"I not buying it this year" How many times have you hear or read that?
I bet it was said by 20 million of the 22 million that bought Black Ops 2 (current total worldwide sales.) People really started to say this after CoD 3, MW, WaW, MW2, Black Ops, MW3, and said Black Ops 2. Wonder how many are going to buy MW4 this time, only 20 million and not 22? When gamers don't buy it anymore is the only chance that yearly games won't come out anymore.
Why wouldn't they dish it out as long as it keeps selling 20 million every time at least. I don't blame them, nor should you. Blame the 20+ million that buy it every year and pay for yearly DLC passes. Sure they might be able to hold off and make a better game, but if you keep buying it, why would they? They see it as "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", you buy they make. Simple for them to sell 20 million a pop now, so it will keep going on and on for years most likely.
R* deserves praise for waiting and getting it hopefully right, however 5 years is way to long between titles not that I want one every year, but 3 years seems like the right time for GTA games.
@Navardo95 @gamingfrendly Free tip you can save the numbers on your cell phone and if you do not have all the Achievements you can create another save file for those days you just want to roam around and use the cheats! Not all of the cheats affect achievements so those you can save for use with your main save file.
@Navardo95 @gamingfrendly Ask and you both shall receive, use your in game cell phone. here is a link for the numbers. http://www.gamespot.com/grand-theft-auto-iv/cheats/
@Apastron @MrHatnClogs Your right they have 4, GTA, Max Payne, Red Dead, and LA Noire. Really however your way off base about Call of Duty. They (Activision) own World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and that is just on the PC side. They also have Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk, and tons of other yearly games they have ruined just like they are doing with Call of Duty now. They do not "need" it its just gravy for them that every year they get another 10 million to by the same game over and over. FYI Rock Band is from MTV and Harmonic but yearly releases killed both games anyway.
@egger7577 That is an opinion I do not share, I hated the Witcher and what else do they have that has sold anything? If they are so great where is the big hit? Witcher 2 barley has sold over 1 million combining Xbox360 and PC sells after almost 3 years now. So they gave out some free DLC, so did EA for Mass Effect 3 and other games, does that make them great now? BTW its CD Projekt RED, at least get the name correct if you like them.
@JBStone1981 I agree, but Bioware? Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, SW:TOR, and lackluster DLC from them for a few years now. The whole ME series is average (decent story in 1 and 2, 3 not so much, but all of them have clumsy controls) they haven't really knocked it out since SW:KOTOR and to a lesser extent the first Dragon Age. They (or you) can try and blame EA but they came up with the games stories, level designs, and bad controls, not EA. That would be like blaming 2K for Duke Nukem or Aliens Colonial Marines, they just publish what they are given by the studios to publish, good or not. Sorry but Bioware needs to stop getting a free pass, they where great once, but no where near it now.
@petez34 @Lanzo86 @moisan4 I think he is 100% correct on this. Lets just look at Skyrim and how it has sold.
All these are global sell totals.
7.4 Million on Xbox 360, 4.47 Million on PS3, 2.75 Million on PC. Be realistic no way any company is going to choose to go PC only and leave 11.87 Million sales out of a total of 14.27 units sold.
Yep it can run and look better on a PC but if you build it for only the PC you lose way to many sells and PC games are so easily pirated that the physical sells on PC are less the the pirated totals.
Example the Witcher 2 was released for PC only in 2011 and has to date sold .8 Million world wide on PC, and when the Xbox 360 version came out in 2012 it has sold now .61 Million. Total of 1.42 Million in sales. It was pirated over 4.5 million times thanks to being a PC exclusive first.
So why would any company wastes it time, money, and effort to please the PC gamer when it doesn't benefit them at all really to do it? What so you 500,000 or so "real" gamers can say how cool you are to have the Witcher? Great that a small few of you PC gamers may buy the PC game, too bad there will be 5 million copies of that game out there no one payed anyone for. So yes it is very easy to say that consoles make PC gaming possible at all with a strait face, I believe data that goes all the way back to Atari that proves it.
@rem234 Very true but still it is a way for them to make more money by NOT putting one out over letting them either pick up a new copy at the greatest hits price of $20 then having to buy the DLC like everyone else. Also any used copies of the games have to potential to sell DLC. I have some GOTY editions and they are a great value, however I see it as a failed business model. If I wanted the DLC without the GOTY I would HAVE to buy it from only them. Again this is to prevent loss from used sales, that is just how I would solve the issue.
@rem234 @JustPlainLucas @Pi "No other industry makes money off used markets because there is no other industry that parallels the game industry" That's funny, that's a good one. You can not be serious could you? No used cars, appliances, clothes, furniture, books, CD's, DVD's, TV's, Ebay's Craig lists, Amazons, or local swap meets. Sure only the game industry, you where joking right?
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