Only really 2 of the 5 stories are really good to me, the other 3 are just way too short to even care about those characters at all. Just as a story starts to catch my interest BOOM, it is over and your left feeling unsatisfied. It is worth the $5 for it, but I do not think it is worth a 9 rating at all.
@JangoF-76 Wrong, I missed it at the time it came out and never ended up getting it. Looking forward to playing what many people tell me is the best of all the AC games for free.
@Alucard_Prime Huge discounts? Live is nothing like Steam, the weekly sales are not that great most of time. At Christmas they had a few good deals for really old games, but most weekly sales are crap. This sale coming up may or may not be good, I hope they at least match the prices you can buy them for new in stores unlike the everyday higher then retail normal prices.
Even so, Drive Club is going to be free and once the streaming of older games starts then maybe those plus games will be playable. I missed lots of great games without a PS3 so looking forward to playing many of the free ones they have if it does transfer over. Even if I have to pay to play a game like Last of Us on a PS4 that will be OK with me.
@Alucard_Prime @lance2rand I have been a Live user for 6 years and I find this to be a joke with this game. When you say your going to give people AAA games like Halo 3 and AC2 but end up with a 4 year old tower defense game it is kind of an insult. Still better then anything I have gotten in the last 6 years from MS sadly. I see what you get with plus and it makes the next gen choice very easy for me, PS4.
Did you read the article? That is not what Major Nelson said either on his blog, this is the free game for the 1st to 15th.
@fakharakhtar362 What do you mean third one? This is the first one for this month (1st to 15th) and last month it was Fable 3, so it is the second one so far. The third one will be out on the 16th of July.
A worthy read unless your an "unenlightened gamer keeping him in a 2005 world" by wanting to own what you buy. He blames all of you for ruining his Xbox One with that 180 and "forcing" them to drop the family plan. Even if they could have kept the family plan for digital games not on disc, but chose not to do that, that is your fault, not theirs in anyway.
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