Mitjastiskovski's forum posts
Ok srry about the fck up.
Heres the specs of both system. Mine is left side and He's is right
- AMD 64 3400+ 2.2Ghz............. AMD 64 3800+ 2.4Ghz
- X1950pro 256MB (587/769)...... X1950pro256Mb (580/702)
- Driver Version
Thats pretty much it we got the same RAM, his got different motherboard and hard disk and everything else is the same.
Both system tested had the same settings.
3dmark score 4011......5624
SM 2.0 score 1806.......2829
SM 3.0 score 1997.......3432
CPU score 851......867
- CPU test 1 (0.268 FPS) Yes i know its bad =) .......(0.276)
- CPU test 2 (0.431 FPS).......0.436
Graphic test:
test 1 (13.98 FPS........23.411FPS)
test 2 (16.118 FPS.......23.737FPS)
HDR test 1 Used 3.0SM (19.025FPS......36.663FPS) Man this is getting bad LOL
HDR test 2 3.0SM 20.918FPS.....31.987FPS)
And thats it. I am not much of an expert but does 0.2 Mhz on processor makes such a difference??? Should i get the better score in graphic since my core and memory speed is faster than his?
My PSU is
Coolermaster IGreen 500W PSU so i dont think thats a problemAny help would be great. Thx for reading
I ran a test on the 3DMARK06 and i got my results back. I first thought that the results were ok but then i compared them with another guy, that only has a better rpocessor than me and his score were much higher.
On this webpage you can see my results and my hardware info, i am on the left side and the guy i am comparing with is on the right side. As you can see he had the same settings as me and the hardware is pretty much the same but he got better score.
I dont know if it is normal or not but it looks like my CPU might be bottlenecking my graphic card
I got a slight better graphic card than him my core clock and memory speed is faster but i am somewhat 10fps off when it comes to graphic test.
Can anyone explain to me whats going on?
Btw i got 500Watts PSU which had really good reviews so my PSU is good, so that shouln't be a problem
Thx for any help =)
AMD 64 3400+ 2.4 Ghz
1GB of DDR1 400Mhz RAM
My friend told me i got crap ram. I am thinking of upgrading my ram, but should i save up and buy a new processor, motherboard and ram?
Should i just buy new 1 GB of ram or upgrade my whole computer?
If i am going to upgrade my processor, mother and ram i am thinking of gettign Q6600 and DDR2 ram and a motherboard
So which one would you guys chose which idea is better?
One more question, is my CPU bottlenecking my graphic card?
Dude just get Battlefield 2 modern combat and forget about the rest of the games. BF2 is the best online game for PS2 by miles and theres no lag what so ever when playing online
Heres some videos of people playing online.
The video are bad quality but you will get the idea
I got
AMD 64 3400+
1GB of RAM
I use XP home
And i can play crysis on medium settings andi get about 25-30fps. I just tryed low setting 10 min ago and i get 30+ stable fps.
I am quite suprised that my pc can run it that well
I can crysis on medium setting and i get about 30fps. On low setting i can easily get 30+
I got:
AMD 64 3400+
1GB of DDR 400Mhz Ram
Sure, you have your "11 games rated 8 or above." Last time I counted, the 360 had over 60 AA and 9 AAA games (not counting one AAA Live Arcade game). accameron
so what you are saying is that xbox have more games 69+ good games right. But what is the point of having all of those games you cant play them. Only people without a life and are rich as hell can play all of those games. Plus having games 7 or below dosent mean that their are crap games, i play more games on my PS2 that had bad reviews on gamespot but that dosent stop me enjoying them games
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