@7tizz: lol, making things up now eh? Fyi, I have had them all, ps2, xbox, 360, ps3 in OIF (that would be Iraq to you), OEF, and Kosovo.. lands of the bootleg... all played fine on ps3, including bootleg games... sounds like you don’t know how to make a disc to me.
@7tizz: that statement is a fabrication, especially since it was forced into the 360 packaging... and when it was force into ALL xb1 boxes we saw just how well kinect "sold".
If you could convince me on that as a sale all on its own (which you wont) then sure, but as it stands no, that is another pr fabrication of msft... more twisted tales and shifting goal posts.
Kinect was a failure, from day one when it was forced and spammed at us on all fronts, to now. It was never going to make it since it still has not solved the issue of lag and inaccuracy.
Mirimon78's comments