I hate to say it but the senator is right. I played this really violent game called Outlaw on the Atari 2600. In it two block men would engage in brutal battles that would send my square bullet right into the other block man. Sometime you would have to kill plants just to get a clean shot. I can not get that image of head of my square block hitting the other block man, oh God why was I so cruel to you block man! I think I may have PTSD after that game ruined my life. I go to sleep still thinking why did block guy have to die, if only I had shot the wagon instead.
If not for that game I may never had played those other games that are violence simulators like Space Invaders, Defender, and yes I even used an Italian plumber to crush mushrooms and stomp on turtles. The hate crimes grew with games like Contra and Double Dragon. I soon took up Street Fighting to get by then some guy Raiden comes along and forces me into Mortal Kombat.
Next thing I know its all GTA up in here, I stole cars, killed people, and even sold drugs. This all led me to a dark place where I took to assassinating people for money for a group called the Dark Brotherhood in a new land for me called Skyrim. I can not tell you how I dealt with My Call of Duty and the Battlefields fields of destruction, the scars are too fresh. I sought a change after the wars so I went out west for some Redemtion, Red Dead style. Now I just wander the Borderlands looking for Level Cap increases sure to come some day and that next gun to get me buy. Be warned kids, sure its Angry Birds today, but next thing you know you will be attacking people and eating their faces off like in Dead Island, and Miami.
Thank Goodness we have such caring politicians to help prevent people from eating off our faces, we need more like him in office. Don't be a nomad wandering the wastes of the Borderlands (not the Texas, Mexico Border I mean Pandora) like me, be a uptight guy like this Congressmen instead. (Message still waiting NRA approval)
@kungfuj0 Maybe we should put armed guards in congress instead of our schools like the NRA wants, but instead of protecting them they can guard them and not allow then to leave until we get some laws passed to reform how these a--holes are elected with serious limits on what they can do once out of office, you know like stop them from becoming insiders payed millions upon millions to get laws passed they know are bad for America, commonly called lobbyists. Make it a reality show with judges to decide if a congress member should be removed and kicked out based on our call in votes. For now I guess we will just have to vote them out the old fashioned way, but they really have got to go.
@Nzilla I am telling you it is all the ((( 2010's Video Games and movies, 2000's Rap and metal music, 1990's Rap and Grunge Music, 1980's metal music and comedy acts, 1970's Movies and Disco, 1960's TV and the Beatles, 1950's TV and Elvis, Pick a time and its always some form of entertainment to blame for how messed up the kids are.)) Never the parents, government, or teachers raising the kids however. Nope it wasn't that they where molested, abused, locked in a cage, or forced to steal food to eat. It has to be (( insert entertainment form here )). How do these people get elected?
They always complain about games yet the Walking Dead TV show is only TV-14. The games they are talking about are all M-17 and require an adult to buy them. Anyone with access to AMC can tune in for free and see graphic violence way worse then anything I have seen in any game, even the ones rated M, and they do them to people not just walkers that are infected. Don't misunderstand, I love the TV show, but seriously TV-14 for that level of violence is a joke just like claiming M-17 rated games cause people to kill.
That 20 year old kid has seen real war his entire adult life and had serious mental issues. Even if he never played one game ever they would blame it on some rap or metal song he heard, or a movie he saw. These politicians refuse to accept they have failed the American people with their own polices that have allowed 2 wars, endless debt, torture (oops I mean advanced interrogation), unchecked violent crimes that involve guns like this incident and used in common street crimes, yet its always something or someone else and never their fault.
Why would real life torture and killing of people influence him right? We only glorify it with shows like 24 and how so many of you think it is 100% OK to torture another human if it "keeps us safe". It is this refusal to understand how basic human rights do not need to be violated to get answers that is a problem. There really are better and more effective ways to extract information and they tend to be more accurate if you look at the data.
Fact is violence begets violence. No matter who did what to who when, someone was on the short end and wants revenge for crimes long forgotten by most. When they get revenge then the person or people they hurt want their revenge for that crime. How many games and movies glorify revenge? We have turned a country once seen as a beacon of hope into the beginnings of a police state and are only a few short steps away from total tyranny with no oversight to control our elected officials with the laws they are passing like the NDAA, along with things like SOPA and bills to censor what they deem "unclean" for us. They can not even balance a budget I sure do not need them to tell me how to live the "right" way.
From what I can tell, and this is only my opinion, this all happened when his mom told him he didn't have what it took to be a real life solder, he wanted to prove her wrong. Real life made him kill not any fantasy world, it is our own dark world we allowed to be built while we sit by and blame these very politicians that somehow keep getting reelected by us. Lastly art is a reflection of society, right now our society is based on killing, torture, and glorified violence in the name of "insert god, country, or perceived just cause here". End the wars and balance the budget and until you do kindly shut the F--- Up and do your actual jobs congress members. Stop wasting our time and money on steroids in sports and violent art in any form and fix the real problems!
@ZiggyStardust66 But to quote our politicians "corporations are people too." So if EA wants to marry Ebay who are we to judge. Have you seen the bottom lines of those two corporations? Oh yeah, spread that worksheet and shake those money makers, oh I better see if I can find some pic's of their logo's scissoring.
@loafofgame @MinerAvatar Remember that that 4th option was added much latter with the EC so when it shipped, there where only three ends all in blazing colors of Red, Blue, or Green!
@everyday182 In two you can die and fail the mission and two plays out very differently based on your choices, not so in 3. Everything in 3 gets broken down to war assets that really do not mean anything. In 2 for example the assets you get can decide who lives and dies in the end, not so in 3 its just a number that you can bolster with MP making your choices even less relevant. Hey and at least in 1 and 2 you get to fight an end boss and those ends didn't just come in different colors with the same cut scenes!
@Khasym What merits like poor AI and level design? Crappy controls? Oh you mean the major story changes like the Queen and Krogan, oh wait that stuff goes back to a static story that controls every choice by breaking it into war assets. So these small changes really are just a few conversations that only affect war assets in a game that you cannot really fail anyway.
Sure more stuff might get blown up with fewer war assets but in the end it always come down to Red, Blue, or Green. Three static story choices forced on you by the very people that said "we would never reduce Mass Effects end to an A, B, or C choice." Oops guess they did do just that. I am glad you enjoyed Mass Effect 3, I didn't. Why don't you see the major flaws in the logic of the end, poor level designs, lame war assets that get reduced to a number, MP mode that is beyond repetitive, and crappy controls?
I am tired of you fans telling me I am wrong because I don't have rose colored glasses and see the real design flaws of this game. Well guess what still 90% of people hated the end even with the EC so deal with it, your a minority when it comes to this game. You like something many other people do not, but don't pretend like there is a great game underneath Mass Effect 3 because the clunky controls, bad levels, and horrid AI prove differently. So maybe the naysayers just don't have rose colored glasses on for one company and can see the very real flaws in a 3rd person shooter with a poor cover control scheme, poor level design, and lackluster AI.
People should give the Mass Effect 3 ending a pass, completely. Just play Mass Effect 1 and 2 and imagine your own ending. Forget the ending of 3, the missions sucked overall with poor level design but some decent story telling at least at times, the cover system is very clunky, and the powers can be done almost none stop. It was by far way easier then 1 or 2 on insanity because of the broken AI just taking your powers none stop. I didn't even have to micro manage my squad mates to beat insanity mode like the other 2. It is even worse in the MP.
Every single MP session is hit power button 1, then power button 2, and once in a blue moon power 3. Guns optional. Stand right here in this corner of the map and do not move, repeat button massing till all stupid enemies walk right into your powers are dead. Then purchase a pack and hope you get a new character (seems you always get guns first). Didn't get one, well just use real world money so you can stand in the same corner of the map and hit their power buttons none stop to get more credits to buy another character to stand there with. Takes real talent to stand in a room and hit RB and LB none stop but that is how it is.
That is Mass Effect 3 in a nut shell, go here kill everything with clunky controls and get a three color ending in SP, then just go stand in a corner of a MP map and hit your power button till you have enough credits to repeat with another character. Like many have stated I played both 1 and 2 at least 6 times with one of each character type. I have played ME3 only 2 times in SP, once when I first got it and once the EC end came out in insanity mode. The main reason for that is the end has very little differences (one gets a breath, one doesn't, oh wow) as a full renegade or a full paragon (other then color), so there is no replay value for this title sadly. The end game content was so bad it really did kill the entire franchise for me. I did enjoy the MP at first until people just took to hiding in a corner and hitting the power buttons none stop to get credits to get the "new" character types and that became the focus of MP for most people and killed it off for me.
MinerAvatar's comments