@Kiyan023 That is one reason I got a 360 last time, this time PS4 gets my money. The other reason was the 360 came out a year earlier and I got sick of waiting for the PS3 and I'm too cheap to buy two console for one or two exclusives. At least I will get to play Last of Us once they get their Cloud thing working and finally the Uncharted games. Goodby GoW and Halo I won't miss you!
@alastor529 @MinerAvatar @ben45720 I plan on getting a PS4 right off and will just wait to stream Last of Us in 2014 when they get their cloud service going. I am very ready for a next gen home console (got a decent gaming PC) and since I bought a Xbox 360 in 2005 know all about problems of launch consoles (RRoD) and am willing to take that risk. Besides that what warranties are for LOL.
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