MikeCOD80's forum posts
heh...I thought the R&C demo sucked...butteater86
pure and simple.. If you thought the Ratchet demo was bad your just not a fan of platformers. Thats just like saying Halo 3 sucks, if you think Halo 3 sucks your just not a fan of FPS.. Pure and simple.. The ratchet demo blew my mind
I Must say that I own both a PS3 and 360 and Ill admit that I only played my PS3 maybe twice a week if even that much, I was one of the ones starting to lose faith in the PS3 until i downloaded the Ratchet and Clank Demo, It was simply amazing and restored my faith back in the PS3. I honestly think PS3 will begin to shine starting Nov 2nd with the $399.99 sku coming out that day, both Ratchet and clank coming out and Spider man 3 coming out on blu ray the same exact same day and with the great line up the rest of the year with exclusives and multiplats such as; COD 4, Assasins Creed, Army of two, Uncharted and Haze not to mention the GT5 Prologue Demo.. It will all be so easy for PS3 from here on out!!
Lets face it, with a $399.99 sku coming out NOV 2nd, there is no denying that sales will sky rocket along with some good games out by then also. Just imagine ALL those gamers that have still not purchased a next gen console yet.. Whats stopping them from buying a PS3 now at a good price point with some good games such as COD 4, Ratchet and clank and uncharted and with amazing games such as MGS4,Little big planet and Killzone 2 just on the horizon!
AAA (9.5)
Its Solid...
some lemmings started disagreeing today because some reporter said PS3 version is better...that's when I saw a bunch of posts saying COD4 sucks.
The game will be solid...The BETA was amazing imo
I own a PS3 and 360 and I personally will be buying it for the 360 because of the community and acheivements. I just heard all the hermits saying this game was very dissapointing after the demo so i got confused.. I didnt know lemmings where bashing it as well
do me a favor.
play the single player on heroic by yourself. you'll walk out with highly different opinions.
NO way, i barely had the patience to finish it on normal. Im just too addicted to multiplayer and honestly if it wasnt for the acheivements i wouldnt have even touched the single player.. Thats the only thing that kept me on the single player
Now before I get started with this post let me say that Halo 3's multiplayer is FANTASTIC and a blast to play. There is nothing like playing a big team battle slayer match on my favorite map sandtrap while blasting enemies while driving the Chopper!! BUT the single player is very dull and boring in my opinion. The acting is boring and characters lack personality, Graphics are very dull and not good at all, The Teammate A.I is HORRIBLE. There are times I see the "Arbitar" just keep running into walls and get stuck there or he keeps getting shot at and just literally stands there for a few seconds, The music isnt as intense as i read in reviews (Nothing compared to Harry-Gregson williams musical scores) And last but not least it feels really last gen. I know everyone is getting tired of hearing this line but it really does feel like Halo 2.5
Now the multiplayer on the other hand is a totally different story, the multiplayer is no doubt the best console multiplayer out currently period! I can play hours on end Multiplayer and it never gets boring but sheesh, whats with the shotty single player!! Im almost starting to think that Bungie should have pulled a warhawk and made this game multiplayer only because the multiplayer is absoulty fantastic!!
Another wierd thing i noticed about Halo 3 is the Graphics actually look better while playing online as opposed to playing single player, Which is really odd because its normally the other way around. For instance, the map sand trap especially looks amazing the sand and the way the light reflects off the chopper while driving it but anyways, the bottom line is.. Halo 3's multiplayer is simply amazing.. Single player is a snoozefest oh and i forgot to mention.. Too much backtracking also
Oh and Gamertag is Hallowedsaint for those that dont believe me, hit me up for a game sometime
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