@texasgoldrush You again. People can have an opinion (and I agree the DLC has sucked so far, from ashes should have been shipped with the game, the LA Mass Effect for the second DLC with a giant squid that you can not even fight, and a battle royal on Omega that like stated above didn't add anything to the story at all. Also 1 stupid entry in a log that someone may or may not find is not a good answer, and if I remember correctly was added in the EC update that was needed to close some of the largest plot holes in history for any story ever told.
So once again you just tell people they are wrong, like your some video game master we should all listen too. You have posted that you love the game, accept that most people didn't and let them have their say and they are not wrong. It may be all in the narrative, but that narrative still lacks in quality and, face it, most people hated it.
Deal with it dude and let people express their disappointment in a subpar product you think is great. You are not the Video Game master of as all that we should even listen to anything you say, your on everyone with a different opinion for days now, stop it, we get it, you like a game we all find to be subpar. You really think he read your post and said "gee I missed a quick log entry that would have made me love this game! If only I had read a paragraph to try and close a plot hole to my Red, Blue, or Green ending giving by a new character with no boss fight at all, or any cool battles with my Military built up for nothing for hours of game play."
@texasgoldrush @MinerAvatar So, the real world data collected by Bioware was not just with online polls you know that right? Also how many cases of fraud where there in the Primaries about who really won in almost all of the states? Who's delegates where not allowed on the floor of the RNC?
Still doesn't change the fact, most people hated the ending. Who cares what ending they hated at this point, the damage is already done. The EC didn't fix all the problems, just made it slightly better as to the major plot holes they fixed a bit, still left much to be desired overall.
The facts do not support you at all, your wrong. Don't like the facts, oh well there they are for all to see. You can not just toss away facts you do not like. Too bad they don't back up your argument, so they must not be true then, thats all you have? I thought your some kind of super genius?
Fact: Your opinion is a very small minority, deal with it. Like it or not you have no greater knowledge then me about this and have no right to expect me to like that piece of crap ending any more then I do for you to hate it. What makes your opinion count more then mine? You think your smarter? I bet you I am older, better educated, better paid, and have a higher quality of life then yours overall. Want to take an IQ test to settle it as to who gets to be right? That is your attitude about this game isn't it, your right and oh so smart, so you must be the majority, even if your clearly not. That is bad science and doesn't sound like someone with a high IQ to me that can not accept the findings they are given that do not support their theory.
@texasgoldrush @MinerAvatar Right the data collected by Bioware that states 90% hated the endings is false then, why would they admit that if it wasn't true? So the very real people that took the polls, that again are over 90%, are all incorrect too. Oh wait they must be because you like the ending and everyone else is just so stupid to expect that they get what the "artist" promised they would get as in NO A,B, OR C endings as unfair to its fans. I bet the interviews are just misprinted on the net and magazines are all wrong. I bet the video's of them saying those words are also doctored.
So go ahead and live in your Green, Blue, or Red world, whatever color your sky is where the majority like the endings. Did Mitt Romney win in your world too? Facts are not opinions however even if these facts are based on a majority of peoples opinions. Great you like the end, I totally understand the ends to Sopranos and Mass Effect, but like the real factual majority based on real documented numbers, and not your lone opinion, think they sucked. Maybe your just too stupid to understand bad writing and lazy story telling and how it can ruin an otherwise good story like the rest of us can.
The DLC for this game is almost as bad as the ending. I am talking about the SP DLC (short, average, and overpriced), not the free MP map packs, free is never bad. At this point they should just be focused on trying to make a new story and leave the entire thing to die already. It is not helping me forget the disapointment of the shipped endings and how pointless all three games become once you experience the end. Yes I understand all the endings then and now and I still hate them. If they had shipped with the EC ends it is a little better, but it didn't ship that way, did it?
Every time someone doesn't like the ending someone always goes strait for the "you just don't understand the ending." I will type slow so the 10% that like the end get it, we do understand the ending and it still sucks horribly. If you like the end great, but don't you dare tell anyone they don't understand it if they don't like it. 90% of the fans of the game hated the ending, what don't you seem to understand about that? The Soporanos had a "proper" ending too, but it still sucked to the majority of rational humans.
@ArataWata That is why they let you save right after that part in the cart, so your new characters do not have to do it again! What you think they should start off in a prison in the Imperial City and get broken out by an Emperor or something? Like that would happen.
@DarthLod Each peice of DLC is $10 as well as Gaige. The new Skins they put out are $15 if you buy them for everyone. So that is $65. The pass is $30, $10 for Gaige if you had to pay for her, and $15 for the new Skins if they are on this disc, they could just be the skins included with the 2 DLC's. I think that is likely since the skins came out around the same time as Hammerlock that isn't on this disc. That is $55 so still your going to save at least $10. Myself I got Gaige, the Arena, and all the DLC's packs for $30 so I saved at least $20 since I am not getting skins for a FPS that don't do anything. It is possible the level cap increase will be part of the Season Pass but not free otherwise, just based on the comments made about how hard it is proving to make by Randy.
@Altazen @Ultra_Taco What you mean make a really boring story with a terrible ending? I think CDPR and Bioware already have that market covered. The price is $30 not $40 so you get the skins and the arena for free but still pay for the 2 DLC's and Gaige so not a bad deal for anyone. Unless your a Witcher 2 fan that love Dragon Age 2 level designs in your game with lame stories and hate Skyrim. Jokes on you since the Witcher 3 will be more like Skyrim! Want to bet they charge for DLC this time?
@dlCHIEF58 @emperiox It also does not negate the fact the ending sucked to over 90% of Mass Effect players, I would say fans, but Bioware doesn't have many of those left these days. From day one buys for them to, oh boy, better read a review, wonder if they can hit average at least this time.
At times I have enjoyed Madden in the past often playing several seasons and having some fun. Madden 13 I played only one season before the updates and one after they allowed custom offline rosters in that update. It never was really fun to play 13 it always was a grind and included feature like custom playbooks that you can't even use, What the? This generation has been very bad and it has to be because they have zero competition thanks to the NFL giving EA all the rights. How interesting that a sport (NFL football) that prides itself on competition and fairness chooses to not allow competition or show any fairness to its fans. I honestly hope M25 fails so miserably that the darn NFL will allow others to make a real football game.
After 13 it just might fail, I will never buy another Madden until they make it fun again like it was with Madden 2005 on the PS2 (and everything it could be released on). That is all I have ever seen people ask EA for, make it like it was when it was fun last generation. Still Madden 2005 has more features then Madden 13, its not rocket science EA, people liked the drills for position like the QB rings and HB vs LB's, custom playbooks, custom rosters, setting prices for parking and things, moving teams into new stadiums, heck you could even create a player in the off season up to year 30 to help replace a retired QB or whatever. So why do they keep taking features away that we had in 2004 when that game came out? Oh yeah they had competition from 2k back then to make them better. You would think the NFL would be able to understand it takes at least two to have a competition and force you to try and be better or go down in defeat.
@G-Man4ever @jcopp72 That was not my experience, I never encountered any bugs at all in GTA 4. I did play MP all the time and other then some lag or people using mods in races once in a while never had any bugs in MP either. I also have never read or heard of any major bugs with GTA4 so what are you talking about? If your talking about problems with the game taking PC mods that where not created by R* as I have heard, well that is the risk of modding a game. I do not recall any major bugs with any R* game, now 2K we know has a few issues .... Looks at Fallout New Vegas when released before updates as example of what not to do at launch.
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