@Attitude2000: er. . Dogs, tv shows, movies ... other people giving commands because it doesn't actually know the difference between you or them, even though that is what they sold.
@dlCHIEF58: ??? Pause the movie?... that is what you use it for???? Look, I get being able to control basic functions, in the slowest way possible, is handy when for some reason your hands are full or busy with other things..... but pausing a movie?
In the time you spent to say "xbox, pause movie" or even just "xbox pause" you could have simply grabbed the remote and pressed pause 5 times over.
Fyi... this wirks over headset, canera, vita, and mobile on ps4....it was a standard feature from day 1 with no strings attached.
And lol.... tracking down headsets... because they wander so far from the controller.....
@bickle2: all of it, which you would readily see were you knowledgeable in such fields and thus we have evidence provided by yourself no less indicating the contrary.
It is unwise to tell others to be silent especially when one has no clue what they themselves are talking about.
@bickle2: your position is so weak all you can do now is sling verbal fecal matter as though you were but a primate throwing a tantrum.
I've read all you have posted, and I am suprised you haven't tried to play a pbj sandwich in your drive yet. You clearly know next to nothing on any of these topics, as is apparent given your post history. You have said little, and what little you have said makes you a fool....
@dlCHIEF58: the games were there, but lacking in depth and direction, and relegated to the same arm flapping due to the lag and inaccuracy of the kinect..it was a nice dream but failed even on paper due to reality.
Mirimon78's comments