Since there are way to many topics and fanboys saying that MS won this year E3, i decided to use facts to prove Sony had the best shown out of the three companies.
Sony Conference:
God of War 3
Rachet & Clank sequel
New arcade games
New PSP package, new games for psp, resistence etc.
Showed off Home and talked about new features of PSN.
New 80GB PS3 for $399
Some new games for PS2
MS conference:
New avatars, new dashboard for Live.
The start in your movie thing game or whatever it is
Showed off, RE5, Gears 2, Fallout 3, Fable2 (all games we already knew)
Showed some new arcade games, Portal etc.
And they announced Final Fantasy is going to be on Xbox 360.
So seriously, theres no way MS won E3, because they only showed off new arcade games, avatars, and new dashboard for live and Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is not even an exclusive so i don't know why all the fuss is about. Sony announced new god of war game, that MAG game, the new PSP games, some new arcade games and the new standard 80GB PS3 model.
I don't know about you but don't tell me MS won because now they got a new multiplat game to go along with there already announced games....
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