what do the selection of games have to do with reliability? yes, 360's are more unreliable than ps3, but that doesn't mean all 360s are guaranteed to break. i've had mine nearly 2 years and it's still going fine. this is in strak contrast to the problem that ps3 suffers from and that's that every single one of them areaffected bythecompletely rubbishselection of games and what good is a reliable console with no games to play on it?
hopefully this'll change in the coming year but then microsoft are also sorting out their reliability problems so i guess it'll be all even come christmas and you fanboys won't have anything to argue over
PS3 has **** loads of great games lol.
Oblivion, COD 4, Orange Box, Resistence, UT3, HS, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Advance warfigher 2 and many more... Not to mention all the upcoming games in 08
PS3 has many great games but lemmings are in denile
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