series. "Alias" fans will know how many times they've seen the following storylines: A powerful weapon has been stolen and needs to be retrieved, an agent is tricked into working for a criminal orginization, a deal in a dark alley results in betrayal, and Marshall hacks something. I'm so sick of Marshall hacking things. "Night Stalker" wasn't much better. Seriously folks, if it weren't for "Battlestar Galactica" and "Lost" I would collapse into pudding. I think I'm going to give nicknames to everybody, like the President does. Stig14 can be "Stiggy," JMarsh89 can be "Marshy," and Danasdude can be "The Artist Formerly Known as David." And me? You can call me "Midi." I realized something last night. Every person on is connected. 99% of us have friends, so it's possible to link 99% of people to other people. This is a pretty simple and unimportant concept. Except that it allows us to play "Six Degrees of!" The object of the game: link yourself to some random person on the off-topic forum. You're probaly going to be able to do it in fewer than six degrees, and that's very scary. Here's an example: Doogley. Some random person I picked off the Off-Topic forum. Okay... Doogley is friends with GLprincess02, who is friends with Freo Dude, who is friends with me! I can't believe that actually worked! That is scary. Try it! :) Okay, here are my statistics: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : Land Shark Level : 18 Percentage : 0% Forum Posts: 313 Increase : 10% Increase : 16

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 94 Shows : 26 Pending : 10 Episodes : 3 Denied : 23 People : 0 Total : 127 Total : 29 AC Percent : 78%

That's all for today. Have a nice day. :)


I'm having the perfect day. In most ways, it's the same as every day has been for the past week, but somehow it is perfect. The weather is just right, the colors are beautiful, and the air feels fresh and clean. I haven't been around the site very much lately, not because of the problems it's been having, but because all anyone can talk about is the problems. Everywhere I go it's the only thing anybody wants to talk about. I don't really care about my CPs (Probably because I don't contribute enough for it to matter), so I use this site mostly as a place to talk about TV shows I like. And lately it just hasn't served that purpose. I don't mean any offense to the people who do talk about it all the time, I guess it's important to you, it's just not something I'm interested in. Hopefully now that the level increases are coming back on we can get back to business. :) Okay, now that I'm done with my rant about rants: last night's episode of Lost was good. It's been awhile since we had a good character development episode, since lately everything's been about plot. I kinda think Hurley made a bad decision by handing out food to everybody. They could have used the food to make a functioning economy. People work, trade goods, and earn food. Of course there would be a welfare provision, but if everybody could earn a candy bar for it, I'm sure they'd build huts a lot faster. :D And Invasion is seriously getting on my nerves. Someone has been attacked by that orange light thing in every single episode. Seriously people, stop doing the same things over and over again and calling it "An All New Episode of Invasion." If they don't come up with something new and original and interesting I'm gonna quit watching. Does anybody know of anything good on Wednesday at 10? That's all folks. Hopefully you will all welcome me back into your world after my long absence. :) Edit: I have now commented on all my friends' blogs. Now the healing can begin. :) I've also been feeling the pressure to join the CotBB. Just this once, here's my blue box: [QUOTE="Stats"]

Rank : The Crazy Neighbor Level : 17 Percentage : 90% Forum Posts: 297 Increase : 3% Increase : 3-ish

Submissions Reviews Accepted : 94 Shows : 26 Pending : 3 Episodes : 3 Denied : 23 People : 0 Total : 120 Total : 29

I think I have an old formula...

So Surreal...

I just finished watching the finale of the Surreal Life and I must say, it was pretty hilarious. When Janice was jumping out the window (a scene they played 6 times throughout the show) I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to laugh, part of me wanted to cringe, and part of me was thinking "For some reason, this is one of the best scenes I've ever seen in all my TV watching days." Weird. Feeling like you need to be knocked off your high horse? Go over to the Random Insult Generator. :) And seriously folks, if you haven't already, download Firefox and install the Stumble Upon extension. I found 80% of all the cool things I've seen on the internet, like this, this, and this, with it. You won't be disappointed. :) As for tonight's TV, Grey's Anatomy had it's best episode ever. Everyone found out about Christina's baby, everyone found out about Meredith's mom, it was awesome. I don't know why I like all these soapy shows but I am looking for a twelve step program, so hopefully I'll recover. :D Today was a fairly busy day, and tomorrow will be too, so that explains my relative inactivity. By Wednesday I should be back to normal, whatever that is.

Blah Blah Blog

Not much happened today. I realized that the entire "Rock Star: INXS" album was on Napster, so I listened to that. Other than that, it's been a pretty slow and boring day. I filled up my profile with artists, songs, and albums, and now I'm going to write some reviews. I've added a couple of people to my friends list: Drewshack because they have a great blog and a cool screename and Calicow because they have a great blog and an inexplicable screename. I should note that I add people without asking permission and without informing them. That's my "Friend Policy." What's yours? Do you pursue friends, or do you wait for them to come to you? Do you add everyone who comments to your blog? How do you make friends? Sorry this is a short one, but Lost is on, and even though it's a repeat it deserves a certain amount of attention. My fellow Losties know what I'm talking about. :)

Remember: All the cool people watch Dave

/\ That's what the newsman at my CBS affiliate just said. Wow, they're getting desperate. People either like Dave Letterman, or they don't. And most of the people who do, are over 60. That's just the way it goes. The young demographic is hard to woo. So now I've set up my profile on Gamespot and Mp3. I'm freakin' out guys. :o I don't think I can juggle three sites. I'm just not as good at putting work into unimportant things as most of you guys are. :) will always get most of my attention, and always be home to my blog, but I want to get to at least level five on those other two sites. There really wasn't much on TV tonight, so I went to "BJ's Catfish............................. and more." It's a restaraunt in my town that serves Catfish... and more. It was born when "Matt's Catfish and such" went out of business. I'm not lying, that's totally true. The new owners just couldn't come up with a new and original name I guess. I had some "more/such." One link today: The Political Compass. It's a test that shows where you stand on the political scene. I was almost exactly on the middle dot. I was a little bit closer to the Libertarian side, and right on the line between left and right. That's just how moderate I am. Take the test, post your results, and try not to be mean to those who show up as communists/fascists/Ralph Nader.

No More Blogs

I'm very tired (as always).  That banner is the best I can do.  I'll try to make a better one tomorrow.  As far as this blog goes, I'm not going to do it.  I'm going to stick with my blog, so you'll have to look there.