Everyone knows the best PC must have the Zilog Z80 (1.77 MHz) processor in a TRS-80 with 16 KB Ram and a cassette tape drive. No better way to play the classic T80-FS1 Flight Simulator game on a black and green display in full 128x48, all done with ASCII semigraphics naturally. If you press play on the cassette now you might get to play this classic in about 30 minutes and then bask in the glory of 3 to 6 frames per second it can produce.
@smylexx I didn't like this statement, "Just because a story's protagonist doesn't have the same skin colour, sexual organs or background as yourself doesn't mean you can't relate to them. Take off the agenda glasses and open your mind to the possibility that every story doesn't have to be about you and simply enjoy the ride."
To me you implied I have some kind of agenda and that it somehow closed my mind to accept the story given to us by the developers. Frankly that made me mad because it doesn't represent what I was saying at all. If I was saying every game needed this feature, or even if I stated I couldn't relate to C.J. then you might have a point. I never said I didn't enjoy GTA:SA as is, in fact I did say I liked it best of the GTA games because it allowed the most customization options.
I am saying it is an option I would like to see added to as many games as it makes sense to have that feature. There is no reason for Example why they can not put a female into Call of Duty in the Single Player or MP, our own military has women soldiers in combat roles don't you think the least we can do is have them represented in a game then? It is not some grand agenda I am fighting for like Carolyn, but like her, I would like to see gaming move forward in a positive way that tries to include as many people as possible. We all win when studios have more money to spend on their games.
I have stated how I think it can be done easily and quickly. I am a libertarian and get worked up easy sometimes if I feel like I am being misunderstood as to my intent. I get your point that they create a story they want to tell, I hope you get mine that they can tell that same story and still allow some customization at the same time. Look at Dragon Age Origins, many different races, classes, and sexes and they still had a full complete story to play out and even had several endings you could get. Yes more expensive to make, but more importantly, its also more inclusive so in the end may sell more copies.
@chuckles471 That is why I stated not all games need this option, however any open world sandbox game like GTA is prime for this type of character.
Niko wasn't all that interesting to me like Tommy, or C.J. was. Both DLC characters Johnny and Tony where much better then Niko to me at least. Like with SA you could easily explain how your character and Roman are cousins from a wedding and toss you into the same world and let you loose. No matter what in GTA games you always start at the lowest level of crime anyway, so from a narrative standpoint they can do the entire same story. They can even explain why your looking for those men by using the same back story that Niko has, just you did the things not Niko. I am not saying don't have Niko as the default character, but too bad I can't be myself in Liberty City. Just with the NPC's in the game you have almost every race represented and they all work with Roman so your character wouldn't even be out of place at all in Liberty City no matter what you picked to play as.
Hey I agree we do need Mario games too however along with Link, Batman, or whoever. In the end the developers will decide what they want to do with their IP's all we can do is wait and see what they do.
@smylexx You really are like a politician. You claim I have an agenda, am closed minded, and now you want me lose my aggressive tone? You are allowed to be aggressive toward me, but you don't like it, too bad you get what you give. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen then. How about you answer the simple question you yet again avoided like a true politician does? Oh but then the answer can really only be it doesn't matter if your neighbor plays an Asian Woman and you played as the default Black Male C.J. anyway since it can't affect your game world.
You really don't see how with a default character they can tell the entire story of C.J. just like they did and still allow you to pick a custom character. It is GTA it doesn't have to make any sense to you, just the person who creates a new character and they understand it was written with a Black Man in mind who happens to be the default character you can play as. There are plenty of people that would be fine with just that, Like Chuckles pointed out however they should add a few lines of dialog to address it at least once in game, maybe as a joke even.
@chuckles471 Look it was an example, if they allowed for a custom character they would have written things in about it like with Mass Effect and they would have brought it up I bet if they had done it. I am not asking them to do it now years later anyway. Commander Shepard was not a Claude was he, or she if you played that way. I really doubt that Rockstar would just do any general character, they would make them like Shepard, they know how to make good games. They make the game it is their rules for their story, but almost every person I know wants to be able to play around in a GTA game as themselves. I just want as many options to play a game as possible, with a default character and the option to play a custom character it give you more replay value like with Mass Effect, I don't see that as a bad thing.
@smylexx@MinerAvatar@chuckles471What the heck agenda glasses are you talking about? You have no idea my race, sex, religion, age, education, or anything about me. You didn't answer my most important question did you? Tell me how if you play as the default Black Male C.J. and your neighbor plays as a Asian female it affect your game at all? The story is 100% the same just your running around in a different body.
I am not calling for Rockstar to change the game for crying out loud, just pointing out how easy it could be to do. Your acting like I am demanding every game have this feature and like I am trying to get GTA:SA changed just for me. No it was just an idea and an example on how easy it is to do. Read the whole thing, I stated at least twice that not every game needs this included. So answer the simple question I asked you then instead of making unfounded claims and accusations like a Politician would do to deflect and avoid the question. In case you forgot the question it was very simple.
Tell me how if you play as the default Black Male C.J. and your neighbor plays as a Asian female it affect your game at all?
@bluefox755 No it would not have worked in that game but that is why I stated at least twice that I didn't think all games needed this feature, just that many would benefit from having it. The problem with the Witcher 2 is the same thing that makes you love it, Geralt. I can not stand him, I would love to play around in that world they created, however I just can not get into the story because of how much I dislike Geralt. I get why other people that like that game but it would have sold way more if they had a main character that people cared to get to know better. It is like if you hate Batman your most likely going to hate the games based on him. Remember its only a great narrative to people that like the main character involved.
@smylexx @chuckles471 With C.J. what part of the default character did you not understand? Like I stated you don't have to play as a custom character, its a fantasy world so why not allow you to play as one if you want to? People don't fly around on jet packs and collect clams to hold their breath longer either like C.J. did, or take photos to get more weapons in an apartment to spawn. Your talking about how it makes no sense but their are many Asians in California along with every other race. Guess what white, hispanic, black, if you lived on the block, you could be in the gang that ruled that block. Your talking about only one character in the entire gang anyway (you as a non Black, but you have a black brother and sister need I remind you) and that is all only the first third of the game anyway isn't it? You going to claim women aren't in gangs now, why can't CJ be a black woman then? Besides wouldn't it make even more sense for them to turn on you like that if you where not black? How would it ruin your game if you played as the default male Black CJ and your neighbor played it as an Asian woman? Tell me how that affects your game in any way? You can suspend disbelief to accept Jet Packs, killing hundreds of people without going to prison, and all other things GTA, but you can't believe one Asian Woman in a fake gang in a fake world could exist?
As far as the games themselves go, I think what might be best is to offer full character customization in as many games as possible. You can make your self into whatever you want and instantly connect to them. Plenty of games have proven this works like Saints Row, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout, Sports games, and many other RPG games. What can be more inclusive then to be able to create any character you want? Some games like the Witcher, and Max Payne might have sold even more copies if you at least had the option to play as your own character. Like with Mass Effect they can default your character like say to be Laura Croft unless you choose not to. Look at Max Payne, anyone could have had that adventure and the game would still work out just fine, maybe better. What you think no one else could get in trouble and end up in San Paulo to shoot up the bad people? You can't tell me running around searching tombs as yourself (or making an Indy Jones) would be any less fun then playing as Laura or Nathan, different but I doubt less fun.
This seems like an easy solution to a very complex problem. I can not think of a more inclusive way to get into any game world then being my own character in that world.
Notice I stated that not every game needs this feature but I believe many games, even Call of Duty, should have it. After all we live in a world where anyone can be a soldier, man or woman in real life, so why not in game. You don't need a name they can call you by rank or a nickname as far as voice acting goes. The only extra cost for them would be the female voice actor's pay, but since they sell 20 million a year, I think they can do it.
For those that think a huge story would suffer like with GTA:SA, I disagree and here is why. Take CJ from GTA:SA for a second. They could have used him as a default male and still make your character make sense even if you choose an Asian female. He is how, you have the same back story, you get in trouble and go to Liberty City just like he did. Your mom dies and you go back to San Andreas, just like he does, only now it is your adopted family. There you go, you would have the same friends, know the same people, have the same brother and sister, and can have the same adventure he did only now your an Asian women not a Black man. This is how I hope the industry deals with it anyway on the gaming side of things.
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